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Sith-J-Cull's Stargate SGC 1.0

   (15 reviews)

10 Screenshots

About This File

My long started Star Gate map... Its not what I set out to do with it, the Gate room and command room are as faithful to the earlier episodes of SG1 as I could get them.. I spent a lot of time on the textures and effects, the gate effect kind of works, but there is no proper dialing ... I found a way to reflect the moving event horizon in the windows from inside the gate room, so be sure to check that out.. I also spent a lot of time on an animap shader to get the watery effect on the gate.. Hope you like it.


The planet at the other end of the gate is just my reworked Naboo Crystal Sanctuary map that I used for quickness, however I added a bunch of new effects, sky box and scenery which was inspired at the time by the home planet of the Navei from Avatar.


No doubt this map will get bashed for the fact that its not as playable as others as far as flow goes.... but I treat it more as an experiment in recreating a location that I love from a show that was amazing.


The 'Naboo Sanctuary' part of the map, which basically incorporates one of my older maps contains some textures by SIMONOC, mainly his vegetation textures and some brick work textures. The original credit can be found in the readme of Naboo Sanctuary that is uploaded here.




This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

diogocs195 and Merek like this

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Thank you so much! Downloading now!

@JCulley3D likes this


Thank you so much SJC! I am so happy to see this map released!


The symbol on the jump pads and the waterfall were both very nice surprises, and its good to see the naboo crystal map in a new light, or new night as the case might be.


I am glad that even though it wasn't quite finished in a few spots that you shared it anyway. Some of the interactive features are quite interesting... The double panel wall in the hallway perplexed me, lol.


So good, especially the architecture! So spot on, I love it! The rounded hallways reminded me of your great millennium falcon map as well.

@JCulley3D likes this


woooo thanks sith J culls, i really like this map ^^

@JCulley3D likes this


Impressive!! I'm more than happy to see this map as I just started to watch all the seasons of Stargate SG1 again. :D

Merek and @JCulley3D like this


Thanks for comments guys glad it's going down well :-). Morabis, I have watched all 10 seasons over twice now... Never gets old haha!

Morabis and Merek like this


I was extremely excited when I learned you were going to release it.

@JCulley3D likes this


That's cool Lord Revian, I plan to get all the ones I was working on completed and uploaded. Vis a vi..


The homestead (my version) with Tatooine streets and cantina, Kamino II and the new Falcon in space :-)

Merek likes this


We need more mappers like you in the JKA community.

Morabis and @JCulley3D like this


That's very kind of you to say but there are many talented mappers still around :-)

Merek and Onysfx like this


Oh, SJC, make sure if you make the falcon in space, you add some kind of planet or deathstar space station. There will no doubt be RPers that will swarm over that map :D.

Merek and @JCulley3D like this


This Portal is Incredible D8 Very nice atmosphere! Good Job :D

@JCulley3D and Merek like this


You know what I checked this map out, dude, ok you nailed this one for sure XD. I even referenced to the movoies and tv show TRYING to find some thing... NOPE XD.

10/10 mate!

Merek and @JCulley3D like this


Thanks man, means a lot coming from you sir :-)


Merek likes this


The spiral staircase on the second floor goes nowhere.. And is just caulk btw..

Merek likes this


That was kinda strange... XD

@JCulley3D likes this


So a couple things I've figured out (after all these years) regarding issues I've had with this map:


First, the sockter folder in textures is missing a texture from SJC's Naboo Crystal Sanctuary. An easy fix would just to have that mod installed, but I personally copied over the missing textures into the sockter folder.

Secondly, the textures in the Asjc_stargate folder and the stargate.shader conflict with LivingDeadJedi's Ancient Outpost (which has it's own variant of the same folder, presumably with earlier versions of the conflicting textures). Using both maps together at the same time will mess up the event horizon.


Don't know if you anybody reads these comments anymore, but an official fix would be nice.

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