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Everything posted by Stoiss

  1. even if you are in safe mode this should not happen, it has never done it with me in the old days from what i remember, it only happen if you quit the game from the ingame menu and not go to the main menu first, idk if you tried that but if it didnt work it sounds werid to me that it keeps doing it, what about if you set the exe files to run win xp sp3 mode ? somtimes that helps,
  2. glad to help out mate
  3. what i know if and thats when i used to play japlus in the old days if i just exied the the game just by close it down it didnt save my configm, but if i did go to the main menu and closed the game from there it did save it
  4. g_Dismember 1000 cg_dismember 1000 that is what i use when im playing
  5. it should come for all consoles when the new next gen is released on the market i will still buy it for my ps3
  6. idd it Looks like a Max Payne 3 meets GTA. thing
  7. you remember to patch it with 1.01 offical jka patch?
  8. looks awesome Vel
  9. why reanimate for all char when it just need to be the same for all of them ?
  10. to animate cloth physics i guess it would need anim bones for that to be working, but also need a engine for it maybe ? but im not a animator so i realy don't know. DT85 might know this
  11. like so many other have said, give it time guys its been about 2 mounth now that we have got the jedi academy and jko engine now it needs alot of bug fixing and clean ups in it, it will take alot of free time to make such progress happen for such old game i give it a year and in that time i think we will see some pretty awesome stuff comming out for openJK
  12. Like google is our frined youtube is to
  13. Super but then you got this info for som other time when you need to reinstall you windows
  14. make a boot usb of you windows 7 or 8 if you like to it works alot faster then a dvd drive download this tool here http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/windows_7_usb_dvd_download_tool.html its easy to use load in you image of a copy of windows in this tool here and make sure it is there on the USB stick restart you pc and boot up on you usb drive and you are good to go for a new install it works for win xp vista win 7-8
  15. lua is not used for npcs names darth its coded in to cg_draw.c where it call a function for npc names dat file where it random take a name for each npc, and under it it tells what faction the class is in
  16. some games does support for ALT+Enter to get in and out in windows modes have try that ?
  17. Asgarath83 what does this have to do with OpenJK at all ? you should ask for this on jacoders and not in the General OpenJk topic as it for me don't have anything to do with it at all
  18. no DT we don't have any animators i guess we would need to have one to replace all the animations in some way i guess i don't know what they others have plan for that but im for sure think there should be make new and better anim
  19. looks good you getting closer to how it looks like compaire to HK's secret app
  20. gamefront maybe ? i remeber somthing semi to this was posted there years ago
  21. just use g_saberMoreRealistic "1" as eezstreet said
  22. if he plays sp it should work no bat file needed for that
  23. #define NUM_FORCE_POWERS-5 #define NUM_FORCE_POWERS-1 Like this i guess ?
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