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Everything posted by OCD2

  1. Thank you, that was fast help!
  2. It still shows the selected brush in the 2d views, though as stated in the thread title, GTK radiant is not showing my selected brush highlighted in red in 3d view as it has been since beginning mapping. Did I accidentally hit a hotkey to turn off showing selected brush? Is my gtkradiant bugged? What did I do?
  3. I'm a newer mapper, only having used gtkradiant for about two months. I've read the gtkradiant manual, the shader manual, dabbled with scripting (and shaders), followed tutorials, and looked around at other gtk mapping communities to try and learn as much as possible. I'm still learning, and have a ton of questions, so some of my questions may be rudimentary, or unclear because I have not committed all of the terminology to memory just yet. Looking at my initial post, it is quite a vague blanket question - I suppose I was hoping there was a common reason for light "leaking" through a door. I'll try to provide more detailed information later.
  4. I am not, it is all brushwork or patches.
  5. Hello there.
  6. I do not think so - the rest of the corridor (s) are using the same light shader, and are not presenting the same light issue. I will have to check to be certain - what would the text be to use vertex shading in the shader file?
  7. Im working on a cave/corridor templates for a map, and im having issues with light near one room in the map. The doorways leading out of that one room show light beaming out of the doorway corners and across the nearby corridor walls. It seems to beam out from the bottom corners of the door, up and across the wall. Is there a common cause for light "leaking" out of doors? The other rooms in the map do not have this issue. Did I perhaps build the doorway sub-optimally? Would light entities cause this to happen - too many in a room, or too bright perhaps? Its been boggling me for a good while, and now im nearing the stage where I want to lock down the template for my connecting corridors and would like to get this light issue fixed before proceeding. Any help appreciated! https://imgur.com/a/KlwXYzT The top image shows the issue, the other two images are in the same corridor to show that the lighting issue is specific to the on problematic door. PS please disregard the poor bevel construction of the hallway, its one of 5 corridor templates, and not one in the running for final!
  8. It would be an .md3.
  9. Hello there! Ill have to check, what I'm hoping for is to replace the datapad model that is used in siege maps.
  10. Hello, Would like to ask if someone could make a camtono model. (From Empire Strikes Back, and also the Mandalorian) Intend to use for siege maps where the objective is to pick up the camtono and deliver it to a checkpoint. https://imgur.com/a/pQ15uHu
  11. I made a trigger once, with the proper facing and player use button ticked and a usetime of 5000, which targets a target_activate, which then targets a funcdoor that is ticked to inactive and set with its proper open angle. In game, the button displays the player use icon when you face the button, but you cannot press/hack the button - nothing happens, the player does not animate pressing the button or move in any way. What could I have done wrong? Edit: I did not know the trigger had to be large enough to fit the character, problem solved.
  12. Hello, When making a siege map, what are the keys for setting the time it takes to complete the hack? Edit: found it in the entity menu, was looking for the key "usetime".
  13. I believe there is an option in the video settings that says full screen (off) - click that to on and then click the apply button.
  14. Interesting information! Thank you for all of your help.
  15. https://imgur.com/a/zHF5vTZ
  16. Another piggyback question - My scripted elevators work as intended - though after using them once, they return to a resting position that is just a step lower than they started. What would cause that / what did I do wrong?
  17. Thank you, I will look up move blocks / use blocks. And thank you for the tip about doors and placement. Truly appreciate the help.
  18. Second add on question: How do I script the elevator to have doors that open when it reaches its destination?
  19. Thank you fast man, that was the problem. I did have a working elevator, but ended up having surprise duplicate brushes on my lift that I had to delete, maybe deleting the extra trigger changed the values on the script runner?
  20. Hello, As per title, my scripted elevator only works once. The triggers have a count of -1, and the elevator works, both up and down - but only one time. Then it will not function any longer. What could I have done wrong?
    I do not know the character, but this is good looking work!
  21. Really looking forward to the contest, I hope it's a map competition, and brings something fresh to the game. I may even have something to submit!
  22. Thank you for the information. I understand most of what you wrote, through some was still outside my current skillset, though I'm willing and actively trying to learn! So I could use a func train, and have it run its course, and trigger a teleport that resets it to the starting point - to make a sort of endless loop? I was hoping to make at least a flat platform, that moves the player in a single direction. With box's interspaced on it, so a player could "ride" it with some small cover to help them advance.
  23. If you ask, people will generally help, or point you in the right direction. https://jkhub.org/forums/forum/153-tutorials/ A quick glance at the tutorials section shows pages of modeling tutorials. I believe the expectation is for people to read and try to learn on their own, and ask questions if youre stuck or confused.
  24. Very cool, thank you for all of the input, it is appreciated. My main intent is to make a flat, moving conveyor belt, like you see in factories, mines, airports - I think I may be able to make one based off all the ideas you shared. Will try when I get a chance and share my results.
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