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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. I'm watching episode 11 "Idiot's Array" and just laughed out loud how the escape pod "fell-away" from the Ghost as if it were in atmosphere under the full affect of gravity! Hilarious... the writers need to brush up on some fundamental physics of space. ...puffer pig! Please... it's a wonder it didn't snort like the pigs from Angry Birds game.
  2. UPDATE: ...so I've sorted out the skinning issues-- they should be resolved. Unfortunately, there still is a bug in Maxscript regarding the "readValue" command for newer versions. I say it's a bug... because the script works just fine for all game types from Max 5 to Max 2011. In Max 2012, all dotXSI 3.x files import correctly (given the WIP status of the script-- still need to finish some things...). Unfortunately, this "readValue" bug breaks compatibility with the older dotXSI 1.x files in Max 2012. ...and in 3dsMax 2013+ the script seems to have more than one problem... even if you uncheck importing of envelopes. So, I'm going to finish the script targeting versions up to 3ds Max 2011 (which will work in 2012 for dotXSI 3.x files only). ...I hope you guys didn't un-install your older versions of 3ds Max.
  3. More likely they were modeled at 100% size and during export they failed to scale them down to 64% like the character is done. Thus they look huge compared to player in-game. Regardless, this should be fixed also.
  4. @@DT85 -- So I found the bug that is causing skinning errors with v1.8 exporter files. This script bug is also the cause for the "readValue" error posted previously. Actually the original error lies with Raven's custom dotXSI exporter and not the Softimage based v1.8 exporter. It just manifested that way because I designed the script to first process Raven assets-- thinking all others would be good as well. When I get this fixed I will send you another beta version to try out.
  5. I meant in terms of weight-- their movie props were probably close the the weight of a Katana.
  6. @zefilus -- their dueling sabers they used during filming are in essence katanas... i.e., carbon fiber wound rods with steel cores.
  7. Every hilt I see looks improperly scaled too large... Someone should check their scaling against the real-world props from the prequels.
  8. I disagree. Lucas modeled the Jedi after the Samurai/KungFu Monks -- but he failed to hire stunt/fight coordinators who grasped that idea/vision... rather people in London, England interpreted "Lightsabers" like medevial two-handed broadswords-- and that is how they pathetically choreographed the OT saber duels... like medieval knights. Plus they used delicate clear glass rods which easily broke on contact-- thus making the fights look more pathetic. The Prequels got this aspect of saber dueling right!
  9. Perhaps Ezra was biding his time undergoing further training-- after all. He'd need to be a true Master to face Darth Vader and the Emperor. Luke was truly a match for neither... only saved in the end by his father. One reason I wished they added scenes with a double having Yoda properly instruct Luke in all the lightsaber forms while on Dagobah.
  10. Ok... I'm still having some bugs dealing with dotXSI files exported using the v1.8 exporters. Good news is the maxscript compiles and functions in 3ds Max 2015, but I'm getting the error that @@DT85 got in Max 2014. This issue is related to skin modifier and applying the skin weights. Here is the results of my error from the Maxscript Listener: So it looks like I have a little more debugging to do.
  11. The script compiles just fine and functions in Max 2011, 2012, 2013. However, I seem to be having skinning issues on files exported with the "v1.8" exporters... whereas the Raven assets import correctly now (...as tested in 8 and 2011) ...must continue debugging.
  12. "Server-side" ??? -- I'm confused... why would the SP engine need to run anything on the "Server-side" ??? Isn't that the host machine that runs the server for online multi-player? I guess I don't understand how SP is architected. ...much sadness there is.
  13. Is that a question or a statement? Perhaps Ezra is the one Yoda was referring to (and not Leia) when he said to Obi-Wan, "...no, there is another." Afterall, Obi-Wan knew of Leia and that she was adopted by Bail Organa.
  14. @@NumberWan -- All I said was that it looks like a Cutlass and they should keep their PotC artists in the 1700's and not mix them with StarWars-- not sure how that illicited such a loquacious response.
  15. Hmmm... it may be complaining about lines like this: readValue inFile as integer, or readValue inFile + 1, etc. Try putting parentheses around the readValue command like: ( readValue inFile ) as integer, etc. I'll fix it on my end too...
  16. I think Disney is getting Star Wars confused with their Pirates of the Carribbean! His saber looks like a Cutlass.
  17. @@DT85 -- what version of Max caused this error? It compiled fine for me and Max 8 and Max 2011.
  18. Their saber design was horribly flawed-- using "glass" rod for post rotoscoping of the saber effect. The prequel duels make the originals look pathetic. They could have easily revamped them with double and new dueling sabers.
  19. Update: I have finally (with the help of others from CGSociety forum) gotten the issues with applying skin weights resolved! ...and it appears this resolves the skin weight problems for Star Trek Elite Force files as well! So now I just need to cleanup a few things I broke for STEF files and add these new changes to the batch import routine. I've sent the latest beta version 2.00 to @@DT85 to test out... I hope to have this Maxscript officially released for both 3dsMax and Gmax next week.
  20. Hopefully @@Xycaleth and @@eezstreet can help you resolve these errors.
  21. I wished they would've added to all of the lightsaber fights so that they look more "Jedi" rather than medevial crap.
  22. OK... I'm finally getting back to this while also trying to finish the 3ds Max dotXSI 1.x & 3.x file importer Maxscript (almost done-- struggling with skin weights!). Anyways... for the facial rig you'll be able to control each area of the face to make unique expressions (could be used for custom facial.gla file for a cutscene cinematic); additionally to this overarching individual control, I plan to have six sliders that will allow you to pose the face quickly for the six universal facial expressions: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Surprise, Disgust. Within the 3ds Max Facial Rig GUI you'll also have the ability to create and store your own unique facial poses-- to be able to insert them anywhere along the animation timeline. As for the six universal expression sliders, below is the progression of the emotional expression from a neutral face: I'm still in the facial rig planning stages-- I intend to architect it so that the six expression sliders above can be combined/blended in an additive way-- e.g., you could have some amount of Disgust and Anger for a unique look... not every combination may result in believable expressions though. I also hope to incorporate wrinkle-maps handled by shaders to go along with the facial expression (likely handled as animevents in the new facial.gla -- will have to work those details out with @@eezstreet, @@Xycaleth, and @@DT85). ...and I'll be working on the Jan Ors head mesh this weekend. Any comments on the progression above?
  23. Her shadow seems to have a big hole in her chest... I'm sure it's just one of many bugs/errors you're working to resolve-- keep up the great work!
  24. It looks like an industrial hand-held blender that's missing its "beaters".
  25. 3ds Max 7 will work for you just fine... just download the plugins and Maxcripts that work for version 6 or 7.
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