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  • Location
    Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    My kids are my everything, anything else is second.
  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
    General Modding
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  • Operating System
    Windows 11

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  1. i am stuck actually on this, cause sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. do effect require an info null, not null? standard its treated as face up if no target is set, i got it now to an info_null, since i have effects that work with info_nulls. (the env/tar_beam actually is one for example that works fine with a info_null). Can anyone shed some light on this? Never mind, i am an idiot. Target position or info_notnull do work. Not sure why the info_null worked on my earlier .. anyway, thank you richdiesals ... (ouch, i should know after 21 years of mapping so far) https://jkhub.org/mapping/richdiesal/Entities220_Lesson_2_SpecialFX_files/en220lsn2.htm
  2. reworking textures and shaders, not having as much time as i want, but i revamped the keyboard today. I am going slowly into the direction of a hex theme texture wise
  3. some shaderwork done, not a lot this week, been toying with the cutscene, didnt like the color scheme of my screens so changed a whole bunch of shaders and textures to get more of color scheme i like,, which is more blue / greenish. Not maybe super imperial, but I ll take it. Also added some more detail work to the structure of the warehouse. I am now in the progress of making signs and decals for within the warehouse and later on the tie-hangar pic one is btw from a cutscene, hence the tping animation
  4. i been fiddling today with the skin files and shaders to create a hologram from Rax Joris (main antagonist in this map serie) for a cutscene. Still some issue with the scan lines and messing with the opacity, but we re slowly getting there.
  5. i was fed up with fiddling on scripts, and decided to start with the warehouse next to the tie fighter hangar.
  6. I am playing a bit with geometrie while in the middle of testing new scripts and creating npc's. I changed some ideas of how i want the player to continue on the next level, which requires me some more base work. Having watched some footage of the outlaw game, i came up with the idea of the hallway, stealing the doorway idea from outlaws. Anyway, getting slanted and curved line up was a pain if you work off the grid, so i had to do this with very precision on the lowest grid, but corvering on the top part lines up now nearly (3rd pic) I just need to add now decals, and wrap up the bottom part of the new cargo station, and we then move to the cargo hangar.
  7. How do you texture your water? 1 side water, and all other caulk water? and can you post your water shader?
  8. PK3 link in your in private inbox, Wonko
  9. When i get back from my work appointment, i ll make the pk3.
  10. I am doing some test throughs with my single player mod. When i walk through my trigger, i spawn 2 custom npc's. They are there and work just fine, however whenever i walk through the trigger_once this message also pops up in the console (and i see this above in my game), and i cant place this. Is this something i can fix, entity problem or something. I am not sure what the COM_parseInt and what it does. My npc file and the spawner
  11. Sorry, I have not looked at his project during the summer time, but back again. I decided to remove part of walkway and build a new imperial outpost building type. I am taking inspiration from several screenshots i found and rewatching Andor (in prep for season 2), and looking at the new Star Wars outlaw game screenshots to get inspiration. Anyway, not much to show, besides some initial layout. and a sad ingame shot dont mind stormie the troopers btw they are there for some objective i am scripting ...
  12. Working on it , its a an idea spirngin in my mind, but need to make some new textures for console lights
  13. Been playing a bit with idea's and testing new shaders for terrain (not implemented yet) but i need some input. I been working to fill up the area under the grate. Now you can see still through it and i decided to do some pipes, but it just looks odd, i played also arround with lightning, maybe smaller and bigger pipe combinations or something, electric grid ideas .. anyone? Bueller Bueller?
  14. I am messing at the moment with some of the looks of the Imperial installation, but i like all the tiny details i am puttinig in, sinking in the lights, making it very effective. I feel like in this stage, Imperial lighting is simply just "tl" light, same with geometric shapes, slanting to make it look more imperial
  15. Some new progress, i picked the project back up last few days, got the spawnscript fixed that bugged me before i stopped, and working on cutscenes again. Further i started again on the landing pad, this ppic was from last wednessday, i made some more progress but on my other pc, so when i get back there, i ll update it with some new screens.
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