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  1. August Update: Progress has slowed down this month with my uni course in full swing, however I'm still steadily working on it. The controls menu has been completed, and the settings menu is getting close - both of these have been straightforward, yet lengthy and repetitive, tasks that have taken longer than I'd like, but are nearing the end now. Hopefully next month I'll have some visible progress to show, but for now just wanted to pop in to reassure that I haven't abandoned the project and it's still steadily coming along.
  2. Thank you! I've been determined to get it done right, even though I have no c++ experience and have been mostly winging it haha. Compatibility is definitely something I would consider when the menus are finished, however I have vague plans of expanding the mod further, to eventually overhaul the entire SP experience. One step at a time at the moment though!
  3. July Update: I officially have menus working in game! So far I've got the main menu, difficulty selection, character creator, lightsaber creator, and load game menus fully functional. A few bugs to iron out here and there, but mostly minor things like text alignment. The only major bug so far is the sound which is firing way to often at the moment due to the amount of mouse events I've added - a problem I didn't realise I had until I recorded this video, as I've been working with the game muted so far haha. I'll also continue to tweak elements down the track, such as refining the colour options in the character creator. The biggest update is that I've had to make engine modifications to accommodate my designs. These have been mostly minor so far, including new ITEM_TYPES and cvars, but may expand larger with time. I've forked Somaz's WIP build of rend2 as the basis for this, so when it releases it will have full rend2 support. Link to unlisted Youtube video to see the progress:
  4. This looks absolutely incredible, can't wait to play it!
  5. Hi, unfortunately I can't take on another project at the moment, between this mod and other commitments (both IRL and to another mod team) I can't take anything else on at the moment, sorry. I'd be interested otherwise, so if we can ever get the timing to work out, I'll keep your project in mind.
  6. Thank you everyone for the feedback! I've finished the rest of the menu designs (mostly the datapad, but also the weapons selection), and also finished the first menu in game. At the moment, the main menu is fully functional in layout (though the background image is still a place holder), and the new game/select difficulty screen is 100% complete. I've hit my first roadblock in the character creator, trying to get the arrows to play nice with ITEM_TYPE_MULTI - at the moment, I'm looking into adding a new item type to fix the issue, but if it ends up being outside my scope I'll probably end up tweaking the original design. Progress is likely to slow down soon unfortunately, as my uni course is starting again next week, but I'll keep working on it in my spare time and provide updates where I can.
  7. Thank you both, I appreciate the feedback! June Update: Since my last post I've been working on redesigning the menus. At the moment, these are just mockup designs and not functional, so I'm unsure how feasible they actually are to achieve at the moment. Any feedback would be appreciated! The main menu layout is mostly done too, however I'm still working on a background illustration that's taking longer than I'd like (painting Jedi Temple brickwork is tedious haha), so didn't make it into the June update.
  8. After many years of downloading Jedi Academy mods, I've finally decided to start making my own! Right now I'm working on a UI overhaul that I'm tentatively calling Jedi: Rising Order. The aim is to modernise the UI and bring it more in line with what it would look like if Jedi Academy was released in the current canon, similar to the Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor games. So far I've released a splash screen replacer as a teaser, before moving on to the much bigger task of remaking all of the menus. Download link for the splash screen:
  9. Version 1.0.0


    A simple splash screen replacer that combines the aesthetics of the original game with that of modern entries in the Star Wars franchise, predominantly inspired by Jedi: Fallen Order. This has been tested at 1080p widescreen resolution using OpenJK - if there are any issues at other resolutions/in vanilla please let me know in the comments.
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