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Wallpaper - Jedi Knight Dark Forces 3

   (9 reviews)

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This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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There needs to be some sort of description. This file can be anything. 

General Howard likes this
Esork Gonzalez


There needs to be some sort of description. This file can be anything. 

Heh, was thinking the same thing...



Clickbait hahahaha



After reading the readme that comes with this, just wandering is this legit news? :o



Impressive! Amazing! O.o it's true? JK series continue?



Impressive! Amazing! O.o it's true? JK series continue?


Of course not. The legend of Kyle Katarn is no more in canon. Moreover Dark Forces 3 would be Jedi Outcast if we follow that line, and the uploader is known to make wallpapers related to the Jedi Knight series in the UE4.

z3filus, Smoo and Maksman like this


So this is a fan-made game like FPS Terminator. I like it.



Definitly, we need to put our effort to make the dream come true.



First I thought someone secretly made a fantastic, jaw-dropping mod. I mean, Star Wars Dark Forces in uppercase letters, plus a really convincing picture,

really was an invitation that said "Download me! I'm 13 bazillion Gigabytes!".


In other words: I was looking for a BIG MOD, and all I got was this wallpaper.


Come on, guys! Let's make (or finish) a mod that our community deserves.



If I had the skill of making maps such as SJC or Szico I would have launched the project. Look at Epic Challenge Mod III WIP, it's not bad, but I don't have the level yet for this kind of projects. If I had it, I would have launched the project, as I always finish what I start.


If some great mappers are interested btw, and modelers/coders, I would be glad to launch a Jedi Knight Mod.


I'm still a bit angry that every mods who tried to do the sequel of JA have stopped.

Evulant and Smoo like this



Aawwsoome!!   instant download.



Looks like something from TFU. Pretty cool, I actually like TFU1



Jedi Outcast II: Electric Boogaloo

Smoo likes this


Technically DF 3 should be MotS, although it's considered an expansion since it was built on the old JEDI engine it's still a whole game and story.



If I had the skill of making maps such as SJC or Szico I would have launched the project. Look at Epic Challenge Mod III WIP, it's not bad, but I don't have the level yet for this kind of projects. If I had it, I would have launched the project, as I always finish what I start.


If some great mappers are interested btw, and modelers/coders, I would be glad to launch a Jedi Knight Mod.


I'm still a bit angry that every mods who tried to do the sequel of JA have stopped.

Mate this is not tooting my own horn or knocking what sjc gave the community at all BUT.... On a technical end SJC's maps were horribly built. Every technical rule you should follow, he broke. In truth this is why his maps had horrible FPS and in the end he limited what he could do without even realizing it. Many of us tried to advise him and to help him grow, myself, Darth G and others. He was just far to stubborn. Szico on the other hand may have for a while been a tad sloppy but later fine tuned his craft and became what I consider easily one of the top ten mappers for this engine.


Please folks remember, SJC is gone for pretty much good, and I'm not knocking him as a person, but any one who has seen one of his .maps could tell you they're not much better then base JKA maps as far as construction went just without any attempt at vis control to make matters worse. And beleive me base JKA maps and JKO for that matter are so sloppy in construction I don't even know how the managed to compile them. I've got a sick rig and I still can't compile some of those sample maps without having to adjust thing's... XD!


In other words set your standards a bit higher, SJC was great because he gave the community a lot, especially during the prequels era. But on a technical level, he never tried to learn more and shot himself in the foot over and over because of it. 



Hey yo_kirknight just wanted to say, demo is bad ass ... thank you ... for letting my team help you guys and girls ...



This project has been cancelled.

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