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*WIP* - Bespin Arena -

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I left JK2 for quite some time after working on a slew of maps during my 3 years or so mapping.  The last project I worked on was the Shroomduck Inc. map pack then I kinda dropped out for a while.  One evening a couple months ago I decided to find my back ups from years ago and mess around with radiant a bit.  As I was messing around many things just started to fall into place as if it was meant to be and I decided to give it a go and release another map or 2.


I have 2 maps I am working on.  The wip I am giving access to was the 1st idea I had and has evolved over time just a little bit.  Currently intended for JK2 but will work on converting to JA as soon as possible.  It should work in JA except the triggers will be a bit funky if I remember correctly adn of course some textures missing but if you have a mod that has jk2 textures or possibly even a ffa_bespin converted to JA it might help replace a few missing textures.


Basically, I've gone through all my old maps and squished them together with a ton of original recent work to make 2 maps.


Bespin arena's main area actually began as a duel map I made and released on jk2 files I think.  The map was a bit broken (a couple walls could be walked through) but I never released a fixed version of the map.  When I rediscovered this map I decided to build on to it and thus is what is has become today.  There are pieces of bespin ruins (from Shroomduck Inc), ffa_khomm (from Shroomduck Inc), LM_Bespin (never officially released), LM_Streets (official release), The Bingstation (official release), forest house (ooks Arcade Games and pooltable, also in Bespin Ruins) and little bits of pieces taken from other maps I never released officially including pieces of one or 2 of the first maps I ever made.  Enough about that though.


I will release this with a clan mod to turn this map into a clan map using a few custom textures.  I have approximatly 9 custom textures that can be switched out to allow a clan to personalize the map. 


**Clan mod is not included in this WIP currently.

**Textures in place for the clan mod in this WIP subject to change 


2 areas need work which is a council room and a room near the pad area with nothing in it.  One teleport in main area not connected currently.  And this map does have bot support.  ffa_bespinarena






Boothand, Bane_Ross, z3filus and 1 other like this

This is great! Seems to have the perfect size for this kind of map, and it provides lots of those nostalgia factors. Very cool.

Looking forward to the finished version.


The mirror in the bar could maybe get some texture overlaid to make it look properly like it's a glass there?


One area I had to remove from the map will be included in the ja version as part of the map because of jk2 limitations and it being 1200 brushes with around 500 entities. I plan on releasing the final map file along with the pk3 for the public with permissions to use areas or pieces of areas or objects.  Any suggestions for an area other than a council room a clan map might need that I may be overlooking?  I'm not familiar with JA in recent years if it's evolved into more of role playing or if ctf or other gametype is popular.  The council room may be moved a bit.  I just tidied it up where it was for a wip here on jkhub. 

  • 2 months later...

First of all, Thanks to IrocJeff again for helping me with a workaround for JK2's max shader error using _lightmapscale 2 (or variations thereof).  Because of the workaround I am able to work on this map much more and have had quite an inspiration to expand this map to make it what it should be rather than settling for half a map running into a max shader error after 4000 brushes.  Now the map is currently around 7000 brushes and have been on a mapping crusade to add a bunch of ideas I have had to the map.


And to answer one question some of you may have, why another bespin map?  If you check it out, you'll know why.


Bespin Arena will not be the final name for this map.  I am toying around with some names:


Binger's Bespin is what I had intended.  I am testing the map currently with the name.  I once previously made "The Bing Station".  And the name Binger associated with a map means "fun".  I like to think I am good at gameplay and making fun and interesting things to do when I make a map. However, I am still a little if'y on the name.  I've thought about Bespin 2014 and some others.  If someone has a better name I'd be glad to hear it and possibly adapt it to the map.


That being said, I have a playable version myself of the current progress but it's not quite ready for another beta release.  I do however have a bunch of screenshots I'd like to post and get some feeedback. 


*Also on a side not:  I do use a mod to replace the bespin Sky with one I like to use.


Council room moved and expanded:


It's is still on the same side of the map from the previous beta however it is located within another area now I previously deleted due to max shader error.  It is also a little harder to get to as there is a secret trigger to open the door to get into this area.  I am currently working on making another exit from the council room to move a player from that area to another utilizing a tram system. 











Another deleted max shader error area:


This area has been transformed a couple times and barely resembles it's former self.  Previously it was all walled in with a floor etc.  Then I had a bit of inspiration to redesign the map just a tiny bit lol.  This area is designed using a couple maps I made "The Bingstation"  and a member's room from ":The Outhouse".







The main area of the map has had a couple small additions, here's one.....2 rotating fans in opposite directions with metal grate:











Expanded dojo: 


The dojo I had also wanted to expand but had to limit the design just to keep the map under the JK2 shader error.  I've work on it quite a bit now and I have been very happy with the progress.  I should have taken a couple more pictures of this area but this one will do for now.  This used to be a small rectangular area but has been expanded to what you see now.







A pic of a small ventilator shaft before some slime w/smoke, a forcefielded door for the wall cut-out and a couple other details.  You can get from the main are to another area using this escape route.






Access to the elevator shaft from below:







A piic for a new transitional area which takes you from the main area to one of the side areas using the arrow jumps I made for "The search for Animal Jedi" and a piece from an unreleased ctf map "Rancor Rampage".







Previously deleted area in place where it was intended but removed for the max shader error and now back again with a few improvements.  I have only just begun work for this area (sort of).  This area was taken from Bespin ruins (mostly).  I've added a little to it in the last couple of days.


The council room (pic above) overlooks the x-wing below.  The pad supports were taken from a map I made called"  Khomm from the Shroomduck Inc. map pack.  The "Swingset of Death" comes from "The Outhouse".  The statue on top of the oblisk and a little cricket noise came from "The Temple of Mechanism".  Most of the redesign for this area has gone on in the last couple days and still is in the early stages of the redesign so should look a lot better soon.  2 new connections to this area have been made recently with another one in the works with the possibility of another shortly.










Here's a before redesign picture of that area:







I've been getting a lot of inspiration for this map recently adn hope to make many more improvements soon and get another beta out there to test.  I'd love to hear any criticism or comments anyone has about the map and/or screens I posted.  :)

Onysfx and Boothand like this



Dude...you could make a bespin map for MBII xD.



Binger as in Baa-daa-bing  lol  (sorry have to correct :P )



Why do you think that?  Please comment :)


Ah shoot, your right, I meant to say binger xD. And mainly just because the design of your maps looks like it would have good gameplay.


I just ran through the last compile and made a 3 sticky note, small written set of things to do before releasing a beta WIP.  I think I have the main ideas to finish this map up as intended without gettting over compllicated.  Once I get through the list, I will have the main map areas and connections finished.  All that will be left to do is to work in a few details.


Edit:  Another pic I had uploaded of the floating area.  This area will undergo a relight and have some details added.  There are rotating lights underneath similar to an upside down lighthouse.  Those are the light halos you see underneath.





Bek likes this

Oh wow, it really is amazing to see it expand like this! I loved the map before even with its limited size. This is a project worthy of much support!


Thanks Chap, Boot and Ony.



I've been working alot on getting my editing list completed and situated.  One line on my list could consist of a few seconds work to a few hours for the smallest of them on the list.  I've got most everything connected.  Added some camera rooms with access from the Council room (something I've done for a few maps I have made in the past).  I've been working on the tram area but still have not made a tram yet but I have found my direction for that area and progress is moving along.


Some of what I have on my list is to replace are pictures I slapped around here and there with something quick.  I've got about 14 pictures I have to make somehow.  And I do think I may keep the name Binger's Bespin.  The map is made up of all kinds of maps I have made over the years.  Kinda like grabbing the best parts of all my maps....making them better, then making one map outta them.


The only problem with the name though is I also wanted to make the map moddable for clans to turn the signs into clan signs adding their own zipped up pk3.  I planned on releasing a pk3 it with jpegs in the areas where they could be replaced and making the signs show dimensions of the image adn a number in the jpeg so they can be tracked down easily.  Only problem I see with it is that, Binger's Bespin doesn't exactly sound like a clan map to me.  But the name Binger's Bespin still fits better than any other I have come up with.


Anyway. I'll see if I can throw another pic up here later today and show ya a little more.  The one area that is becoming my favorite area of the map is the dojo.  There isn't much to see of it in the pic I posted but I will try to showcase it a little bit before I am done for the day.  So stay tuned......

Boothand likes this

I crashed out hard yesterday after another mapping marathon.  I've been pretty busy.  Only a third of one sticky is left to get done.  I hope to have a good beta ready by Thursday or Friday.


That being said, here's some pics of the dojo:


































As you can see the dojo has really come alive in the last few days.  I still have to make some details like swords etc and the pics on the wall need a little refinishing.  I have added 2 new ways out of the dojo recently and am currently working on smoothing out the transitions.  There is a trigger in the middle there that will open the floor for a pad to come up to fight on that will be open for 3 minutes in JK2 because toggle doesn't work in JK2.  I'll make it toggleable for JKA.  Also there are some training dummies I made for the room and like an old JK2 bowling room I made, the arms of the dummies are usables that have health associated to them.  When you destroy all the arms you can click the button nearest to the dummy and the arms will reset.


There ya have it......Binger's Dojo :)

Barricade24 and Boothand like this
  • 2 weeks later...

Binger's Bespin beta 0.8 available - link below:





This map has undergone a major redesign in the last week.  There is still one area left to relight and many areas need a few details here and there.  There's a few unfinished details here and there but most of the redesign is done.  This version is much closer to a final version than the last version I made available.  After making the dojo I have incorporated some elements from the dojo for other passageways I think work much better than before the redesign.


Also included in this version is Boothand's awesome pine tree!  More shaders and more fun!



And here are some pics:































Any comments or suggestions appreciated.


ty Omi. 


I forgot to mention I am also trying to optimize the map for JK2 1.02 ctf also which is one reason why I have been redesigning the pathways.  Doing so I've been working in some colored light shaders and other lights that pop out a bit more when the map is darker and looks a lot better, plus I have incorporated my bespin skymod to be the main sky shader and it's more of a night time/ dusk setting.  I am trying to divide one side of the map with red lights and the opposite side blue lights.


In the bar I would hit the trigger for the music from the jukebox and try to make it all the way around the map before the music is over and normally I could get back well before the music was done.  There's a couple spots that need some work but there are no doors to run through when jumping around the outside sections of the map and tunnels help keep your speed and propel you into the next room so you can keep jumping without slowing down.  I think I deleted the last areaportal I had in the map during the last restructuring so vis separations is done using portals and hints.


Also not shown in the pictures is an unidentified flying object that makes it's appearance in most areas of the map for a short time then moves on to the next area.  The cool thing about the ufo is it's a train with a rotating shader so it looks like it's spinning while it's moving.  It's a tad on the big side so if it comes into an area u are in it's hard to miss.



Also, for those of you who download and want to check out the map, near the swing behind the sign in a bush is a trigger to open the door to go into the council area.  Also at the pad, there's a small picture frame near the pad.  There's a trigger there also that starts an elevator in the middle of the pad that takes you to the tram area underground (will give you enough time to get there before it goes down and there's no damage iif you jump into it.  Lots of no damage shaders everywhere) to get you to the council room, the x-wing and all the camera rooms with some MIB style lighted hallways :P


Tried the map out for a little bit now. I was really positively surprised by this map. It's easily one of those classic memorable JK2 maps! I found much joy in finding undiscovered areas or details again and again, even though it really feels like one concise and solid map.

Very entertaining, very nice brushwork, cool atmosphere and nice balance of features vs staticness, so far.

Good FPS, no visual problems (it did require me to go from 64 to 128 com_hunkmegs by the way).


Looking forward to the release. Good work :)


There was one missing texture, the brush that curves around the poles in the dojo.

Also, the pine trees could be collision-clipped more precisely I think!


I swear I have fixed that texture at least once lol.  I've done a couple things since I uploaded the beta I had intended to do.  The main area walls have also been adapted to the pad and pine tree area.  I only took a pic of the pad.







I've relit the floating platform some,  No details yet but I made something I had an idea for a while back for this area just now getting around to doing.  A little something I made from my days playing swtor.









Boothand and Circa like this

i just downloaded the newer version and played it. I got the max shader error!!! There is a place where you walk up the ramp, turn right, and you can see the swingset. There is a missing texture right at the top of that ramp.Other than that I really enjoyed it. I was going to offer you the Pac Man sound effect since I have that on my Pac Man machine in my map but you have that in there already....


Max shader error wha???  lol  I guess I'll have to bump the _lightmapscale to 3.  I have 4 custom skins I test with so maybe u have more or mods u have add to the shader limit.


The arcade games come from Forest House Ook made and the sounds have followed.  ty  I found the caulking I had missed there talking about a missing texture.  That area near the swingset needs some work too I just haven't fixed it all just yet.  I am not sure how I am going to make all that work out.  I had to open the entrance into the tunnels near the swingset and doing so I had to cut back the balcony and kinda left it as it is for now.


I've been working on making new textures and shaders for lights I plan on using around the map here and there or to replace some already in the map.  I am also thinking about making a basketball toss game or something or skee ball game lol.


Thanks a lot you 2 for taking the time to give it a test and give me a holler back.  Is there anything you guys didn't like about the map?  Or something you think can be improved?


Max shader error wha???  lol  I guess I'll have to bump the _lightmapscale to 3.  I have 4 custom skins I test with so maybe u have more or mods u have add to the shader limit.


The arcade games come from Forest House Ook made and the sounds have followed.  ty  I found the caulking I had missed there talking about a missing texture.  That area near the swingset needs some work too I just haven't fixed it all just yet.  I am not sure how I am going to make all that work out.  I had to open the entrance into the tunnels near the swingset and doing so I had to cut back the balcony and kinda left it as it is for now.


I've been working on making new textures and shaders for lights I plan on using around the map here and there or to replace some already in the map.  I am also thinking about making a basketball toss game or something or skee ball game lol.


Thanks a lot you 2 for taking the time to give it a test and give me a holler back.  Is there anything you guys didn't like about the map?  Or something you think can be improved?


You could scale down the pool table and arcade machines a bit since they seem oversized compared to the size of the player.


I like the arcade game sizes.  Pool table I am comfortable with also.  I don't think the pool table is too big. Ever play on a real snooker table?  That's a big pool table lol.


Aside from that, Ook from my old clan and the primary designer of Forest House made the arcade games and pool table and being true to his design they are basically exactly the way they were when he made them and I have used them in a couple maps thus far so it's doubtful I will make any changes to them.  Where I have them located in the map might make them look bigger but in the Forest House map they don't really look too big at all.  If anything I think the pool sticks might be a bit too big. 


Anyway, thanks Jeff for looking through the map.  I really appreciate the help and the input.


lil_binger said he loves criticism and feedback, so here you go! :)
Level needs visibility optimization. Either with better structural brush layout, or hint brushing. Both preferably. lockpvs and showtris indicated that performance could be a good deal better throughout most of the level.
*Side note*: Brushwork needs a good bit of treatment in terms of edge mitre to reduce tris counts. Also, there are a good deal of unnecessary surface splits from small brushes lying coplanar with larger brush planes. In the long run, this will cost performance. 


There are quite a few incidents in the level where there is light, but no light source to provide the light. Where is this light coming from? Light entities need accompanying geo/models.
 *Side note*: Where some areas DO have logical light sources, the light generated is not consistent with the light source. Meaning, the amount of light generated is disproportionate to the size of the light source. Also, light colors do not seem to always match the color indicated by the light source.

Where is the light coming from? No logical light sources in vicinity.
Where is the light coming from? No logical light sources in vicinity.
Light is blue. The light sources are white.

The theme is relatively inconsistent throughout the level, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, however the "Bespin" theme and tones in the map look like a frankenstein of Bespin/Cloud city community made maps, or the JKO map. The textures, generally, match the colors and themes of Bespin. This are base textures however, so I guess Raven did a good job there. However, if we look at reference of Bespin, either through art or other games, we find the shapes and geo to be quite different. 
Surfaces in Bespin generally have a very curved quality. Not harsh edges, hexigon/octogon shapes.
Examples from reference image search:

Landing platforms are not hexigons/octogons.
The hard surfaces are curved. Almost a very fluid fungi feel to the architecture.

In terms of texture application, I'd say this level needs a really good pass on alignment and stretching. Some of the patch surfaces have stretched textures, or textures that are misaligned. Some of the brush surfaces need an alignment pass as well, to bring up the quality of the aesthetics.


Numerous layout issues for gameplay types. Inconsistent ramp angles and heights is a problem that needs to be addressed. As well as scale for the geo. Many things do not seem to have been thought out in terms of good scale. Additionally, the current geo needs a very thorough clipping pass. There are a huge amount of hangups in the level to get caught on.
In regards to the layout: The layout is largely unconducive for varied CTF play. Many of the spaces share the same characteristics in terms of space and height variation. This does not support a large amount of player preference. Also, the layout is not optimized. It's sort of baffling unless you sit there and attempt to memorize the map for a large period of time. A good layout should teach the players within the first 5 minutes. There are too many confusing twists and turns that don't seem to have a great deal of thought towards gameplay.








Reads more like a blockout that needs to go through more stages of iteration for the layout. Work with reference at hand. Reference images for lighting, for geometry, and overall texturing. Look at other levels, both included samples and well made community maps to get a handle on scale. Work more towards accommodating various styles of prefered gameplay if you are going to claim to support CTF on the map. Gameplay, gameplay, gameplay. Everything else(lighting, art, etc...) should be built AROUND the gameplay. "Move your rifle around your head, not your head around your rifle."

Boothand likes this

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