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You should look that over, with the amount of detail you're putting in I think you should make the polyflow follow the muscle lines better in the shoulders, the "bendy straw" method you are using right now is really only good for really low poly models since it makes for easy weighing and deformation.


I personally build them more focused on proper anatomy.


Something about the face looks off, like the proportions of the head. Eyes seem a bit too big and lips not quite as pouty as they should be.

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well im already pushin 6000 tris so im kinda already blowing the mark as it is.. but then again.. i dont see it taking up much more verts so hell i dunno. the armpits look weird right now so i dunno i might go into it. heres some hands i just made for it. still tweaking em but figured since i was posting might as well. im done with geometry now, just deleting edge loops here n there n trying to save as much as possible n get it under 6000







EDIT: smaller eyes... poutier lips..






Edited by ChalklYne
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Maybe put the lips back to the way they were but keep the eyes, the lips somehow got worse.


The hands are right, you didn't make the amature mistake of modeling the thumbs out of the side of the hand, they come out of the bottom. You don't need those weird loops at the very tip, it's like you added a joint that doesn't exist in real life, you need more loops though on the finger joints, 1 loop wont cut it.


The shoulders though probably should be retopo'd.

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Wow and here I thought JKA was too sh*t to manage reflective surfaces. :P

Not quite. It can handle one reflection per PVS leaf. A really shitty and awkward limit, I know, but it worked well enough for the demo mission (floor in the final battle area had reflections)

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Not quite. It can handle one reflection per PVS leaf. A really shitty and awkward limit, I know, but it worked well enough for the demo mission (floor in the final battle area had reflections)


Can we look forward to a way around this in the future perhaps?

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