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TFU 1.5 Mod Overview

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Also... i tend to think about other people too much. Ill have a piece that looks decent, but the uvs were less than ideal... well i think people will want years worth of retextures and Frankensteins off of these, and i dont want it to be a headache to paint. Problem is, with zbrush, i can have "ugly" uvs and it still come out great... but then retexturing would need to be in zbrush or itd be difficult as hell. I make pieces for maps and want all of my map objects to be useful in other maps you may want to build... well then angles i personally wont be using need to be considered and they hace to look nice by themselces... which causes me to sculpt ecery single thing you see... i want proper normals that i specifically set depth for... not rendered normals from a diffuse map on crazybump or nvidiatools... i want to use as much space on a texture map as possible... which causes pieces that fit well together onto the same texture to save space... but that also means merging multiple objs' normals and stuff. Its not impossible. .. it is just time consuming., not to mention being a single pops of two... so i can understand the anticipation. ... i have it too... but i am only one dude and taught myself everything, so i tend to retrace steps. 1.5 will be my headache...the rest should go smoothly

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  • 10 months later...

Thanks to a handy link , I just found out that this forum is still available. Anyone wants to discuss anything else concerning TFU content, lets do it here.

To sum up what we were discussing, TFU ported content might play the part on a small scale, but you wont be able to make any large TFU mods with those models because they are inefficient for this engine.

Thanks @@Circa =*

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Alright, Im going to start today with recording all my modeling and stuff and hopefully that is a little better than just a few pics every once in a while. 

Just my first attempt right now so lets get some suggestions going as to where I can make this something beneficial to the community.

Heres a few quick words to get us started, then, Ill record a few episodes at a time, maybe a half hour each, and post them in their respective sections. 

Throw a bunch of feedback at me because I want people to learn from this and hopefully birth some modelers.


Also, if anyone knows a good program that records my keystrokes on screen so you guys can follow along with my keyboard and mouse presses, and you think it would help, let me know and Ill use it so everyone can follow along.


I wont be doing modeling basics i.e. face extrusion, rotate scale and translate, simple things like that can be learned already through youtube, Im focusing more on this particular engine and this particular mod in general.



Psyk0Sith and Bek like this
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Here is a video I made showing where I think your skills should already be to be able to continue along with me.




If not...


Here are some great resources to get you there not by me.








I love this guy.





After this I'll just jump right into finishing proxy on camera.

Bek likes this
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  • 11 months later...

Is the mod dead? :):(



I would say that's a reasonable inference. I sill have all assets and stuff... but kept hitting limitations that made things nothing like they should be and who wants to wait years for something buggy a.f.


I have been developing on Unity for a while now. I have been meaning to speak up on this but wasn't sure how to word it. I say rebuild the damn game in Unity. Why the hell not. JKA isn't exactly rocket science. Ive been coding my own game for a few months and it is simple. Unity has a lot of built in things to make it a lot easier. We would eliminate transform errors and skeleton issues effects and models would be crisp and JKA would get the revival it is deserving of. 


Damn thing needs to be rebuilt.


So to answer your question, yeah I guess it's "dead" upon the fact that I'd rather spend more of my time getting the jka anims into fbx format and over to unity than I ever will messing with this old q3 engine again. So much hard work gets just destroyed by the engine's limitations and all the hard work going into reworking the engine seems lackluster to me personally. As a community we could do it, and it would do nothing but positive things for us, I guess it all depends on what direction you all want to take it. Would you rather see the faculty and members so devoted to this game slowly fade out and lose the opportunity to have as many people all dedicated to one cause to where we can actually do a remaster... or revamp the damn thing to where it looks and plays crisply with more possibilities gaining popularity among people unaware of the game. its hard to get next gen people in here to work on a q3 engine or even be excited about downloading it... which takes away from every single aspect of this community. The game deserves better and we can do better. I apologize to anyone I may have let down by not releasing it already and i am still willing to finish it... in unity lol

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@@DT85 Geometry Limits... custom skeleton issues... pbr shaders... physics... flying ships...


Mainly the geometry and level design limitations are what keep screwing me.


I did however get pretty savage with animating and have been debating re animating the jka skele. I was thinking of doing a cloth sim plus a backhand style mixed into the base gla... maybe also a small yoda size skele and dabble with a grievous 4 arm... I'll prototype off minilogoguy18s rig this week and see where it takes me. I'm not sure how the hit detection would work on grievous 4 arm so I'm excited to play around with it.

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Rend2 allows use of PBR textures, almost have a full level in df2 mod using them.


custom skeleton issues? What were your issues?


Level design limitations? Not hard to make detailed meshes and load them in as either misc_model or misc_model_static.

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@@DT85 Well I've been out of the loop so long I don't doubt there's been bounds of advances on it. PBR sounds perfect. I think my maps are just too detailed. Custom skeleton problems basically stem from the fact that I can't make custom ones for mp... I only wanted the mod for SP but everyone jumped on it and said go mp... then started the downward spiral of not knowing what I was doing

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Don't listen to people that say go for MP. JKA MP is at the point now where if you introduced another MP mode, you either won't get enough players to make it worth it, or you just further split the already small playerbase. Not just you, but I say this for everyone. 

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@@DT85 yeah I may need to go through the forums and find how that's done that looks exactly how I hoped. I'll look for tutorials on mp skele think you for the info for sure.


Btw that gammorean or whatever is an insanely good use of low poly who did that??

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  • 1 year later...

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