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so it's been one year since JKG was released..

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It took me a very, very long time to get it to actually run. I've not had the chance to experience it with other players. I was fond of their UI, though!

Shouldn't be an issue once our new "standalone"-ish version comes out (it checks for JKA assets when installing but does not copy them). Also our download servers are based on JKHub instead of crappy TG servers so it should all be nice and stable.

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Shouldn't be an issue once our new "standalone"-ish version comes out (it checks for JKA assets when installing but does not copy them). Also our download servers are based on JKHub instead of crappy TG servers so it should all be nice and stable.

I haven't followed any updates regarding JKG in a long time. Is there an ETA on the new "standalone"-ish version? :)

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I haven't followed any updates regarding JKG in a long time. Is there an ETA on the new "standalone"-ish version? :)

We were supposed to have a trailer out but it got delayed due to RL issues. We don't have any idea when the next version is out, but we're getting close to releasing it.

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It took me a very, very long time to get it to actually run. I've not had the chance to experience it with other players. I was fond of their UI, though!

A lot of those problems will be fixed with the new/updated launcher.  I've just been running into technical difficulties that are rather annoying, otherwise I might have released a new version of the launcher already for everyone to try.

JKG Developer

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I liked it. The UI was sweet, I liked the weapons and FX. I didn't like some of the maps. I had trouble seeing anyone on Tatooine without turning up the gamma. That Nightfall map is frustrating to play gun combat on. Also, I had a hard time ever finding anyone playing except Pande and one other guy.

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I liked it. The UI was sweet, I liked the weapons and FX. I didn't like some of the maps. I had trouble seeing anyone on Tatooine without turning up the gamma. That Nightfall map is frustrating to play gun combat on. Also, I had a hard time ever finding anyone playing except Pande and one other guy.

I triple dog dare you to make maps for JKG! (Just kidding, of course.)

As far as servers are concerned, anyone can make a server now, and there's no more restrictions on /devmap, so you can fool around all you want. The admin system has been revamped heavily and unified, also it's scripted in Lua, meaning any server can (potentially) have their own cool commands for their admins. This gets even more interesting once you figure that the building system is also scripted in Lua, making for some cool user-created content like racing games and the like. Everything (sans the launcher and our private master server/authorization hybrid monitor schema -- more on this in a minute) is also open source.

I already have a master plan in place for the MMO stuff going forward. The major engineering hurdles left to go would be the actual engine breaking that I want to deal with -- stuff like modern graphics is in the pipeline, but it's way far out. There's also some really neat experimental concepts in the design phases, stuff like shaders that can play SWFs exported from Flash, AVI support, Skyrim-style mapping (+ DLRG). But yeah, that stuff is pretty far out.

What we've been working on is mostly saber stuff. Currently dealing with some blocking bugs right now, such as the nice way that base spews memory all over the place. Trying also to get the game as polished as can be, with lots of little nuances fixed and generally smoother animations.

Stoiss, NumberWan and Omicron like this
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JKG was really disappointing the first time - can't believe its been another year!!!


Waiting for the new one with excitement, although not as much as the first one :D

I always wondered what would happen if I made a mod and advertized it as a really cool skin and then hyped it up for years on end and then revealed it to be a full conversion MMO if people would be pleased, or if it would be better off to just reverse the order...?  :D

JKG Developer

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  • 3 weeks later...

My experience was some of the maps leading up to the release being released by SJC, but I didn't even know it had been released officially. So the servers are down and that's why we're waiting for another version?

We've been switching engines (to openjk) and preparing things for phase II.  We wanted to have phase I up, but had some technical difficulties do to web server host issues that we are still fixing - so we haven't maintained a phase I server.

JKG Developer

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We've been switching engines (to openjk) and preparing things for phase II.  We wanted to have phase I up, but had some technical difficulties do to web server host issues that we are still fixing - so we haven't maintained a phase I server.


Openjk, would that be when they released the source code for all to use?

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Openjk, would that be when they released the source code for all to use?

Kind of.  OpenJK is based on that source code release.  Read this.


Keep in mind the next release may not end up being phase 2, we may just release early and call it phase 1.5 or something.  Still deciding exactly what to do with the next release.  Right now we're more concerned with fixing up a few things and getting the saber system right.

JKG Developer

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It's being worked on and we're close to releasing a closed beta. We're interested in video editing people, and people with skills in machinima editing who can do a video for us might be indulged in very early access.


Of course, people can feel free to use and learn from our source code, it's all open and there's always new commits coming in:



There will be some developments and information coming soon. Just wait for it. :)


If people have any video editing skills, they may want to PM me.

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