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Everything posted by OCD2

  1. The best part was that this happened for no particular reason lol. I found the local.pref file, and the user proj it referenced. Im in the file, and looking at the BSP lines. In the directory it shows now, the huge string of directory errors ends in this at some points: q3map2/q3map2" -v Is the " part of the syntax you recommended to be cautious about, or is that an error? The two bsp options I edited in Radiant are possibly damaged from my editing - is there a way to reset this file other than manually replacing the pathways? Im looking at all the scripting syntax and im almost certain I would botch it further. EDIT BELOW: Thank you, I was able to restore one of the BSP options with your assistance. I was on the right track when I was self problem solving by editing the directory path, but did not realize that it made them so long, and occurree multiple times in each BSP entry. Each line has several sections with huge strings of q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/................................ attached at every point. Not sure how that happened, but its pretty annoying to remove. Thank you for your help, im grateful.
  2. The BSP output becomes as a massive leaking hall of mirrors mess. I tried editing the path by removing excessive q3map2/ directories, and made the bsp command work, but the result is a "broken" map in the bsp. In the editor, the map file is fully intact. In frustration, I tried reinstalling GTK to see if it would reset the stock -bsp parameters, but it remained the same. The photo shows how the BSP menu displays. The top two options were the two that I removed the excessive directories from and had made to work - though the bsp outlet is corrupted.
  3. Hello, Ive been mapping with gtkradiant for a few months now. Last night, it decided that it was not closed properly, and said all preferences have been erased... I managed to re-set up the editor as it was previously, though now I cannot compile a BSP? It gives an error message stating "Failed to execute the following command : C:/program files/gtkradiant/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2 - v connect 127.0.0. 1:39000 - game ja -fs_basepath "c:/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/jediacademy/gamedata/" - meta "c:/program files (x86) etc etc. check that the file exists and that you dont run out of resources. Im trying to determine the issues, first thing that comes to mind is some sort of folder/pathing issue. I do not remember the BSP options starting with so many q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2/q3map2 ...... Or perhaps GTK radiant became corrupt? Partially -solved, I had to re-update the q3map2 compiler. Still not working, I was able to compile, though the map is corrupted.
  4. The compiling parameters I'm currently using are : -meta, -vis, -light -fast - filter - super 2 -bounce 8 I have not got into all the functionality of the BSP options yet, is there a better set of parameters to use?
  5. Thank you! These are all still place holder textures and shaders. I'm saving the final textures until close to when the mod is finished. They should make a dramatic improvement in before and after pictures
  6. Lol, yes the architecture is relatively simple in design - that's why I chose it. I was hoping that building a map with a simple structure would allow me to spend more time adding a bit of extra polish to the mod. Textures, shaders, audio, scripting, an intro movie, fun easter eggs... I'm hoping to learn as much as I can with this project. I went quiet for a few days and have been busy working with the map. I have 3 different builds going right now with different layouts. I have a working lock down security system in a few different arrays. And I've done some shader and script editing as well as did a bit of work towards adding a full size and mini map. To answer your question, player lighting has improved. I found a few leaks made from rapid construction errors, and I made some optimizations around the map that helped. I'll have to check the parameters that I'm using to compile - it's one of the "stock" options that is labelled (final).
  7. Hello, I am working on a siege file for my map mod. I'm trying to add a mini map and full size map for my level. I've taken the image of the map in GTKR and saved it as .tga file. Mapped out the coordinates from the top left and bottom right of the map and added them to the Siege file. Added the .tga image to map/gfx/automap. When the level is running, the mini map is working, but the image in the MM is displaying much smaller than it should, and displaying the full map in a small scale. It sort of looks like the image is unwrapping? What did I do wrong? Edit : I believe there may be an issue with the shader I made.
  8. I think they might bring Kyle Katarn to respond to the baby yoda force beacon and help deal with the dark troopers. Kyle and baby yoda can both relate to each other having both dark and light tendencies and he could know how to train him to be balanced.
  9. On older comments yes, newer comments, no.
  10. Lockdown simulation 1.0. Needs a lot of texture work! Some of the column lights need to be strobed, some need to be changed colors and need their respective shaders.
  11. Added some of the security doors and doorframes, per the conventions shown on the episode, and completed some more optimizing.
  12. Agreed. I came to the realization that it will be more about recognizable setpieces, than a full replica of what's currently available as a schematic. I'll take a little bit of license on the layout to hopefully make for interesting gameplay. I have one in mind already. Current focus is on completing more optimization in the main hallway prefabs, and to make the columns with the drop down security doors that are currently missing from the hallways. To include one example of the discrepancies in the shows ship schematic - the attached photo shows what looks like a pattern of 4 side by side cells drawn in blue..... and a half cell with a half size doorway? On the same photo, the diamond shape area, which represents the control room, seems to show two cell doors at the entrance - that lead to nothing. In the episode it's shown as 2 column pairs worth of blank walls. It seems like they did not know if they wanted 4 or 5 cells shown, or the graphic artist just copy pasted and never bothered to make sure the cells fit in a cohesive way in the schematic. I mean who would look that closely at this briefly flashed graphic? lol I also realized that I did not have dynamic glow enabled in my photos.
  13. There have been articles saying they are making a Boba spin-off show, so he will likely be written for limited appearance(s) on the Mandalorian. Unless they do something like the DC series on CW, where the shows can interconnect for "special events", or one off appearances from time to time.
  14. I guess the Razor Crest was not in the Rise of Skywalker. The Razor Crest mapper is in for a surprise.
  15. Mostly some optimizing today. Removed a huge swath of over 600 brushes, replacing some with textures and rebuilding some with more efficient brushwork. Made a panel texture variant and placed some textures in conventions shown in the episode. (cell door numbers became integrated into the bevel as a new texture combo and columns brush count were reduced respectively) Photos below. More optimization and build out still to come. I'm having a bit of a time reconciling the map layout. Looking at the shows depictions of a schematic, and then how the show actually depicts the interior of the ship, it seems like there is some discrepancy in execution. Ill include some photos later, showing the differences in the shows "map" vs how it was actually portrayed with the physical set. The short of it is, they seemed to have made ~ 2 different small hallway practical sets,and then reused them in different camera angles to make it look more expansive. As well as they made use of some cgi "sets" that added another layer of how its not necessarily a cohesive design on the show.
  16. The great thing about this game, is that with some effort, you can mod it into almost anything else. Being a jedi/hero game, you already have in place many "supernatural" powers that you could apply to characters from other movies/books/comics. So for example, you could take a superhero character like Thor, give him sith lightning and let him throw his hammer. If you wanted to go all out, you could make an entire level based off a comic or a movie, and build out the characters with their respective abilities. And some people just like playing as an out of place character on their own screen, for fun. It may not be for you, and that's okay.
  17. Couple more photos of different aspects of the concept: The middle point for both teams, showing the command center and secured hanger bay. There are panels that operate a bridge between the two sides for quicker passage. The processing center fan rotates like its airing out drug residue. The other perspective of the middle point. Shows the maintenance elevator. The lower level of the middle point. Shows refining area. A glimpse at the corroded cargo elevators at each teams spawn.
  18. Looking good. But how did they fit 3 Blurrg in there? ?
  19. Thank you for the encouragement - it has a long way to go. I will probably remake it at some point, smaller and in more detail.
  20. I present to you Spice Runner. Intended to be a medium/smaller scale map - though it morphed into one of the first larger scale maps I made lol. It is an mb2 objective based map, set in an underworld gangsters illegal spice mining operation, taking place on a mineral dense asteroid. Theme of the level would be "caustic", with influences from the movie Solo and its depiction of Kessel, as well as the show Breaking Bad (starring Moff Gideon). Would include custom models, textures and shaders. The red team has landed in the makeshift hanger bay. They must infiltrate the processing facility, and retrieve and return a camtono of spice back to their ship. Secondary obj is to destroy the processing center, for some extra benefit/small map change that opens up a lane. Optional obj is to infiltrate the enemy base, which contains computers that can be hacked to benefit the red team/open up a part of the map. The blue team is to defend the refined spice camtonos and processing center, while preventing the enemy from escaping. Secondary obj is to defend the base, the base having some controls that allow the blue team to activate beneficial things on the map, the controls can be hacked by the red team to benefit the red team. Just to preface, this map is not complete or detailed and is not currently in development, rather just a concept I made awhile back that I'm sharing. I do like the idea, and I plan to take it back up at a later date. Plan on taking some of the concept aspects and cutting them down in size, and rebuilding to a new layout and design that already has a solid concept waiting to be built. Some photos of the alpha concept build below: Red team begins in a hanger with a freight elevator and two side exits to chose from as paths. Hilarious Dollar Store Razor Crest-ese Flying Toaster ship docked in the bay. Blue team starts in a command center with a freight elevator to the mine and 2 doors to choose from as paths. Upper level of the command center has a lookout tower and a meeting room filled with all sorts of trophies, one funnily enough being a metal spear that I made before the last episode of the Mandalorian- maybe this is one of her other businesses...
  21. Cool, looks like youve made quite a few projects for JK.
  22. I still have yet to try any fixes, your reading brain is working right lol. Thank you for the suggestions, those are things I did not think about as solutions.
  23. Thank you, I'll try your suggestion. Currently the cell construction is detached from when I last resized the working map area. Though prior to that I did try rolling, crouch jumping and etc. With no luck at getting the character through the doorframe. An NPC could be spawned in the cell no problem. I'll reattach the cell to a doorframe and try what you suggested next time I can work on the map.
  24. I considered the height of the actors, and then decided to go off of the standard 65 unit height for a player model to determine scale. (and then measured the character in the photo, and subsequently went through and measured all the geometry, did the math and scaled it to map units accordingly) Good eye - currently floor to ceiling height is 96 units. I did try to make an invisible no draw ledge leading up to the door frame, but it did not work. I suspect I made the doorway sloppily, it was a bit rushed - or as I like to say its first iteration lol. I also did not truly scale the doors yet, though I will be doing so, which I think should enlarge the doorframe slightly. I just checked, and currently the doors at 5 units up from the floor brush.
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