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Cloth sim experiments...

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Try SimCloth3 v1.84 for 3dsMax 8 from Chaos Group (search for it on maxplugins.de)... better yet, here is the direct download link:




They also made a "cloth mesh" object (ClothMesh v3.0) to use with it... get it here:  http://www.spot3d.com/simcloth/files/SimCloth_2.53_for_3dsmax_R6R7.zip


The source code for the plugin is here: http://www.spot3d.com/simcloth/download.html


Note:  All of these links are on maxplugins.de


One question/concern I have is... how might this cloth object impact the bounding box of the player?  What if you do a spin move near a wall or crate object, etc. and your cape collides with it?

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bounding box:


I don't think it will be a problem at all. Afaik, the bounding box is the entire player model, not just individual parts. However, I'll let a coder give a definitive answer about this.



simcloth 3:


Tried simcloth 3, made things a lot more difficult tbh and didn't exactly work. The cloth modifier is working very well, so I see no need to swap it out with something else.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's a test of both_walk1 using cloth sim baked onto the bones:






This skeleton has:


- 7 cape bones (5 center, 2 on each side at the bottom)

- 2 front flap bones (down the center)

- 2 back flap bones (down the center)

- new set of facial bones (complete with all redone animations and others ie sad, angry, etc)

- original facial bones for compatibility (only animated for all the baseJKA animations, not the new expressions I've made)

- all 5 fingers with 3 segments

- toes


Removed bones:


- ltail & rtail


BaseJKA rigged models can still use this, provided there is a conversion table in the code. But without re-rigging, models won't have access to facial animations or any cloth simulation.

Omicron, Psyk0Sith, Futuza and 5 others like this
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So I love everything you did there, but why did you remove the facial bones? I know you are making new and better one, so would these conflict with the older ones? I'm just thinking about all the existing models that won't be rerigged like the base models or very popular models like Obi and Ani.

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Here's a test of both_walk1 using cloth sim baked onto the bones:






This skeleton has:


- 10 cape bones (5 left, 5 right)

- 2 front flap bones (down the center)

- 2 back flap bones (down the center)

- new set of facial bones (complete with all redone animations and others ie sad, angry, etc)

- original facial bones for compatibility (only animated for all the baseJKA animations, not the new expressions I've made)

- all 5 fingers with 3 segments

- toes


Removed bones:


- ltail & rtail


BaseJKA rigged models can still use this, provided there is a conversion table in the code. But without re-rigging, models won't have access to facial animations or any cloth simulation.

Why remove the tailbones??? Why not just use them in your cloak or for backside tunic or tabbards??? Seems like they would be handy when a character is riding a vehicle or sitting down...

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Those tail bones can't do anything that the cape & tabard bones can't do better. ;)


When in a vehicle, I'll "stuff" the majority of the cape right behind the back so no odd clipping happens (can't have free flowing cape as the actual player animation is pretty much static).

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  • 2 months later...

After months of neglect i started poking around the files again and now have the starting base for this thing to become a reality, unless @@DT85 has this all figured out already :D.


My new GLA doesn't contain new cloth bones yet, only 51 bones of the 53 "stock" ones (plus i'll need to add bolts and caps to the root.xsi). It's basically a recompile of the 21375 frames into an alternate GLA. As expected this alternate version can't be loaded in the game. The only confirmation i get this is working, is from the Ja plus menu character selection, i can see the dummy model walking like the others and when i take out the new .gla the game crashes at startup...but everything looks ok in modview. I want to test and make sure this rig will behave normally before i move further and add the new bones to it. Any coders willing to help with this hurdle?

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