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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. I found hex editing a glm didn't work, as i tried to change the tag names on boba's jetpack so it would appear in mp. I was using notepad++ on my win xp laptop, but I may try it again, as i now have a computer running win 7.
  2. Sweet hud! I would definitely use this alot, especially as your OJk is having RGB sabres and SFX sabres.
  3. When you say a 'grey diffuse texture', do you mean it is just solid grey?
  4. But first he must finish his moose and horse.
  5. Sweet work! Is this using base textures, or new ones? I saw that shuttle there from the assets.
  6. I know what GSA is, I was pointing out that he mispelt 'slinger'... Nobody got it...
  7. Never heard of the Gunsingers mod, what's that?
  8. If there was a co-op option to play the campaign (with no bugs etc) then that would be so awesome. plz do it eez.
  9. Yeah that's it, thanks! I have never heard of SoundHound, is it like Shazam?
  10. Is it true that having your fps at 333 makes you jump higher? I think I once asked Raz about it, but can't remember what he said.
  11. I thankyou for giving me permission to do so, but I have no experience whatsoever with Radiant, mapping or editing bsps. :|
  12. Ahh, that kinda blows :/ The extra areas looked really awesome when I tried to grapple to them.
  13. Does z3n still run your ffa3 map plugin Moon? I have it installed as a client, but i would love to explore the extra areas.
  14. some1 go contct john williams kthx
  15. Audacity is good, it's what i always use for this sort of thing.
  16. Oh, and Jazzy could probably contribute in some way as well. I would like to help with this on the musicians side, (I play tuba and bass guitar, read notation), but I don't have a mic or any means to record...
  17. Get Ravz in on this.
  18. Inyri hasn't been on here since 18th of July, so it's unlikely you'll get a response.
  19. Ok, that's good
  20. Do you know what specifically the song is? that video looks like a scene from a film.
  21. What's the name of the track from your Expedition 1.06 map? I really like it.
  22. What's the error message? I could try re-uploading it to see if that helps.
  23. He says he prefers the ported one, but appreciates Shiftee's one more, as it was made from scratch by a modder
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