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Massassi Temple

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I will probably do a release here in a few days or so give or take but for now put a file up for people to try out.  Few level screenies for folks.


Contains 6 floors.  If there is any missing walls or textures be sure to post in this topic.  There is ported models on the map from kotor 1 and 2 just for map detail and very heavy model usage on the map but even with that my fps was still very stable.  Few textures used from other maps but for the most part majority of map things are JK related.


There is also signs next to doors on the 1st and 2nd floor to help people who might get lost.  It also contains 2 training sabers 1 for single and 1 for staff.


Map name for devmapping to is mp/ffa_mt









The original map idea and design comes from another map known or called y4_temple1.  Few other little tidbits are as follows.


A Mess Hall instead of just a bar

To use the screens in the command center towards top of the temple the inward consoles outside the circle activate them


Floors go as follows from top to bottom:

~6th = Satellite

~5h = Command Center

~4th = Ceremony

~3rd = Dorms, Restroom, Tech, Medical, Mess

~2nd = 2 Dueling Rooms, Force, Galaxy Map, Archives

~1st or Basement = Hangar

Omicron, z3filus, Bek and 9 others like this

A list of the ported models between Kotor 1 and 2 for those curious what models were ported.



















Textures and other models used are from base JK and few textures from Jedi Outcast.  They were also condensed down to specific folders to save on the map having to load files, it boosts map loading time since the game doesn't have to load up resources all over the place.  There is 3 little consoles in the command center.  They are changing between 3 different variations of level music, they are of course yavin themed more or less.

DarthStiv, z3filus, Bek and 1 other like this

This looks really nice. I like the balcony over the little sitting area the best. You also made the same kinda lights I did in my map which is neat. Those yellow and blueish-white textures got tons of use throughout my project.

z3filus likes this

I like the hanging lights in the library.  Aaand I like what you did to the ceremony room's far wall.  It's different!


Recently added in one thing I felt was missing.  Right from yavin_temple in JO is the catwalk so people can look into rooms without being hurt or get in the way, also adds a bit of a RP element.  This catwalk bends around rooms on the 1st floor only where dueling rooms etc are for what one would call "training".  One can access it from the archives second floor in the back.  Give dynamicglow a run if you want little more vibrancy on the map.


The center dueling room has been setup to mimic more of the dueling platform in yavin_temple and the other side dueling room will be setup so that it will spawn a remote.






Like dueling room in jedi's home v2 walls spawn around the bot room area so as to keep the bot in the little ring area plus the room can double up for another dueling area if need be.  Two switches to make the glass appear and vanish around the ring and both are down inside the room.  The catwalk switch in the remote room is only for spawning the remote.


I will be providing a texture which shows the basic floorplan for those who are curious what each floor has.

z3filus likes this

Well, you could try to add an outdoor to it and it'll be better than the original (sorry for my english :P)


Outside area can go two ways.


1 map a portion for people to go out like yavin_temple.

2 do a full scale outside with the exterior mapped and a potential possibility of fps drops as well as some areas connected to 1 main area as well sadly.  I may possibly attempt it but not terribly interested in it personally.


I'm adding in few more map models such as for the toilets, sink, and also a proper grill in the mess hall as well.  I'll have a few screenshots of the update when I get it set and done.

z3filus likes this

Did you make the models yourself? Got any pictures of them?


I posted earlier in the thread about which models were ported, the rest are just base jk models.  Also thanks to the sith council map I now have better detailed toilets as well as urinals.






Gonna get a better looking fridge and stove top in game next.

Merek likes this

Sized up the catwalk little smaller more in line with yavin_temples and I also slanted the walls just like in yavin_temple to give it a more accurate look as it bends around rooms.








I'll be putting up an image soon of the map layout for those who haven't downloaded the map and curious how it's all structured.  I'm also considering adding in a working saber droid for mp for the map but I need to figure out if it's the animations causing the crash or if it's a script or ext_data issue.  Would add more to the map then say a standard npc spawning like a reborn for fighting.  All else fails maybe a model reskin that looks like a droid since another npc spawn besides remotes would add to the room.


Also to go a little more modern going to take out the shield and health and put little dispensers on the map people can touch to get hp and shield.  I'm going to use the models for item_shield converter and power_converter for this.


From top to bottom.









Press the use button on the dispensers and one will give you health and the other shield.



Using Scerendo's Shadow Trooper I added in two npcs with the training hilts into the bot room.  1 with single and 1 with staff so they don't do that much damage.  I also removed all but the main shadoers and textures needed for said sabering bot.





I'd fix the red glow on the shoulder, that was always a small bug in his shadowtrooper pack


I removed the red and blue team skins, the only thing left is the default glowing shaders and also the icons were taken out of the pack as well.  Since it's meant to function like a bot or npc instead of just adding a new skin to the map itself.


I removed the red and blue team skins, the only thing left is the default glowing shaders and also the icons were taken out of the pack as well.  Since it's meant to function like a bot or npc instead of just adding a new skin to the map itself.

No, I meant the red glow you see on the front of his shoulders/top of chest


I see the red, do you mean cause it's not blue like the rest of the model?  I'm just gonna change the model over the blue variation that should take care of that.


Updating the download link again.  This version has few little lighting tweaks and a few new models.  Like usual let me know if you find bugs or issues.


Looks great man. No missing textures or somthin like that. It's almost masterpiece. Too bad that there no outside area and its feels empty. To be honest it's a problem of all big and interactive maps. I suggesting to add some pepole in map object format. It's possible, right?


Looks great man. No missing textures or somthin like that. It's almost masterpiece. Too bad that there no outside area and its feels empty. To be honest it's a problem of all big and interactive maps. I suggesting to add some pepole in map object format. It's possible, right?


My focus for the map itself is the temple not the outside or surrounding areas.  Between possible fps drops not to mention the fact that the overall map isn't absolutely center it would look lopsided from the outside.  The inside has more then enough content and the main focus of the map is the interior of the Massassi Temple itself.  I could possibly add in some bot droids but they would just stand there and not do anything unless I were to use some scripts to make them move around and function which would take more time to complete said map.


I've recently added something else now.  A functioning yavin_trial based area in the lower portion of the map, a lift in the hangar will take you to it.  The switch to open the lift will be in the ceremony hall and it will require another person ot push the switch to let someone in.  This is just so that the room is treated as a trial area since the scripts and room itself will only allow 1 playthrough at a time aka need to restart the map each time you want to run someone through the trial area.  I'm going to do a full play through of it but just from what I've tested in each spot specificly again and again was it was working very well honestly.  I will be providing screenshots when I get to the lighting phase.  I have everything from the first slider puzzle to the pull blocks and the run rooms all setup and functioning with the scripts right out of Jedi Outcast itself.  Basis of the trial area is just like it's name, get from point A to point B using core force level 1 powers of jump, push, pull, and speed.


2 main reasons I went through and setup the yavin_trial area are as follows.


1 - Trialing in JK MP was always just pointless fighting, yavin_trial area would require basic problem solving to get to the end.

2 - You can try your hand at using core force abilities in a map rather then mind numbing player vs. player with trash talk.  This incentive should open the door to forcing for people since the trial area would be a safe area for anyone to run through.  Just more immersion in a temple map.


I replaced the force holocrons with item_ysalimari just so some doors wont open till they are touched.


If you never played Jedi Outcast and wonder what yavin_trial is like, just watch this video.



Ran through the whole trial area, all thumbs up on my end.


Took long enough for the hub to go back online, ANYWAY.


Got working mirrors in the bathroom and the little shower stall setup as well with running water from the switch, I also have a switch setup on the left side of the ceremony hall for opening the elevator door to the trial area.  There is also a camera at that console as well so you can see the door to it open as well since it is designed for letting 1 person trial at a time.


There is two doors down to the levels below the hangar.  One is to the exit area as well as the large fighting area from yavin_final, and the other one is the door to the trialing area.





To access the underground levels there is two lifts, one leads to the exit of the trial area and the other door in the hangar is to the trial area and the switch to said area is only opened in the ceremony hall via the switch on the opposite of the lift area up to the command center.  Test out whatever you can.

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