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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Yep. You can double the previous value. You can only have up to 15 buttons in Raven's jamp.exe, and 16 in OpenJK without engine modifications.
  2. The buttons are stored in a bit-field. 64 is the 7th bit (represented as "0100 0000", or 64) In base, there are 12 buttons being used, so you'll have to make your new force-power be the 13th button, i.e. the 13 bit (represented as "0001 0000 0000 0000", or 4096) You can then access it via /bind x +button12
  3. That's fine. OpenJK added a new API for mods to use, but has a legacy/fallback API for mods that don't use it. No issues there.
  4. Now there's a better cvar list with default values and descriptions.
  5. I decided to write a changelog from the server-side revision 1 to the current version: And here are the latest client-side changes: Not everything is listed, I simply didn't keep track of it. See the post above for download links.
  6. The above was fixed in this commit. I've started work on the JA++ Wiki including a page on migrating from JA+ and how to compile on Windows+Linux Anyone with a Github account should be able to contribute. If you have any suggestions on what to cover, let me know. I'm also working on uploading the latest server+client build, if Dropbox will let me without complaining about bandwidth/space. The latest versions can now be found here
  7. It modifies the engine at runtime to add those fixes, but that relies on the engine being Raven's jamp(Ded).exe
  8. You don't have to have things in PK3s, especially when developing. Just run with sv_pure 0 Not sure if the command exists in SP. It probably does, or could be added fairly easily.
  9. Normal mapping is not done during map compilation stage. If you don't specify existing normal maps in your .shader, rd-rend2 can generate normal maps when you load the game. There's nothing to overcome regarding q3map2.
  10. Just use /ui_load and use the game as your visualiser. Doesn't get any better than that.
  11. Can you upload a demo of the "weird" strafe-jumping? Is movement very jagged/laggy? more-so when only holding A/D in the air? pmove_float 0-1 will enable/disable side effects from framerate-independent physics (e.g. 90/125/333 fps jumps all behave the same when set to 1) japp_promode 0-1 will enable/disable CPMA-style physics: air control, ramp jumps, double jumps, different acceleration/friction constants As for spawning weapons, I think it just gives you the default amount as if you had picked it up. I may as-well work on the Lua integration here so you can define which weapons, items, ammo, etc on each spawn (global and per map) If you plan on running an Instagib server, I have plans
  12. Don't trust these limits. JA has strafe jumping and framerate-dependent physics.
  13. As far as I know, the public version of the server-side will not work on anything other than Raven's jampDed.exe, including Raven's jamp.exe The Github version will work on anything, but it's recommended to use OpenJKDed.exe
  14. Because the latest download on the site is not the actual latest version (which is on Github and contains the fix for grapple, but has to be manually compiled) I don't have FTP access
  15. New commands and cvars Full command list Full cvar list Admin commands Default settings for cvars should be fine. I don't even know what's missing. If people find something missing or want something added, I'll do it. "Waiting until it's completed" won't really work. I've already done a lot of initial work. It'd be much faster if people are using it - sending bug reports, feature requests, etc. The demand has to be there.
  16. The latest development version rewrote the admin file format, and added ingame/rcon ways to manage admins (add, edit, delete) without having to restart server/map. It also fixed japp_allowHook If you have a compiler, you can find the source on github and compile it yourself. I don't have FTP access to make "official" updates.
  17. If there's something missing that's stopping you from using it, tell me.
  18. I don't think this really benefits anyone. We don't need another forum. We need more people at this forum =]
  19. Except it's the 5th JK game The 'II' in Jedi Knight II is misleading. If you must number it, JA is technically #5, but commonly known as JK3 (e.g. by fans, in source code, some assets, installer?)
  20. Yes. Normal maps, a form of bump mapping.
  21. Just try Artus on Jedi Master/Legend with these changes. It's hard enough to speedrun.
  22. Would have preferred to see it without those unnecessary visual mods. I can't tell what's part of this mod, and what's part of whatever else in your base folder. What's different in this "Serenity Jedi Engine"? Can I see the source ?
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