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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. I've been working on modifying the Gmax/3dsMax dotXSI 1.x Importer Maxscript to be able to process dotXSI 3.x files as well. dotXSI 3.x introduces about 13 new template types to handle... So far, I have 4 of 13 complete (dealing with materials/textures) completed-- meaning the SI_MaterialLibrary is imported and put to the Material Editor in 3dsMax. Remaining templates to process are: SI_FCurve, SI_GlobalMaterial, SI_Mesh, SI_Model, SI_Null, SI_Shape, SI_Transform, SI_TriangleList, XSI_CustomPSet (holds .Game Shader data)
  2. Yes, living creatures can anticipate contact... and "ball-up/cringe" before taking the hit. However, inanimate objects (like a ball) do not begin to squash/stretch before making contact with the ground or a wall... the ball would only begin to compress after making initial contact... I was commenting on the original figures in the paper.
  3. Only if you're animating cartoons
  4. @@eezstreet -- thanks for the paper... however, a ball doesn't start stretching/squashing in anticipation of hitting the ground.
  5. Here's an update of what I've got finished on the face so far. ...there are still a few "rough" spots I need to smooth out-- and yes, still no eyebrows.
  6. @@NumberWan ...and Obi-Wan Kenobi is not resourceful?
  7. I'm focusing on this project now... laying aside importers/exporters, etc. so that I can get Jan Ors and the lip-sync'ing project finished.
  8. Worked on the temple/jaw/cheek area for about an hour... hope to show some more progress soon.
  9. ModTool should work... Post a screenshot of your full model hierarchy.
  10. I don't really use Mod Tool as my primary 3D app... but my first hunch is that you've missed something in following @@minilogoguy18's tutorial.
  11. Try using carcass 2.2
  12. Perhaps it is the force awakening in Daisy Ridley's character... after all Luke had no inkling he was a force-sensitive... but still the title sucks.
  13. I think that title is lame! Since when does the "force" sleep? ... that's about as good as: Star Wars: Mitosis of the Midichlorians
  14. @@Xycaleth -- How about a mod view logo That shows a character Model all in white... In the DaVinci pose along with the Mod View name?
  15. Yeah, it kills me how Stormtroopers are made to be buffoons...
  16. An updated version of this script will be released soon... (to improve error-trapping)
  17. Version 1.029Beta


    This MAXScript is an importer for the Softimage dotXSI 1.x file format. It is derived from Tsvetan's original script (see credits). Version 1.029 makes significant changes for importing Star Trek:Voyager- Elite Force dotXSI 1.x animtaion files that were released by Raven Software. See the included documentation for history and usage. Version 1.029Beta works for 3ds Max 5 and later... (Not compatible with Gmax)
  18. Version 1.029 Beta


    This Gmax MAXScript is an importer for the Softimage dotXSI 1.x file format. It is derived from Tsvetan's original script (see credits). Version 1.029 makes significant changes for importing Star Trek:Voyager- Elite Force dotXSI 1.x animtaion files that were released by Raven Software. See the included documentation for history and usage. Version 1.029Beta works for Gmax only (a version is in work to restore broken compatibility for Max 5).
  19. YouTube video link please! Are they bolt-on GLMs or integrated into a single skeleton GLA?
  20. Appears to have seams on both sides of vertical red bar-- not sure if those are UV seams or mesh seams where you broke the model. Try adding smoothing groups to make your normals match across mesh boundaries and then before you export detach your smoothing groups... or alternatively-- add an edit normals modifier, check unspecified then collapse your stack. Read up on what "breaks" an edit_normals modifier.
  21. You should be able to get it to work in game if you can see it in Modview.
  22. Version 1.030 Beta


    This MAXScript is an importer for the Softimage dotXSI 1.x file format. It is derived from Tsvetan's original script (see credits). Version 1.030 makes significant changes for importing Star Trek:Voyager- Elite Force dotXSI 1.x animtaion files that were released by Raven Software. There are a few issues with the script but it suffices to import in the animation and save it to a 3ds Max file for later retargeting of the animation onto any 3ds Max skeleton rig. See the included documentation for history and usage. Version 1.030Beta breaks compatibility for Gmax, 3ds Max 5.1 and earlier (a version is in work to restore broken compatibility).
  23. Interesting... http://www.cnet.com/news/this-is-what-a-star-wars-blaster-bolt-would-look-like-in-real-life/
  24. In the image above... the reticle ( illuminated crosshairs ) should not be projected onto the ocular lens of the eyepiece as shown-- it is internal to the scope, and projected onto the target image seen thru objective lens. Neither is it visible on the outside of the objective lens. It's only visible when looking thru the eyepiece.
  25. There will also be cockpit animations, console interactions, repair-like animations... which don't have a JKA corollary.
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