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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. Deferred Subsurface Scattering (with code): http://www.derschmale.com/2014/06/02/deferred-subsurface-scattering-using-compute-shaders/
  2. Goodness... there are many free motion capture dance animations on the web. Do a google search, find them and retarget them onto the JA skeleton in Blender. Here is just one major resource: http://mocap.cs.cmu.edu/motcat.php?maincat=4 Download a BVH player to preview the mocap files.
  3. Yes, I will do that... it might take me a couple weeks to find the free time.
  4. Planning to get back to this in latter part of May.
  5. I've compiled the version 1.9 dotXSI 3.0 exporter for 3ds Max 2018 (requested by @@Rooxon). It should be submitted for release this Friday. People should only upgrade to 2018 after reading about the changes from 2017-- for example... the Mental Ray and iRay renderers are no longer an inherent part of 3ds Max in 2018... you will have to buy them from nVidia as a plugin now.
  6. I compiled the MD3 v2.2 exporter for 3ds Max 2018. @@Rooxon is beta testing it for me. It should be submitted for release this Friday.
  7. Can you incorporate a basic OpenGL sphere primitive?
  8. @@SomaZ - fair enough... normal wrinkle maps (Oat's implementation) should go hand-in-hand with the standard normal map stage (...as it's just additive blending with the base normal map based on the current facial expression).
  9. great work! The index finger looks broken at base knuckle.
  10. Use a model for the Outrider exterior... and model the interior in 3D app and clip it out in Radiant... wouldn't that allow for a more realistic, faithful replication? Here's the Outrider: http://www.scifi3d.com/details.asp?intGenreID=10&intCatID=31&key=249
  11. @@SomaZ - that's quite an impressive list of accomplishments... and planned work. Any chance of adding Real-Time Wrinkle (Normal) Maps and Sub-Surface Scattering (SSS) to your WIP/ToDo List? Wrinkles: http://chrisoat.com/publications.html SSS: https://www.blendernation.com/2012/02/07/non-blender-open-source-real-time-sss-shader/ Wrinkles are higher priority for me... as I want that for my FACS-based (FACS= Facial Action Coding System) facial rig and new facial.gla. I will do what I can to help...
  12. Sounds like he wants a wireframe sphere (similar to 3ds Max)... given a position and radius. There should be basic "draw sphere" functionality in openGL or DirectX-- whatever Radiant uses. @@Xycaleth, @@ensiform ?
  13. it could be that if the hero characters suffer too much damage, the mission fails... so the player has to help protect/cover them...
  14. Even cooler... steal/snatch (force grab) the in-air saber (if you're a single saber user) and then become a dual wielder?!
  15. meh, i think it can look and play better in JKE/EDP with better squad AI and GL2 with PBR level design & models.
  16. @@eezstreet- but it also has lots of improvements. Maybe there needs to be a cleaner, uncrufty version? @@UniqueOne
  17. Should everyone be using @@UniqueOne's improved 64bit q3map2?
  18. your solution is confusing... would you please clarify?
  19. I think a multiple gradient-ramp from cuticle to nail would look nice... to blend in with his pink nail polish.
  20. I think @@UniqueOne has compiled a 64-bit version of q3map2 with many advancements.
  21. ...who knew Kyle wore pink fingernail polish under his gloves!? Looks good though... does the camera shift to be over left shoulder when throwing a left punch?
  22. in my opinion we should see more of his thumb and the web between the thumb and trigger finger on the pistol grip in the view model similar to this: Here's a better shot from CoD:
  23. leaving Port of Miami for a week-long Carribbean cruise... see you on the flip side! :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Archangel35757
    3. JediBantha


      "You will always remember the day you almost caught... Captain Jack Archangel!"

    4. Archangel35757


      The logistics of turning over a cruiseship (unloading/loading) is impressive.

  24. ...or better/higher quality view models and proper animations
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