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I caught part of a trailer for the last episode on the Disney Channel today while channel surfing.



Looks like Kanan "may" fight the inquisitor but it didn't look like Mustafar.

Also, I think we are going to see the first Rebel organized attack. Or, something close.


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So far from what I can make out in the teaser the early Rebel forces have a few Corellian Corvettes, Gozanti-class cruisers, the Ghost and possibly more which go up against three ISDs with a large complement of TIES to boot.If the planet is volcanic mentioned earlier then that means its Mustafar.The duel will probably take place in a complex on the deadly volcanic world.

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So far from what I can make out in the teaser the early Rebel forces have a few Corellian Corvettes, Gozanti-class cruisers, the Ghost and possibly more which go up against three ISDs with a large complement of TIES to boot.If the planet is volcanic mentioned earlier then that means its Mustafar.The duel will probably take place in a complex on the deadly volcanic world.

Maybe Kanan Will find Anakin's dismembered arm/legs and use them to beat the Inquisitor.

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I would say Kanan could pickup Anakin's lightsaber from his cut off arm but we all know Obi-wan ninja'd it when Anakin & his limbs went flying. :P


Nah I reckon Vader will interrogate him and maybe even duel him just to see if he really is a Jedi. The Inquisitor is just a shit stain compared to Vader.

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One thing that has me excited about seeing Darth Vader in Rebels is the fact that I know Rebels was made by Dave Filoni, the same director of The Clone Wars. He played a vital part in dictating Anakin's ominous fall to the dark side, so I can't help but wonder if we'll see any reflective qualities from Anakin inside of Darth Vader now. It would just be interesting. It's like, Anakin has returned, but in a way that I never imagined. Now we get to see how far he has fallen from the Jedi Knight in the Clone Wars who took upon himself an obligation to save the entire galaxy and those he cared about alone if necessary to the Dark Knight of the Galactic Empire. In a sense, he is still where he used to be, but now he has experienced a new disposition: one that will not tolerate defiance; one that is willing to fully embrace the power of the dark side to finish that which he began long ago.


I wonder if we'll see Ahsoka and Vader encounter each other at one point. Heh, imagine:

"Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your Master."

"He told me enough. He told me you killed him."

"No. I am your Master."


If Maul returned too, imagine if he and Vader fought. FOR REAL.

"My revenge on Darth Sidious will be sated, and you are the beginning of my revenge."


Dunno. But yeah, Darth Vader will appear. I just hope or wonder if we'll see a bit of Anakin we saw in the last animated series within Vader, in one form or another.

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I find all of these interpretations of Vader's mask interesting.


In ROTS, it seems more fleshed out. Humanized. Contemptuous.

In Rebels, it seems menacing and angry.

In Soul Calibur IV, it was a bit frightening.

In TFU, it was cold and calculating.

In the OT, it seemed rather mysterious. Unpredictable.


Interesting how it has varied in different ways. Nonetheless, I think the mask is likely the best designed part of his appearance here. Would be interesting if someone did slight reshaping to the helmet on Toshi's Vader to give off different vibes.


Anyways, yeah. Not too bad. I can see TCW Anakin's head matching up with the shape of that helmet too. :P

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The duel in the trailer reminds pretty much Mustafar (though I disapprove the appearance of the planet in the series, mainly because it falls into the same rule as others - peculiar plants in SW? Felucia of course. Giant alien species against bad guys? Look at the wookies on Kashyyk only! Something terrible and volcanic? Try Mustafar)


The scene has the coloring of the planet from Episode III. We might remember that it made an appearance in TCW as well, at least twice - as a base for Sidious experiments and a base for Black Sun. The funniest thing is that according to books the planet as a mining world for one of the separatists organizations like Techno Union. Yet we see no CIS armies not in a single shot.


It would be in due time, that someone would die in Season's finale. However I can't see, who that might be. Inquisitor is too charismatic to be removed from the series right now. More than that - he is an iconic figure in the whole Rebels, like Darth Vader in OT, Darth Maul in Episode I and Darth Malak in KOTOR. I also doubt that would be Kanan, his story hasn't been told just yet, but wait... Force Ghosts haven't been cancelled. I am sure Kanan would return as one, even if he were killed.


But we have Vader in this episode, so... It would be foolish to suspect, that a few heads (including Imperial ones) wouldn't suffer for certain failures.

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It would be in due time, that someone would die in Season's finale. However I can't see, who that might be. Inquisitor is too charismatic to be removed from the series right now. More than that - he is an iconic figure in the whole Rebels, like Darth Vader in OT, Darth Maul in Episode I and Darth Malak in KOTOR. I also doubt that would be Kanan, his story hasn't been told just yet, but wait... Force Ghosts haven't been cancelled. I am sure Kanan would return as one, even if he were killed.

Except Darth Vader already exists--and I have a feeling that he might/should surface a lot more after this appearance. I hope!

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Maul got killed off in one of the 4-part comic called Son of Dathomir I think..The art style makes Vader look odd especially those A New Hope inspired red tints near the helmets eyes

Nope, Darth Maul wasn't killed. He fled in exile after the Mother faced Sidious.

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Welp, I figured that since this is an image of Darth Vader in Rebels... I mean, I recall some complaints about Rebels' visual presentation in comparison to TCW's (believed to be superior.) So, I did a little edit.


Picture on the left is original, one on the right is my edit:



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Just watched the video originally shown on ABC. Try the link below, though it might or might not work.




Anyways, the thoughts are...


It seems everything said about Mustafar is true, and a large battle will be fought near this planet. We can also see a large Rebel fleet there, and certain moments indicate, that there are several Rebel organizations, which might join forces after the vents in this last episode.


Notable is that the ship of Fulcrum (which I believe to be captain Antilles now, don't know why) also participates in the battle. The character is also present in the show, but I feel we won't see him in the flesh until some episode in Season 2.


The recoloured TIE fighter also looks nice.


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Just watched the video originally shown on ABC. Try the link below, though it might or might not work.




Anyways, the thoughts are...


It seems everything said about Mustafar is true, and a large battle will be fought near this planet. We can also see a large Rebel fleet there, and certain moments indicate, that there are several Rebel organizations, which might join forces after the vents in this last episode.


Notable is that the ship of Fulcrum (which I believe to be captain Antilles now, don't know why) also participates in the battle. The character is also present in the show, but I feel we won't see him in the flesh until some episode in Season 2.


The recoloured TIE fighter also looks nice.



After watching your video link it looks like in the preview that they are fighting inside the Star Destroyer 's main reactor area or power area.

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