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[JAEnhanced] High Res Textures

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I disagree. There's a lot of textures that can be done in the meantime, like the glass and computer screens. Also, skyboxes. Plus you really need dynamic lighting to take advantage of normal maps properly, and unless someone remakes all the JK2 levels (hint: someone should get started on this) or magically acquires the .map source, it isn't going to happen any time soon because of the baked lightmaps.


Regarding my last post, I forgot to mention certain textures which are used for glass, etc wouldn't need redoing if using a different renderer that allows normal mapping. But as eez said, you really need dynamic lighting in the maps for it to look as intended. The decompiled BSP's would provide a base to build from, you'll still need an experienced radiant level designer to really make it work script-wise like the original while also adding better lighting and higher quality brushwork (provided the game supports it? I have no idea if there's any limits on map quality).

eezstreet likes this

Well, I can work on glass/radar textures in the meantime. That makes things a lot more realistic for me rather than redoing all of the textures. 


Also, if the maps are going to have to be rebuilt, we should form an entire mod team to remake Jedi Outcast graphic-wise. Maybe by the end it could look something like Mass Effect. 


We have cairn .maps, including the one that never shipped with the game (2 prefabs and a near-complete level). When legal crap calms down I'll try to get the rest.

Tempust85 likes this

New radar texture. 










In-game (old is blue, red is new):




Later today I will recolor that texture blue for the other texture in that screenshot.


Also, I had no idea PSDs could get so big. The cairn/twall3 texture's PSD is 109 MB...

Mr.Zz, therfiles and Circa like this
  On 4/26/2013 at 3:27 PM, Syko said:



Also, I had no idea PSDs could get so big. The cairn/twall3 texture's PSD is 109 MB...


Well I'll be a monkey's uncle, that's massive.

  On 4/26/2013 at 3:03 PM, eezstreet said:

We have cairn .maps, including the one that never shipped with the game (2 prefabs and a near-complete level). When legal crap calms down I'll try to get the rest.

Thats all well and good but Cairn comprises of only one in-game location does it not? :D

  On 4/26/2013 at 7:16 PM, Szico VII said:

Thats all well and good but Cairn comprises of only one in-game location does it not? :D

...that spans 4 BSPs (+1.5 unused). It's still something.


This is a great project, I was inspired and started working on this:




Only touched the head so far, so ignore the rest. I doubled the original texture size and then added all sorts of detail. In the end scaling the finished textures back to their original sizes didn't really make them look any worse, so you might wanna keep in mind that going too high res isn't worth it in every case.


Kyle is only 35 years old in JK2, you might want to make him look younger.  Great work, otherwise.

  On 4/28/2013 at 5:09 PM, Horatio Culver said:

Maybe his brief fall to the dark side had an effect on his physical appearance?

Yeah, I saw your original post after I made mine.  Good observation, didn't think of that.


Great work lervish!


I recolored that red radar blue so the blue version is done now. 














Has anyone ever thought of remodeling the JO weapons to be higher poly? That briar pistol looks kind of ugly by today's standards.

therfiles and Setlec like this
  On 4/28/2013 at 5:09 PM, Horatio Culver said:

Maybe his brief fall to the dark side had an effect on his physical appearance?


Definitely this. Look at the Emperor, he's actually only 12.


Great work @@lervish, the facial details are really impressive. Keep up the great work.

Horatio Culver and Link like this

Should I do control panel textures like this one or should I wait for the new rendering stuff with this kind of texture? It's kind of a radar, but it's got parts that should be 3D too.




That adds another interesting twist to this project: perhaps the textures should be mostly models instead, like Unreal 3.


Erm, you already can make 3D parts. Just need to alter the map geometry. See: basically any JKA SP level. Why do you need to wait?


Well, everything @DT said. The texture is not entirely a 2D radar thing like the last two textures I did, so I'm afraid I might have to redo normal mapping and stuff on the texture with the buttons and all.


Why would you need to redo it if it's 3D? Even if you had normal maps, you'd want dynamic lighting to take advantage of it, and that means you'd need to recompile the map, and thus, it'd be super irrelevant since you can just use a misc_model_breakable entity for switch animations.


And even if you kept it 2D, normal mapping is going to take you all of about 2 seconds to do because you're just slapping on a filter and saving the map, and then making a shader for that.


I think someone should just start redoing the brushwork & scripts for JO maps now. Reasons:


- It will be a while before there's a better renderer to use

- Remaking the levels will be a hell of a job and will take a while

- Doesn't matter what renderer you end up using, the brushwork quality can stay the same (provided there's no map quality limit that I mentioned earlier)

- Textures are easily replaced, it's having a fully working game-ready .map file that's a bitch.


Once there's a new renderer that supports things like normal mapping, it wouldn't take much to do a recompile with different lighting. Then get texture artists onto redoing textures. ;)



Side note:


It would be nice if (down the track) when someone redoes the weapons, they add Kyle's hand for first person and moving parts (if applicable to the weapon).




@ Lervish


Looks great! But why not reskin my DF2 Kyle I made ages ago? The head is much more friendly for skinners. :P Also I really don't like Raven's 'JO Kyle', I much prefer Jason Court. :P

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