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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Works only for saberist. it's really strange. for that motivation i asked to @@eezstreet to improve the sniper code AI also for other classes. :\
  2. for me it's working without problem. register sound and effect is not necessary for play an effect, and to me has got a large amount of issue. with Gplay in my coide work. with Fxscheduler not work. i not know why but for some strange reason registering effect on cg_weapons on fxscheduler cause trouble to effects visualizzation. i show that issue also to @@ent and @@ensiform . also , i know that a not precached sound \ efx increase the time of loading of mod and maps. and also that is not tecnically correct, but for me it works. O.o
  3. I have also a suggest: only with scripting is possible for NPCfor use altfire. i ask that NPC with higher rank can use Altfire of his weapons and switch hit to main fire in random mode. that can be done by ltjg for 10% altfire shoot lt 20% ltcomm 30% commander 40% and captain 50% of altfiring. that's allow to NPC with shooting gun to be really more dangeorus so, if player encounter >Lt NPC ranked they can use some harsh attack against you. a captain NPC with a concussion is really deadly becase can shot the explsive primary shot or the alt fire burst ray at 50% of possibility. a rocketrooper can alternate fast forward rocket to seeker rocket, like bobafett, AI, a trooper with repeater can shoot the explosive bolt attack. a tropp with flechette the explosive alt fire flechette atk and so Away. the way for making that is the same of the Sniper code, but applied to all weapons based on rank of NPC. it's possible to make also that? maybe in future? @@eezstreet
  4. It's a great project , but i am not interessed sorry. :\ also, i can understand a mod \ expanssion conversion for continue the story of another game, but if the story is of another game why duplicate the game in JKA? O.o example, i am working on a Legacy of Kain mod conversion, but i am working for the story, to a sequel of the LOK, not to the aDefiacne remake with JKA, understood?
  5. Ah yes... that problem. i got too. for some unknown reason (i ask aslo on Jacoders to @@ent about that ) rregistering and playing and efx on theFxScheduler can cause that issue. i registered and played with fxscheduler dozens of effect only for see... nothing! XD all effects of blades, projectile of weapons and force power disapperead! And at the end of a long debug, i see that the cause of the problem is theFxscheduler itself. how to fix: 1 On cgweapons: put thefxscheduler after case WP_SABER into /* */ so they are green and code not read. 2: on FxDestruction.cpp. Replace that: "theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( "force/destruction", cent->lerpOrigin, forward );" with "G_PlayEffect( "force/destruction", cent->lerpOrigin, forward );" that "theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( "force/destruction_explode", origin, normal );" with "G_PlayEffect( "force/destruction_explode", origin, normal );" and that "theFxScheduler.PlayEffect( "force/destruction_explode", origin, normal );" with "G_PlayEffect( "force/destruction_explode", origin, normal );" Now should work, i hope. with my force power this method works for drain, lightning, rage, heal, telepathy. @@JediBantha
  6. mmm, i got a similar problem after i have registereed the new effect of my force effects and i used theFXscheduler for play the effects. try with the Gplayeffect and the address of the effect of projectile. Please post the code about the show of the destruction shot efx projectile. maybe i have an idea of what is wrong, beucase i get the same error with all my effects after i edited and register new effect with force lightning. the other weapons effects and blade effects of the saber and the other weapons shooted by the enemy works fine? or also they not show the efx?
  7. exactly where is the problem? can you post a screenshot about force projectile taken by ingame SP? So we can see what's is wrong and help you better. If is a code issue, i cannot help you. the shader \ lighting \ glowing code of the weapons it's not my knowledge field.
  8. I think i had misunderstood what you want. you want the effect glowing and emit lighting right? in that case, there are two ways. fast way: you can apply a flash light primitive into the efect of the projectile with same amount of duration second of the fire, and the corrispondent color and intensity. you can set color, intensity and duration of the flash light,. you can make a light that follow the effect because the light itself is part of effect. i not use much this method because you need to be really carefyulll. dynamic light can be... evil for eyes and stress the sight. otherwise, that's kind of effect are dangerous for people witih epilessy and photosensibility. i am very sensible to that0s thing and also if i make spetactular effect for my mod, i avoid ever to use the Light primitives. the other way is to make other 3 sprites for the shader: example 1 copy and rename: gfx/effects/fire2 gfx/effects/fire3 gfx/effects/fire4 in gfx/effects/firedestruction2 \ 3 \ 4 2 make a shader file for the new sprites that setting the glow and and light color and lightintensity for the new fire effect, you can use the paramter of the lightsaber shader + the lightning effect and color shader paramter of a shader of a sky with sun. 3: edit the efx of projectile for replace fire2,3,4 with firedestruction2,3 and 4. now you have your glowing effect.
  9. Mmm, i see on screenshot i need to rerooting legs position of model, they are in the wrong pose! O.o just for question: it's an HD model? there is some mesh with more of 1000 vertexes?
  10. mmmmm, if it is for making happy a child and is not for a large distribution, i not see nothing of bad I have a model to rig, but first i need to end the sonirization of the new force effects powers for my mod, i neet again to make sounds of new lightning, drain, heal, rage efx. after i can do that when i am making a rig of a model for my mod. Otherwise, it's special case. i not make easily this favours. And keep for you the working model okay?
  11. It's like making a song using parts of other songs. you need permission of author for making distribuons of that things, if you want to do that, if it's for personal use i think it's okay, but cannot be published here.
  12. Okay, i checked on effectEd and as effect is okay, also nice, well done. i checked on my mod replacing the concussion projectile with the your and shooting and i not see glowing effects or strange flashes. so there are 3 possibility: - a code issue about projectile fx parameters of lighting - remove the weapon.dat vale about missilelight (that's set the intensity of lighting of missile) - check the shaders of the fire, and other sprites, for avoid there are some "glow" paremeter on the primitives. mmmm strange idea but... i have a suspect: if the your projectiles is shooted by saber and destruction is builded on the saber code, (i have understand that, maybe i am wrong) well, for same strange issue of the code, is possible the concussion effect are taking the glowing of the lightsabers blade O.o
  13. well, i not know the code, but i know the efx files. can you post the contain of Efx file of the projectile in spoiler?
  14. is surely a problem of tag position, for fix, need to move the bolt_l_hand a lot into the model. i know for experience this kind of issues. the problem is: without original Max \ softimage project file of model, need to remake all the rigging, that's is very annoying and result can be little different by original.
  15. Reduce MissileLight value to 25
  16. Maybe is the shader that's is setted as glow? can you past here the efx. file of muzzle flash, projectile and impact of destruction? i am not a good coder, but i know a lot the effects.
  17. when i edited and customize sound and effect for the CLASSES of force power, i got same trouble when i got syntaxis error... mmm, no, are not syntaxis. the expression is correct: it's incompatibile with the previus part of the expressiom- for example: if the code is for the "self" , thje istruction too need to be focused on "self" example: self BLABLABLABLABLA if Self->client->Npc_class == CLASS_ALORA blablabla <- this not crash. self BLABLABLABLABLABLA if client->NPC_class == CLASS_ALORA blablabla <- the syntaxis is correct , building not make error,... but in game crashes when using the power with playermodel alora XD be careful. you need the expression and the setting is ever compatible with the declaration. EDIT: LOl sorry, i have not seen an entire page of discussion. :S
  18. mmm, the banhammer make too many fear , i not like much. the other ideas are not bad
  19. well, the forum and site is on JKA, the series JK it's on kyle katarn (and jaden in the third) why not? Why not katarn and jaden chibi with lightsabers actives and an happy, large an cute smile?? :3 No no, i was thinking about other: kyle katarn and jaden in combat pose back to back. one looking left, one looking right. Otherwise: Luke that meditate with a PC, visual studio , radiant and softimage\blender\milkshape\3dmax \ whatever graphic edito, open in the monitor XD... or Yoda, maybe.
  20. Ahahahaha, Mew Sith Lord XD. i have a brazil friend that know everything about pokemons LOL, i not like much the show, instead, but i understand the great works of biological study for define many of skills of thats creatures. XD. Good Luck with model, @@Cerez ... mmm, no, Good Luke with model!
  21. You can program a NPC shadowtrooper model with CLASS_SWAMPTROOPER. the swamptrooper class CANNOT DROWN and shoul be really fun see cultists with anphibian suite, armored of lightsabes that jump from the water of the lake slashing the noghris. add 2 of that can be sufficient XD
  22. I agree @@CaptainCrazy not discourage for the troubles. ability come with experience. in my country peoples teel ever: "no one is born learned"
  23. Not worry, if it's a cat humanoid creature and not a really cat it's okay. you want animate with JKA humanoid skeleton or you want to make a custom skeleton? the first way is possible, but is very different by a standard huimanoid rigging, because your model have not the arms and legs "humanoid" so need many attention because can be really weird in same movement. it's better to do a custom skeleton for a better and realistic movement, but that mean also custom animation and i never make animation for not humanoid JKA models :\ organic models are wonderfuls, but are hard to build. for starting is better try your way. once you get more experience, you can try with organic form. it's only a my opinion however. little steps before the big steps
  24. find on wp_saber.cpp "sound\weapons\force\lightning" and "force/lightning" for see the code lines about displaying of effects and sound of the force lightning. if you want to display effect like the blaster \ concussion shot, instead, watch on the FX_Concussion.cpp or FX_blaster.cpp. i think in that case is better a moving effect attacked to the damage pointer that not an "directionally area effect" like lightning or drain
  25. That's cute! Nice nice! continue the job! I can help you later for the rig and weight part if you have some questions You need to work a lot on the head profiles. for the moment, remember me an alien cat of area 51 O.o The front profile it's okay for be the first morphing is really good but it's a good start point. It's okay! My unique modelling work was a biscuit man made with blender. lol, was not the best.
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