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Posts posted by Mandalorian

  1. Are you using my exporter? If not, look into the exporter's documentation on how to set textures. Otherwise, maybe share your .blend file so we can take a look at where you went wrong.

    yep I did use your exporter every other aspect is done.

  2. I dislike the whole of the new trilogy and so the clone wars being a extension of that annoyed me. It destroyed the Original trilogy. However my issue is more with the new trilogy being a major major let down, I watched all of the clone wars and it grew on me like fungus on a shower wall.The later episodes had some really good dark moments and seeing characters and stories outside of the clone wars directly where the best of the lot. I liked the mandalorian episodes although I disliked Maul's return and Satine and Kenobi having feelings for each other kind of killed the integrity of good ol ben. Some of the clones where pretty cool like commander Wolffe but separitist forces where boring or ridiculous. The clone wars prior to NT was hinted in a way to be the emperor with the clones killing the jedi, Not droids against the good guy clones.

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