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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. How much experience have you had with 3D modelling? if not much (as in, just started, or not for very long), then find some software that appeals to you, read up basic tutorials on it and start by making simple objects and gradually build up. Once you're starting to get more comfortable with it, then maybe start making more ambitious objects and maybe after that start characters. Once you're on them, then try to get them ingame, if you have trouble with that then you can always ask help here
  2. So because he doesn't model means he can't see the advantages he is referencing?
  3. What does being Ashura being a staff member have anything to do with it? Because of his status, he isn't allowed to state his opinion on the matter, no matter how harsh sounding it may be, and therefore take sides?
  4. I'm guessing you'd need to decompile the model, and then follow this tutorial for the rigging. I don't know much about this sorta thing :/
  5. (Assuming you mean player models here). They should work in JKA, but there may be a few slight problems with duel sabres due to it not having left hand tags
  6. I'll try that, one of the laptops is like that, dunno how it got there
  7. Know who made trick arena/race arena? Should totally get them uploaded here EDIT: See, I'm not lazy! >.>
  8. The Kyle and Alora skins are both on here
  9. Then change the name of the hooded version to match the one you want to replace and delete the others you don't want.
  10. I was thinking of making parts of the robes blue/red too, as the head alone wouldn't be very much
  11. yeah, their needed for team based gametypes, which clans still do
  12. Just realised it doesn't have red/blue team skins, do you want some made for it?
  13. Mon Mothma: Perhaps a younger and older version, as is seen in the Prequels and Original Trilogy respectfully
  14. I have never played MBII before, probably going to try it out now or later today
  15. Well, if you went the invisible texture way, you'd probably get the same result, unless somehow turning off the arm removed any caps there too
  16. Or, in the .skin file, change the texture path to *off
  17. DT started working on a new one awhile back for his DF mod, dunno if it ever got finished though
  18. I woke up this morning I had 23 notifs since 11:30 last night. wat

    1. Flynn


      You're special!

    2. Circa


      Mostly status comments probably. :P

    3. Onysfx


      Perhaps it would be better if you only got one notification for several comments on a status?

  19. Sweet map here, gotta check it out when I get back home
  20. The stripes are meant to be on it, part of the robe design if that's what you mean
  21. If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's a reskin of the cartoon Durge model, found in this pack
  22. I wasn't expecting you to do my whole idea; it's just what I would do if it were handed to me and I had to make something. I would change the font for "A novel of the Old Republic" to something that looks a little bit more modern, but not as much as the font used on the bottom. Can't really think of what font though atm, don't have gimp and my massive font collection
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