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About This File

This is my first mod/model release of the many, many hours and years I have spent editing and altering the amazing game that is Jedi Academy. I have a pretty decent sized stockpile of extended universe characters that I have made that I will be releasing soon as a thank you for all the mods and work of everyone else that has made my years with the game so damn addictive.


To the mod: Here is my mod/interpretation of the ancient Sith Lord Naga Sadow. I didn't include the npc I've made because I have learned many players do tend to balance their experience differently and I tend to overpower enemies a bit. Mainly because once you learn the combat it's easy to get a few vital swings in. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it!


Just drop the .pk3 inside the .zip into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base folder! :D


Thanks to the original team for Marka Ragnos, who is highly altered, and Almightygir for parts from his Odin model.



*I also included the .3ds model for anyone who wants to modify it, for ease. I am bored heavily by copyright and think it is silly, so credit or not, feel free to have fun with anything I ever release. This is all for fun by the people who care about itw. There is no money to be made and even if there was, that isn't why we all do this. Just keep being creative.


**Issues: There is some small clipping during more dramatic animations of the cape, but it follows his legs pretty well. And his shoulders a little in overhand swings, but neither is really noticeable. Just saw it while watching the animations in ModView.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

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Awesome job, looks like he did in the comics.

Brownjor10 likes this


Wonderful!!! :D I ever imaged how shoul be Naga Sadow playing Kotor... o.o

beauty and cute model, remember me a lot the glyph royal sarafan knight of blood omen 2 :)



Great model, one of the most impressive ancient sith lords ever.

If he would have his Massassi warriors now...

Brownjor10 likes this


Very nice, excellent work!



Great model, one of the most impressive ancient sith lords ever.

If he would have his Massassi warriors now...

Dude, actually I just looked him up after playing the kotor valley of the dark lords tombs.  I'm working on all the Lords and want to do Freedon Nadd with his short orange saber too after that.  But after you said this, and I saw them, I want to work on a set of 3 or 4 sith species warriors.  One for each class or something.  Marauder, sith lord, inquisitor, etc.  Thanks for telling me about them.  Must have skimmed over the info when reading his bio.  They look awesome.

Jrue, Supralord and MadforMax like this


Very impressive work. :D


Too bad the EU is dead, so there wont be too many future stories to use it, but oh well. ^^



Is that a  hybrid model? Good work on the model.



Dude, actually I just looked him up after playing the kotor valley of the dark lords tombs.  I'm working on all the Lords and want to do Freedon Nadd with his short orange saber too after that.  But after you said this, and I saw them, I want to work on a set of 3 or 4 sith species warriors.  One for each class or something.  Marauder, sith lord, inquisitor, etc.  Thanks for telling me about them.  Must have skimmed over the info when reading his bio.  They look awesome.

Thank you for your Naga Sadow Model. I will keep an eye out for your next model, especially if its a Massassi. :D

Brownjor10 likes this


Looks a little bit like marka ragnos in the face was this a marka ragnos reskin?



Looks a little bit like marka ragnos in the face was this a marka ragnos reskin?

I used parts from a few models and reshaped them and then put it on the Jedi Academy skeleton and re-weighted it so it could be used in game.  But yeah, I used the head and neck guard from ragnos, just reshaped.  Stretched the armor and collapsed the horns down in to a flat top like Naga had.  Easiest way to get a "true sith" head that looks nice.  haha.



How can I play as him in singleplayer ? I try the command "playermodel nagasadow", but it doesn't work... Or is he just available for multiplayer ?



I like it, but Ragnos and Sadow's faces are vastly different.



Will you add lip movement in the next version?

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