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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. tl;dr public domain/creative commons assets modders can use in their projects?
  2. Don't use a cracked jamp.exe =]
  3. The reason they have to be mono, is it makes no sense for it to be stereo - it's played at a point in 3d space and spatialised based on where your camera is. It doesn't make sense for it to be a stereo file when it's potentially only played in one ear.
  4. Could it be that you installed the VC++ redistributable, then restarted your computer?
  5. Probably not. Maybe. I have some. I haven't done the final recording, so they are just the best time I got/what I should get in the final video.
  6. I posted more here. I'm using a fork of OpenJK with some changes to physics (to match JK2-SP/JA-MP) and other little things to help speedrunning (timer, camera/fps options) My current times are here. I haven't done much lately. ^This is counting the entire level time, including the full length of cinematics/cutscenes. The actual level times are much lower =]
  7. No, you don't install JA+ first. Any files from JA+ (i.e. cgamex86.dll, uix86.dll) won't even be loaded (ideally) because JA++ provides its own in cl_bins_win32.pk3 Not sure why it's suddenly working for you now. Are you sure both UI and CGame are from JA++?
  8. I'm not sure why that issue is occurring if you're not on XP and have the VC++ redistributable. I won't be able to update the Windows build for another day or so. Sorry. The instructions I posted earlier have always worked.
  9. No, japp_version is only server-side.
  10. No, JA++ does not use anything from JA+, it is a total replacement. Don't install JA+ beforehand.
  11. You only want to add the ones you want to change Put it like set bot_addDelay "1"You don't need to use seta (set-archive) if it's in a configuration file that gets loaded every time. Try launching the game with +set fs_game "japlus"And use this PK3, let me know if it works (It was built in a special environment) Did you attempt to install the VC++ 2010 redistributable?
  12. You may also want to read this guide on setting up a server/migrating from JA+ Cvar list Command list Bit-value calculator How did you get the client-side working? Did you install the VC++ redistributable files?
  13. The reason gamename is the same as JA+ is because Slider uses version sniffing. You can check japp_version The installation instructions for JA++ is simply to copy the specified files into japlus. Nothing else.
  14. Cvar list can be found here. Are you running XP? Try installing the VC++ 2010 redistributable. 32 bit, 64 bit
  15. game/w_force.c void ForceGrip( gentity_t *self )Look for checks like: if ( !WP_ForcePowerUsable( self, FP_GRIP ) ) if ( tr.fraction != 1.0 && tr.entityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE && g_entities[tr.entityNum].client && // <---- HERE !g_entities[tr.entityNum].client->ps.fd.forceGripCripple && g_entities[tr.entityNum].client->ps.fd.forceGripBeingGripped < level.time && ForcePowerUsableOn(self, &g_entities[tr.entityNum], FP_GRIP) && // <---- HERE (g_friendlyFire.integer || !OnSameTeam(self, &g_entities[tr.entityNum])) ) //don't grip someone who's still crippledModifying those checks to allow non-client entities should work.There might be other places in code that rely on the gripped object being a client. I'm not sure.
  16. That doesn't specify how collision is tested, only when. By default, saber<->player collision is per-triangle on the player model, saber<->saber is a procedural triangle mesh based on the blade's motion.
  17. https://github.com/Razish/OpenJK-Speed/commit/e1a8ddb17010bb10da26fb415eb77f192d698c4f https://github.com/Razish/OpenJK-Speed/commit/e5cfeb88cce16f8799a0ff5a96c4859de076ccfb
  18. Because there aren't many around, especially those with enough skill and time to put in the effort for something they're probably not interested in. I had enough trouble finding people for CompJA
  19. Also, CompJA. I don't know anyone who would be willing to contribute as much as you're asking.
  20. That's because you don't receive the playerstate structure of other clients. I can't think of a way to determine who is gripping you.
  21. JA++ will have a defrag/race mode with optional CPM-style physics. It also has an optional JK2 saber system, but it doesn't work quite right yet.
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