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TFU 1.5 Mod Overview

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Well I sure hope so, I know him from my old days or... well I've come across Chalk at some point in the past, I'm sure of that. And if nothing else, I'd love to see an Unleashed TC for JKA, I remember many tried and noone came through with it, mostly because of the force power restrictions. Or well first hand actually finishing at least the storyline or something. Yes, motivation was the main issue before, which I'm sure is not the case with Chalk.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd rather necro a thread rather than post a new one. :P



I have a question Chalk. Seeing as it looks like events of TFU 1 & 2 aren't part of the new movies & tv series universe (tbh looks like Disney is just forgetting Starkiller existed lol), how does this impact this mod?

Well... id actually be excited lol i have sooo many assets right now, and such nice storylines plotted out for 1.5 and 2.5 that i think if we actually enjoyed my mod, i could possibly convince the jkhub community to come up with an original storyline for TFU3 and team together to build it. That fuckin thing would get a million downloads and bring tons of people to the community that may not even be aware of Jedi Academy or the community its built. An exclusive JKHub download with decent trailers and the likes. Just an idea. So yeah, i hope they save tfu3 for next gen, but if not, we got it lol

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When i first read your initial question a brief idea spawned to mind about a storyline to 3... you said disney is acting like SK never existed... what if he didnt? The entire tfu 1 and 2 and "3" would instead happen in the flash of an eye in vaders mind when he sees kento has a son... while holding kento in the choke he runs through his mind about what might happen if he let the boy live ultimately ending in his own death and instead kills the boy? Once again just brainfarting

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That'd be cool, yeah. How did TFU2 end exactly? I can't remember and I can't be stuffed installing it and playing lol. :P

Starkiller defeats Vader but spares him and the seemingly dead Juno comes back to life and Boba Fett most likely frees Vader.




Starkiller attempts to kill Vader but is stabbed in the back by the evil clone Starkiller and Kota and the Rebels get pushed into the water and Juno remains dead.


The Force Unleashed II.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So its the texturing and animations that are holding this mod up. If i could just model, unwrap, and rig id have the character pack done. TIE facility is going to take so long to texture, ket alone my raxus prime map. So any texturing or animation help would be kickass. Whatever model you texture you can have to screw around with before the actual release. Just a thought because producing tge best result this engine can handle from scratch is taking forever and im more of a modeler than texture artist or animator.

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If you couldnt tell, im going back over all the characters I have started, then finishing up my character pack by finishing the 6 different starkillers i have ready and waiting for a head. Then i need to start and finish maris, a bull rancor, and a few characters i havent mentioned that ive been messing with in the background to keep it interesting. I will then go into the maps. I want the characters done first because maybe i can get some reskins by you guys before im done with the maps. Every map has already been started. After i get those put together and clipped and sent off to some decent mappers to add gtk radiance, i will start tossing around different ideas mainly pertaining to what @@therfiles was working on with having maps as menus. Or render out some roqs from softimage of you strapped to the table looking around the room and have different objects in the room as menu options i.e. a computer terminal for load, door for exit, etc. If i just continue to pound out characters and avoid the maps anims textures shaders or technical hurdles then i can really get the ball rolling and start showing off some decent stuff. I still like the idea of making real nice neat bump maps and etc from zbrush and rendering out decent cutscenes with softimage and converting them to RoQ. I have modeled every map to "end" at a certain spot for SP, or loop in giant circles for MP. I still like the idea of recording our own dialogue and even maybe sound effects for anyone interested. Im taking little stabs at a time at rebuilding starkillers head. Ive had some pretty "successful" attempts lately, have seen many different ways people model heads, and feel confident i can make something worthy to be the centerpiece of the mod. Im not sure how rend2 works or how i can be any help incorporating that, but i will say, that im rendering out displacement and normal maps for everything just in case. Im hoping to have these characters all modeled soonish and im just going to go batshit rigging and rigging until i get a real comfortable grip on it, starting from easiest to most difficult rigs. Sorry it takes so long, but if you look at any of my updates compared to the previous versions, you can see i had my reasons for practically starting over. The old TIE Facility looked sick, this one is just daunting to look at even with no textures just bump maps it looks wayyy evolved. Im hoping to get permissions from a few people i will PM about using thier models, as 1 theres already enough versions of said models to waste time making my own, and 2 not sure i can do any better of a job on them lol. Im keeping all tfu2 stuff separate except a very brief occurance and a tie in at the end to the 2.5 mod. Ive been working on this and twisting the story and experimenting so long that you can expect a few easter eggs and cool things to play around with and view. The fight with kazdan has me so geeked right now. Hes going to be meditating in this cavern i built on raxus. The whole mod is kind of like assassins creed where you go fight while in a dream state, so even though youre just dreaming, kazdan senses your fucking conscience in his presence, starts to question how, but disregards it and tells you something along the lines of dreaming or not, youre no threat to me, and you shouldnt be here... then starts to "control" his backpack remotely via the force like a junk titan brandishing a saber pike while running around by himself using the force on you pushing you around, afterwards he will join backpack and give more hell. Stoked about that fight. The one on Kamino I wont mention, but shes a tear jerker for me once i get it all together. As well as Proxy, you know its just right for him to fuck things up for you and try and take you out.








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I was wondering if we could submit new anims for this mod separately. Like, if you have a gla youve created for a new stormtrooper stance, or want to use a junk titan or rancor and make them some new anims. At any rate, id like to know if there are any animators at all out there because i hate asking katanamaru for everything and my anims are still a bit questionable... if not, the anims will have to wait til after the maps, adding at least another couple months to the release

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Theres a couple of characters im not too sure who to ask for permission. A Jawa, an Imperial Officer,a clone trooper,and a scout trooper. Those are the ones Id like to have but would rather not model

Well Haps' Imperial Officer is probably the best out there. Haps really isn't around anymore but I don't think he'd mind his Officer being used.

As of right now Neomarz's clone is the only one out. But @@AshuraDX was working on one. But I don't know how it is going.

There is a decent Scout Trooper model/skin I believe the author was Tyrael or something like that.

As for Jawas, I believe @@AshuraDX also did an improved version of them.

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Here is some ditched concept art for TFU that I found you may or may not have seen yet. Maybe we can pick a character or two and incorporate them?




























Also, does anyone have any pics or videos of the female main character they showed off in the pre-vis stages of TFU? There was no Starkiller, there was just a female looked kinda like the girl from Mirrors Edge. Id like to model her in as well. I have these, but Ive seen video somewhere.










Also, did you know they considered Alderaan for a level in TFU? Interesting...





And Haroon?











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I think I would absolutely lose it if someone made a Talz model with options like the pirate medic. The Talz are definitely one of my favorite species in Star Wars. I have wanted a model of one for years! I tried Frankensteining one together once, but that didn't work out too well. Anyway, Talz obsession aside, the first two pieces of concept art (the guy in black and the Duros) are cool too, but my vote for inclusion in the mod would go to the Talz, if you want to include it. It might be a little difficult to get to fit the skeleton, though, but it would still be awesome!

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