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Files posted by @JCulley3D
DEX's Club
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
Dexter's Diner. This is one of the first maps that I have created that I feel is worth posting on the net, It didnt take a great amount of time maybe a week on and off and have not really thought too much about weapon placement, The sky box is one I made for another map, which is based on padme's coruscant home as seen in EII. I hope you enjoy it.
Boonta Flag Hunt
By @JCulley3D in Capture The Flag
I have always loved the locations in the star wars movies and was impressed with the mos espa race track I wanted to try and capture the mood of the track by making it as large as I could without putting too much onto the engine, It may play a bit choppy on some systems. I hope you enjoy the rancor trap!
Sith-J-Cull's Stargate SGC
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
My long started Star Gate map... Its not what I set out to do with it, the Gate room and command room are as faithful to the earlier episodes of SG1 as I could get them.. I spent a lot of time on the textures and effects, the gate effect kind of works, but there is no proper dialing ... I found a way to reflect the moving event horizon in the windows from inside the gate room, so be sure to check that out.. I also spent a lot of time on an animap shader to get the watery effect on the gate.. Hope you like it.
The planet at the other end of the gate is just my reworked Naboo Crystal Sanctuary map that I used for quickness, however I added a bunch of new effects, sky box and scenery which was inspired at the time by the home planet of the Navei from Avatar.
No doubt this map will get bashed for the fact that its not as playable as others as far as flow goes.... but I treat it more as an experiment in recreating a location that I love from a show that was amazing.
The 'Naboo Sanctuary' part of the map, which basically incorporates one of my older maps contains some textures by SIMONOC, mainly his vegetation textures and some brick work textures. The original credit can be found in the readme of Naboo Sanctuary that is uploaded here.
SJC Coruscant Adventures Pack (Night and Day)
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
Well as a lot of you will remember I started this map way back in 2008 and have been working on and off with it ever since so it's been a long time coming! Some of you have followed the progress on my YouTube page
and website so I would like to thank those of you who have commented and offered words of encouragement and provided ideas etc (you know who you are). Well the map is finally in a condition where I am happy to release it!
I have included areas from both the movies and the TV series so avid fans can look out for those. A brief list of locations throughout the map:
The Outlander Club, complete with 6 city apartments (Vos Gesal Street in Coruscant's Uscru Entertainment District)
Downtown Coruscant as seen in Season 2 of the Clone wars (Including cafe, night club with balcony, 4 apartments.
Cad Bane apartment (or at least the place he was seen shortly after killing Jedi Master Ord Enisence.
Upper garage areas
Lower Garage and cargo area
Underground subway / swoop track
Underground Rancor / Duel arena
Stolen Noobian star fighter landing pad. (made use of the queens Starship I created in Radiant years ago, its not great so I updated it a little)
The map uses almost 100% custom textures, and I spent many an hour in Photoshop getting things just right. Textures go a long way in making a map look good and help get the atmosphere you want. I also spent a lot of time
working on the lighting and used a combination of sun entities and spot lights, coupled with specular shaders and envmaps you can get some cool results. I added lighting (bump map) effects to some of the textures in Photoshop
once I placed them in Radiant so I could work out the angles etc, many of the lighting effects on the textures are actually part of the texture rather than part of the lighting compile.
I did what I could to keep good FPS in this map, and on the most part (at least on my RIG) I think they are pretty respectable; however I warn you know, this is Coruscant its full of flashing signs, neon lights etc so
PLAY WITH DYNAMIC GLOW ON AT YOUR OWN RISK! You will find the map runs a lot smoother on slower systems if you disable dynamic glow (run jka open the console and type devmap 2010_16 or devmap 2010_16a once loaded open the console again and type r_dynamicGLow 0 to turn it off, to turn it back on again
type r_dynamicGlow 1).
I have to say though the map was designed for more powerful rigs as the neon lights and excitement of coruscant looks so much better in full Glow!
Throughout the subway you will see a number of consoles, these will spawn speeders to help you get around, if you are unlucky enough to get your ride taken from you (or destroyed by he useable turrets) you should'nt have to walk too far to find
another console so you can spawn another!
Finally there are a couple of hidden secrets in this map, a couple of hidden spawnable at-st's and a jetpack, shouldn�¢ï¿½ï¿½t be too hard to find!
Have fun!
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
Hey everyone, now I know you have been waiting for this in a long time, dont forget its a version 1 so it has some bugs here is a list of them
1 FPS is a little low in the clone room (I cant really do a lot about that but I will try).
2 parts of the map show through the sky box whilst standing on Jango's landing pad.
3 Layout - I will alter the layout of Kamino for version 2 so that things are closer together.
4 The locked doors in this version will lead to other areas in version 2
So If you guys can put those little things aside for a while and enjoy this version until I get version 2 out that would be great!!
Anyway, now for the details; I used terragen to make the sky box images I tried to make them as kamino as possible but I think I may tweak them for version 2 (I hope to have a moving sea too). I would say that 85% of the textures in kamino are custom and I made them using photoshop 7.0 and made use of several of the pluggins there for effects, such as making the black non solid (gothixc I am sure you will be pleased LOL).
I have used two custom models in this map; the excelent Jedi Starfighter and the wicked slave1 both of which I got permission to use and I have included the readmes that came with them in this pk3. One thing I must say though is that as the slave1 modle was textured as bobba's version I retextured it to silver and blue, its not such a great texture job but never mind.
There are a few doors in this map that must be opened using the force, if you remember in Episode II Jango cuts the line and Obiwan falls down and manages to grapple that ledge/walkway, well I included this area so when you are on Jangos landing pad be sure to re-enact this scene!! the door on that walkway is made so that you have to use the force to open, once opened it takes you to a lift that will rise back up to the top of the pad
Anyways I hope you guys enjoy it - I enjoyed making it I hope its what you were expecting, after all its just a map!
Version 2 coming soon!! (version two will mainly be for AOTCTC)
Rancor Spaceport
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
This map was made due to my love of tatooine as seen in the movies. I like using swoops and tauntauns as it adds a bit of depth to a map, and although inspired by tatooine, the map isnt based on any particular set seen in the films. Lots of places to hide and snipe and nice open spaces for a good old frag.
Atak Cargo Bay
By @JCulley3D in Duel
Ok this is a map that I was working for STVOY as a single player mod - I just came up with a few ideas for the change to a MP starwars map - I think it worked out jsut fine, its not that big but then I had planed to make it into a duel only, now is does both. Hope you like it
Coruscant Speedway
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
This map is an idea that I have been playing with for a long time, and I am pleased to be able to fialy release it! The map consists of respawnable swoop bikes with optional sound effects (pk3 included) a large race track with a few surprises on the way I have kept the weapons to a minimum in an attempt to courage the use of swoop rather than getting tied down to a ffa, although its still fun to do so.
There are various new sound effects to give the map the impression of a large city and I have used clipits of sound from EI pod race scene and the PS2 pod racer game (all credit were its due) Also near the start line there is a special spectator service with transporters to key places around the map for come realistic spectating, and there is a start line computer up on the walkway. I hope you enjoy this map, if the music is gets on your nerves, I am deeply sorry !!
Includes the texture fix
Universal Training
By @JCulley3D in Mixed Gametypes
This map is a functional map set in paradise type gardens there is one large arena and one small arena with spectator tower pads around both.
Boonta Eve Tatooine Pod Race JKR Speedway
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
Shoot the doors to open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am glad that i finaly have the first version of this map complete - i will start by saying that there are several things
That need to be sorted out, i would have liked a higher fps on the start line section, which is the part where
The fps drops to its lowest - due to the size and scape of that particular part, however most of the course delivers a playable
Fps rate so thats not too bad.
As many of you will know - this is a map that has been done mostly for jedimoves.com
- and infact i have spoken to javier there in depth about
The map - jediomoves have suplied my with screenshots and some plans which i have roughly
Based the map on so thanks to them.
This is really a tester version for a final release which will include pod racer models by duncan, so i look forward to that.
Anyway i hope you enjoy this, and here are some stupid fact about the map:
To walk around the entire course without using force speed takes around ten mins (that just shows how large this is)
It take about 2 mins to go around the course on the speeders (using boost now and then)
The speeders that are included are speeders that i have modified, i have increased the speed, boost, and armor so
That at least it is possible to get around the course a couple of times without exploding.
Have fun
Battlefront Yavin
By @JCulley3D in Capture The Flag
Ok I get it - you wanted it as a CTF map, so I did it for you lol, anyway I added a few little extra areas, removed the vehicles (i will release this map again with the vehicles soon) and changed the transporters to flag basses, where I also made a few changes. Other than that its the same old map ;>
Have Fun
I used Torchy's efx file for the mist on the water and I have had permission from him to do so, so thank you to Dave, giving credit where its due and so on...
Antalus Rift
By @JCulley3D in Capture The Flag
Ok hello again everyone, firstly thanks for all the support and e-mails from people, I am glad you are enjoying my work.
This map is something a bit different and its inspired by many themes and ideas, the main insparation for this map was UT 2003 and one particular map called Antalus << thats why I chose to call this map by the same name (I know how un-original am I?) still I thought that map was awsome anyway back to my map...
I know a lot of poeple are going to say that this should have been a seige map, and my anser to this is; maybe it should but one think about siege I dont like is that once you have completed the objectives the game ends and thats it, my idea however was to have the players go though a siege like setup up of objectives which require both sides to lower the deffencses of the other before gaining access to the flags, once these objectives have been completed a normal game of CTF can continue.
I hope it goes down ok and I hope the whole thing wasnt a waste of my time oh well...
The objectives of both sides are the same as the map is mirrored.
Objective 1 The use of the AT-ST by a team member is essential to complete the first objective on the opposing team side of the map you will find 3 main doors once you have traveled under the defense bridge the doors are numbered; you must take the AT-ST through door number 1 and then locate the first generator and destroy it, using all force necessary, once this has been destroyed you will hear an announcement explaining that the door generator has been disabled (my voice :>)
objective 2 The second objective once the force filed has been disabled on the enemy flag base, is to have a team member run through the newly unlocked door (without the AT-ST as it wont fit through now anyway). Once inside and assuming that you have picked up enough trip mines explosives, you must carry out an attack on the second generator this one will unlock the second door that is located at the other side of the flag base (you will see a number above a bunker) once this door has been unlocked, you may proceed with the last objective
objective 3 now that both generators have been destroyed and you have gained access to the little bunker you will notice a control panel inside, this panel has a times access button (you must hold the use key for a period of time) once triggered you will see the force field that is protecting the flag; lower and you are now free to take the flag.
NOTES As the flag is well protected I have made sure that team members can still access the flag base in the event of your team having the enemies flag before they have disabled your defenses; there are team sensitive door/transporters that allow you to transport in and out of the flagfield allowing you to score.
I hope that you understood that Good luck
Boba Fett's Hideout
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
I wanted to do some kind of desing using patch meshes and cylinders and I came up with the idea of some kind of listening post which turned out as a Huge dish, I had this idea that Boba Fett may have some little stop off points here and ther around the galaxy, so came up with the idea of this being a hideout where the bounty hunter, would stop and dump cargo and the like.
The map itself started life as the next version of the Universal Trials/Training map that I did for the clan UNIVERSAL, some of you may recognise the garden area of the map as it is basically what is left of the Universal Trianing map. However I still devote this map to the Clan Universal...
The music included in the pk3 file is from the movie The Rock by MR Zimmer awsome...
Have Fun
Far Cry of the Jedi
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
This map should not be compared in anyway to the game FarCry - that game is awsome and the game engine is amazing and I couldnt map anything close to it if i treid my hardest, JKA could never handle an outside location as vast as those seen in FarCry - however I enjoyed playing the game so much I was inspired to "base" a JKA map on it.
This map is an early version and therfore has some bugs, its got FPS issues and some people with lower spec systems may struggle to play it. I do plan to inlcude a lot more detail including some bases and other buildings but, I though that some may have fun with the map as it is.
You should have the "seige destroyer map" instaled as the spawning of the Z95 spacecraft uses the script from that map, but by the amount of downloads that map had I would imagine that most of you have it.
In the Zip file you will find a new Skin made by *VAS* Buffy, She has made a very cool VAL CONSTATINE from farcry especialy for this map, so thanks to Buffy for that one!!
Have Fun
Tatooine Scum and Wampas?
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
I have made this map for the MovieBattles mod - although this version is FFa; it is missing certain rooms and areas that will appear in the MB version, whilst I add the seige entities with the help of Dacks at MB, I thought I would release this FFA version.
Have Fun
Episode III - Mustafar
By @JCulley3D in Mixed Gametypes
spent a lot of time looking on the internet for fan art and descriptions of the rumoured Episode III planet "Mustafar". The planet is the location of the Duel that will take place between Ani and Obi as many fans will know...
This map is the first version of my "Mustafar", its inspired by the rumours and art that I looked at, and it includes some of the key locations that are rumoured to be featured in the scene. Some of you may have seen areas of the map on screenshots at mys site, and you may realise that some of those areas arent in this release, well I held back some areas ready for the next version.
Have Fun
Naboo Streets
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
A large naboo city scape with many buildings and a lockable jail for a good ol ffa.
My Thoughts I really had to think hard about releasing this map at the moment, but I wanted to release as many of the maps I have been working on as i could for my christmas release (pressy to the community LOL).
The fineshed version of this map I will cut it up into more of a street to street layout so that FPS will be much higher for those of you with lower spec pcs. I didnt have time do that as i wanted to include this in my xmas release. Espect to see this map in a different form (better larger but with a diferent layout) after xmas time. Think of this as a preview (teaser) for a more 'sorted' version to come.
This map has been tested on a clean instal of JKA only, if you have missing texture or other problems I can only suggest that another custom map is clashing with it, if this is the case try downloading a pk3 manager (such as the one GansterA made for JKA) so you can temporarily move files in and out of your base folder.
Sith-J-Cull's Falcon
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
A slightly over scaled (for easier navigation) recreation of Han Solo's Falcon. The Falcon is situated on a desert planet, near an installation of some kind.
My Thoughts This map is not really meant to be for an intense FFA, but rather it was a Product of my love of the Falcon. I just wanted to be able to walk around the craft, and wanted to try and put as much detail inside as possible. To be honest The FPS is going to be an issue for those with slower pc's the problem is more apparent when outside viewing the falcon in full.
At one point I was going to make this a museum of the falcon with no weapons or anything so it could just be explored but I decided that was a stupid idea LOL
This map has been tested on a clean instal of JKA only, if you have missing texture or other problems I can only suggest that another custom map is clashing with it, if this is the case try downloading a pk3 manager (such as the one GansterA made for JKA) so you can temporarily move files in and out of your base folder.
Coruscant Part I - Padme's Home
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
I thought I would release this at xmas as a present to you guys for all the support you have given me over the last year. Padme Home - is only section one of a larger Coruscant map I will be continuing to make early 2005.
My Thoughts Padme apartment is a recreation of the apartment seen in Episode II. I spent a long time researching the insides of the room and getting the textures just right. I added buildings, landing pads, moving pods, traffic all in an attempt
to recreate that 'living' city we all know so well now.
The FPS again may be a little low for some with lower spec pc's so I am sorry to those peeps that have problems.
This map has been tested on a clean instal of JKA only, if you have missing texture or other problems I can only suggest that another custom map is clashing with it, if this is the case try downloading a pk3 manager (such as the one GansterA made for JKA) so you can temporarily move files in and out of your base folder.
Jurancor Park
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
I started this map nearly a year ago (but it didnt take a year to make lol), but started to work on other projects, but went back to doing the "park" every now and then.
A very good friend of mine (GA)-Vince spent many an hour bugging me to finish this map, so well.. I did !.
The map contains a lot of areas that are based on or inspired by the Jurassic park movies, you will find that most of the map is out in the open, I have included many places suitable for duels, but this map will be great for FFA, large open spaces, jump pads, swoops, Rancors, Wampas spawnable rebels and reborns.
You will find many inside areas two including the lab, the cinema ride, and the café, and many more.
There are some NPC's being made which I will include in the next version, such as Raptors (that are already out but wont include until version two), a T-rex and a jeep, so watch out for those.
Download Jurancor Park Swoops
Movie Academy
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
This BETA map is a small ffa duel map set on coruscant with a dueling room, sleeping area and a cinema on the lower level playing the new Star Wars Episode III movie trailer.
I intend to use this map in the future by updating the movie file with my map teasers, so grab a copy of this and look out for updates in the future so you can view them in your very own cinema - LOL you will have to excuse the map I only nocked it up since Zappa posted the teaser - oh yeah and expect some video/audio sync problems on certain setups
**This is BETA so its the start of a Huge movie academy map with loads of places included - so look out for future versions.
Star Wars Episode III JKA Map Pack - Part 1
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
The invisible hand:
I am sure you will all have seen the last ever star wars movie, and if like me, you will agree it was pretty bloody amazing, my fav of the new movies, and its easily as good as the OT.
So The invisible hand is the space ship that features at the start of the movie, and show Obi and Ani mounting a rescue of Palpatine, I made the map using screenshots of the game and sets of the movie, since I did the structural work on the map before I saw the movie, there are a few inaccuracies but nothing I can sort for a version 2 sometime.
There are a few areas in this map and they are as follows:
1) The main observation room
2) Hallways leading to the observation room
3) A small passageway to the rear of the observation room, leading to an office
4) A set of lifts, that work fine when used by one person, but will create a lot of fun when used with many
one of these lifts is broken and you can climb up or down the shaft.
5) The lower deck hallway leads to the hanger but will also lead to network of fuel pipes underneath the hanger,
these pipes are a must, if you are to escape from the trap that can be found in the hanger
6) A battle outside in the skybox, you cant get out there (or you are not supposed to) however I am sure
if you do go outside, you will find room to fly about, but the map is not intended for that (go get Hatruss map for that)
I hope you enjoy the Invisible hand as much as i enjoyed watching it in the movie (I was going to say as much as i enjoyed making it, but it got on my nerves in the end!!)
Palpatines office complex
This map was an area i just had to make, I had thought about it after seeing it in the other movies, but when I found out there was a going to be an important scene there, featuring Mace, Ani and Palpatine, I couldnt resist it. Again if you have seen the movie, you will notice that I tried to be as accurate as possible, all of the windows are breakable with a saber, most of the funiture can be moved about with force powers, there is a secret are in this map thats pretty easy to find, but was fun to add. (I made this map overscale so there was more room to fight)
The office complex is a small map and is best for dueling, although it does support ffa also. I did make an outside area to this map, but decided to save it for the coruscant map that I have been working on which will include padmes apartment, the opera house and many other coruscant places maybe even including the Jedi temple.
There are two versions of this map included, one has the animated skybox, but because it uses an area portals and many shaders, it will decrease the fps on some lower spec systems, so I included a second version that has a non animated skybox, this version runs much smoother on lower spec pc's.
I have included some screenshots of the next part of my Star wars episode III map pack series, so I hope you enjoy those
Thanks to all of my beta testers of the Invisible hand.
Star Wars Episode III JKA Map Pack - Part 2
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
Well I spent a long time on this map and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. First I will talke about the different areas, you will find the Huge lava river complete with different floatin platforms and droids that you can ride on or battle on. The river has various lava falls which (in most cases) will kill you as will the lava. The lava collectors in this area can be lowered into the lava byt the control panel in the control room to the right of the main door. The control panel next to that will also trigger the lowering once destroyed.
There are three landing pads with Anakins fighter, Padmes Noobian, and the Emporers shuttle, a droid work shop complete with a stock of droids LOL!
Now unfortunately there are some bugs in this version, even though I used the appropriate spawnflags on some of the rock models, they still allow the players to pass through them in places, also there are two crates left unclipped in the droid workshop, some of the lava falls allow you to pass through them, and areas of the lava river do not kill you.
There are some other minor glitches which will all be sorted once I release the final 2 parts of the mappack series. I intend to release all six maps in thier complete form as one huge mappack
Out of these two maps Mustafar is my favourite and is the one I spent most time on.
Ok well this map was a pain in the but from the start, it was so hard to get the feel and look of Utapau using the q3a engine, so I did my best, parts of the map look pretty basic but other part like the 'level 10' trade fed ship and some of the Utapau structures are pretty detailed.
There are two func_trains that 'fly' around this level taking you from the lower parts to the upper level 10, there are also jump pads here and there, plenty of landing pads where you can spawn things (yourselfs i mean lol!).
Again as with mustafar I will provide a more complete version of this map in the final 6 mappack!
Star Wars Episode III JKA Map Pack - Part 3
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
Hey peeps,
This, the final of my episode III mappacks, I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have making them.
This pack includes:
The Galactic Senate
The Battle of Kashyyy
And a special sneak peak at the Vaders Immortalization chamber featured at the end of episode III.
The Senate
I had to make a big decision in this map; I mean the shire size of the senate from the movies is pretty Impossible to recreate in radiant, I had to make a SERIOUSE cut back on the amount of pads I added, however I did include over 160 pods in the map some of which are interactive; it also features the blade doors and central elevator as seen in the movie.
Don't forget to hold the usetime button found on the main floor of the map - it will alter the map so that it appears destroyed just like after Yoda and Sidy fight.
The detail in this map was kept to a minimum; however some with lower spec pc's will indeed have problems with fps. due to the size and nature of the map so sorry about that. I included some of the best vehicle models in one of the zip files,
these are the ones I included in the map, I had intended to use all new kashyyyk vehicles but I don't think they were completed in time one way or the other.
Vader's immortalization chamber
This is a special bonus map only two rooms as it is a sneak peak of the full map which will include the landing pad etc.
The next release in the mappack series, as I have stated before will not include any new episode III maps, but it will feature all of the previous maps but in the completed form. In a way all of the maps in the mappacks have been Betas, for the complete release that I plan to get to you around Christmas.
Sith-J Christmas Map FFA
By @JCulley3D in Free For All
A Christmas/Disney/Time Burton theme map with a few themes, quick simple snow fun with a Disney castlethrown in for good measure!
Ok this map was going to be so much more, but i just didnt get time to finesh it before xmas, I have kids I gotta concentrate on now hehe! Anyway its still large enough to have a good ol guns up on, or perhaps the odd duel. Some will be upset that i didnt include the insides to the castle, or the little village that was planned but as i said i ran out of time, perhaps next year