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Files posted by Chansta
Cloud City Ambush
By Chansta in Free For All
Here it is, my Fourth map for Jedi academy
My I present Cloud City ambush.....
Loosley based off a location from Star Wars Infinites the Empire Strike back comic... it features a number of rooms including Landos office complete with a desk that has the carbonite frozen form of Boba Fett as a custom texture!! In addition I added a huge chamber which is supposed to resemble the room where Han and Company fought Boba fett in.
I'll admit I was going to relase this sometime in March but life has kept me busy and I have been buzzing with many additional ideas. But here it is now for Download
Installation: place the Pk3 into your gamedata Base folder
For MD and SWGL users just place it in the respective MD/ GL folders it should work fine.
Tomb of Aviskus
By Chansta in Capture The Flag
Here it is, my third map for jedi Academy
May I present the Tomb of Aviskus
Like the last two this map was based around an original idea.
It was featured in the Now completed Sw fanfic that I wrote, which i am certain many of you have seen on the JKEMPIRE discord
Overall background:
This is the main chamber of the Tomb of Darth Aviskus, a powerful sith lord who continued the war against the old republic in the aftermath of Darth Ruin's death. However, he was defeated in battle by Renald Vren, the youngest jedi grandmaster in recorded history.
After his death his body was brought here to rest, by his followers, whereupon the completion of the tomb, the spirit of the Dark Lord commanded that his surviving followers perform a ritual of immense power, which resulted in the deaths of most of his followers, and it also ensured that his spirit would retain the power that he once had in life.
And so here his spirit waits for one powerful enough to reach his sarcophagus so that he may possess them.....
Will you be Strong enough to resist the spirit of the Sith Lord??!?!?
Or will you fall victim to his power like so many before?
I'll admit this was intended to be released sometime in January but life got harder for me, but its here now!!
Of all the maps i've made this is the one that I fully intended for use in multiplayer, mainly due to its size and scale
Now you too can play this map in MP, you can yeet your opponents into the lava pit or fight on the stairs or if you are crazy like me you'll spawn an army there in SP.
Installation: place the PK3 into your gamedata base folder
For MD and SWGL users, just place it in the respective SWGL/ MD folders and it should work fine.
Tomb of Fear
By Chansta in Mixed Gametypes
Here it is, my second map for Jedi Academy
May I present The Tomb of Fear
This map is actually a completly original idea
Which is actually featured in my ongoing SW fanfics that I'm sure many of you on JKEMPIRE have seen on discord
For a brief background: This was a part of the Tomb of the Ancient Sith Lord Darth Aviskus, a powerful Lord of the Sith that gave the republic a great deal of strife in the years following Darth Ruin's death
Many have passed through here to meet the master but many have failed.... Will you survive???!!!
After much mental debating I finally decided to release it to the public
I'll admit this probably isnt the most ideal map for MP but I included it just for you guys that like to mesh lightsabers into eachothers faces for 8 hours
Installation: place the Pk3 into your gamedata Base folder
For MD and SWGL users just place it in the respective MD/ GL folders it should work fine.
Imperial Hallway
By Chansta in Mixed Gametypes
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen! We finally have it, my first-ever map for Jedi Academy. Ever since I was a wee lad, I've dreamed of creating my own maps for Jedi Academy. Now, for the first time since I got the game in 2009, I've turned that dream into a reality.
I present to you: the Imperial Hallway. It is meant to be based on Coruscant as a part of the Imperial Palace. My main source of inspiration for this map was, in fact, the old Star Wars: Infinities - A New Hope comics. This map is loosely based on them, but with my own creative twist.
Simply place the pk3 file into your gamedata base folder. I've already tested it for multiplayer, so it should run smoothly.
There's only one known issue at the moment - the music I selected doesn't seem to work in multiplayer. Rest assured, I plan to fix it eventually.
Final Notes:
This map was created to honor Jedi Academy on its 20th Anniversary. As such, I'd like to express my gratitude to the following:
Colonel Cornelius CornJulio, for teaching me the art of mapping - The MD team, for fueling my imagination - Linken, for helping me to get the music to run
Enjoy, and may the Force be with you always.
- star wars related
- contest entry
- (and 1 more)
Hero Judy warrior Pack
Its here its finally here after such a long time I come to you guys with an idea that is loosley based off those bootleg models I made last year, but here they are my own original ideas.
This is Hero Judy Warrior pack, featuring the three dimwitted and stupid noobs they are Agent Kokelar, a crack addicted aged hobo, tentacle dude, a wise hero Judy warrior who was born with a severe eye mutation which makes them glow.
and Sassy Taan, who hasnt sharpened his horns since he was an initiate. Now you too can create the epic battles that they fought in the genetical wars against the evil attack robot army.
Here are the npc codes for Agent Kokelar:
npc spawn Agent_kokelar
For Sassy Taan:
For Tentacle_dude:
Installation: take the three pk3s in the zip file and place them into your jedi academy base folder
for Md users put it in your movie duels folder
and for galactic legacy users place it into the galactic legacy folder.
I credit Tompa9 for the creation of his Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar models as they were used in the creation of these reskins.
I would also like to credit the Punisher for his Kit fisto model which was used as a basis for this reskin
Cone Troppa
It's here its finally here. The newest addition to the SW bootleg collection it is the deadly Cone Troppas. Cloned from the DNA of Incompetent Bounty Hunter Beef, they now serve as the soldiers for the Crap Army of the Rublic. Based off the one of the bootleg action figures reviewed by ashens. Now you too can recreate many of the epic battles of the Genetical Wars, such as the epic standoff on Geo-oh-no against Conk Dowkan’s attack robot army. You can even remake the iconic scene where Mace window trains the cone troppas in the art of lightsaber combat.
The npc spawn code is Npc spawn Cone_troppa
And Cone_troppa_nh_saber.
To install just take the pk3 and drop it into your base Jedi Academy Folder.
I credit AshuraDX, Scerendo, MaceMadunusus, Doughnuts for the creation of the clone trooper model that was used in this reskin
Here it is my next entry in the Star Wars Epi sope bootleg saga by George Luce, we have What, everyone’s favorite knockoff junk-dealer from Star Wars Epi sope 1 The Phantom Menaaace, best known for his quote “Mind tickles don’t work on me, only booze”. Now you too can recreate the compelling scene were Fly Gon Gin attempts to barter with What for more booze, or the dramatic duel between Fly gone and what in the streets of Moist Espyay
The npc spawn codes are npc spawn what
And npc spawn what2
Installation: To place this the file just drop it inside of your gamedata/base folder and then upon loading the game you can spawn in the respective npc
I credit Hans Moleman for the creation of the orignal Watto Model, and Barricade24 for uploading the said model.
for context its this:
- alien
- npc support
- (and 1 more)
The next reskin to be featured from George Luce’s Epi Sopes, it is Dennis, based off everyone’s favorite knockoff Sith Lord that was featured in a video reviewed by Ashens, I have taken the extra step to add in additional skins for his hooded and robed appearances in order to give some variety. Now you too can recreate the epic duels that Dennis partakes in such as his ambush of Fly Gone Gin on Tat-oo-waaaaayyyyng, or the legendary duel of the farts on Na-boofie where he kills Fly Gon and is defeated by Toby one.
The npc spawn codes are: Dennis, Dennis_robed and Dennis_hood.
In addition to this I added a single bladed variant for each skin they are: Dennis_single Dennis_single_robed, and Dennis_single_hood
Install Instructions: place this pk3 into the gamedata/base folder.
Disclaimer: I am not the original creator of the Dennis model, I was inspired by the model made by Basil Bonhead feaured in a number of his youtube videos if anything partial credit should go to him for the idea.
I credit DT85 for the creation of the Darth Maul model which was used as the basis for the creation of this reskin.
For context its this:
- sith
- non star wars related
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Here it is my next entry into the Star Wars Epi sope bootleg saga by George Luce, we have Conehead everyone’s favorite knockoff jedi from Star Wars Epi sope 1 The Phantom Menaaaace, best known for his famous quote “What about the robot attack on the furries?”from Revonge of the Seth. Now you too can recreate the epic saber duel where he engages Fly Gone Gin in a sparring session at the Judy Temple on Croissant.
To place this the file just drop it inside of your gamedata/base folder and then upon loading the game you can spawn in the respective npc
The npc spawn code is npc spawn conehead.
I credit Psyk0Sith for his Ki Adi Mundi model
For context its this:
- jedi
- non star wars related
- (and 1 more)
Mace Window
The newest addition to the Sw bootleg saga, it is everyone's favorite bmf jedi Mace window, based off the episode 1 bootleg figure line reviewed by ashens, now you too can recreate the epic battle where he faces incompetant bounty hunter Beef and his attack robots on Geo-oh-no. the npc spawn codes are: macewindow, macewindow_hood, macewindow_unrobed macewindow_armored and macewindow_armored_unrobed.
for context its this:
Here it is the next character to be featured in my bootleg action figure collection, it is Beef also known as Bootleg Boba Fett as featured in one of Ashens videos, complete with upside down jetpack thrusters I would like to credit Basil Bonehead for the modification of the Jetpack model and Grandmaster Tompa for helping me in getting the npcs to load properly. Now You too can relive the greatest adventures of the galaxies most ingenious bounty hunters. The codes are npc spawn Beef, Beef_helm, Beef_nopac and beef_pilot. For a reference its this
- npc support
- non star wars related
- (and 1 more)
Attack Robot
Here it is the next character to be featured in my bootleg action figure collection, it is the fearsome attack robots, featured in one of Ashens videos, I have taken one extra step and given extra skins for the sake of variety. The codes are npc spawn Attack_Robot, Attack_robot_comm, Attack_robot_pilot, and Attack_robot_security
Now you too can recreate the epic battle from Star Wars Epi sope 1 the Phantom Menaaace where Fly Gone and Toby-one face down the attack Robot army.
for context its this:
Fly Gone Gin
Another reskin that i had been working on, it is everyone's favorite jedi, Fly Gone Gin from George Luce's Star Wars Epi sope 1 the Phantom Menaaaace. Based off a bootleg action figure that is featured in one of ashens videos (also refferred to by ashens as, "an angry wrestler who has seen better days") every one's favorite jedi from George Luce's Star Wars Epi sope 1 the Phantom Menaaaace. the npc codes are: Flygone, Flygone_robed, Flygone_hood, Flygone_poncho, and Flygone_bw.
for a reference, here's the original figure its based off of.
the newest addition to the bootleg Star wars collection he is Toby one (also referred to as "Yellow man" by ashens). based off of the action figure featured in ashens videos, he is a sight to behold in all his bootlegged wonder. the npc spawn codes are: npc spawn tobyone, tobyone_robed and tobyone_hooded. (note he does not come with the capri-sun straw saber or at least thats what i thought it looked like). For Context, here's the figure its based off of
Jedi Force
another reskin based off another cheap knockoff action figure, named Jedi force from STBR WARS (whatever franchise that is) npc spawn jediforce is the code
- npc support
- jedi
- (and 1 more)
May I present Gremloid, he is based off another cheap knockoff Star Wars action figure that was featured in Ashens videos, and was properly named Gremloid in one of Ashens later videos
For Context:
Simply put the pk3 into the base folder of Jedi Academy.
Wise Puppet
Based off the cheap Knockoff action figure seen on the internet Star Warsiors (whatever that is) i have taken to messing with the beard and making sure it looks nice