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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Yes, the default config is now openjk(_sp).cfg. You can still /exec jampconfig.cfg to load your previous settings, but there are some differences in the default values for OpenJK (e.g. higher quality graphics/sound)
  2. Newp. No point. People would be in both channels talking about various things. OpenJK is pretty much the main coding project for JA at the moment, and its discussion is totally relevant in #JACoders - there are also many links to #JACoders directly, it's a bit stupid to redirect people to #OpenJK to answer their questions there, when it's the same people in both channels talking about the same things. No point.
  3. You shouldn't be running JA++ alongside JA+, it's meant as a replacement. Remove JA+ You also can't run a listen server (aka map/devmap from jamp.exe) with JA++, you have to use jampDed.
  4. Depends. The latest public release won't work on OpenJK because of engine modifications, but the latest code on Github will work if you can compile it.
  5. No, not really. The game-code is the "mod" part (i.e. jampgame, cgame, ui) and the engine is jamp/jampDed. You can run the OpenJK engine with JA+ gamecode with no issues. You can run any engine with the JA+ gamecode and a vmMain/syscall proxy-mod intercepting some code between engine<->gamecode. It doesn't run in parallel, and you can't combine e.g. JA+ and clanmod. The proxy mod is a heavily stripped down piece of code to intercept e.g. a few commands. It can not interact with the existing gamecode, it's very limited in what it can do.
  6. Are you saying the issue still exists with the very latest build when using JA+? Or are you saying that change won't matter because the issue was with JA+? That change was for the OpenJK engine (not gamecode), meaning it doesn't matter what mod/gamecode you're running, it will work.
  7. cg_fovAspectAdjust 0-1 to correct FOV on widescreen (non 4:3) resolutions.
  8. Issue also reported here and here. Was fixed in this commit.
  9. Sounds dreamy, but it really wouldn't work like that. That being said, you can run your own gamecode on the OpenJK engine, e.g. JA+ gamecode on openjkded
  10. Yeah, proxy mods that modify the engine's memory at runtime aren't really needed anymore, but vmMain/syscall proxies are still possible, with a little modification (the module API was changed)
  11. When exactly does it crash? Are you using JAMP or OpenJK client/server?
  12. Raz0r

    JO/JA coop

    As the coop branch is several months (and several hundred commits) behind master without much work done to it, we should probably scrap it and make a new branch for coop.
  13. We've decided to move the Github repository from Razish/OpenJK to JACoders/OpenJK Razish/OpenJK should redirect to JACoders/OpenJK, though I'm not sure how long that will last. All forks, stars, issues etc seem to have been kept intact, though you may have to update the remote url in your .git/config
  14. Shouldn't matter. Are you sure the server is running JA++ and are logged into an admin account with the right privileges?
  15. I'm slightly concerned about the 'Shutting down plugins/mod' line, considering runtime memory patches for Raven's binaries won't work with OpenJK, and the syscall/vmMain layer was reworked. Apart from that, I believe it's an issue we're trying to track down related to bot waypoints. Possibly introduced in a 64bit fix, but I haven't been able to find the root cause.
  16. I don't really mind, it's all largely related. It's the #1 coding project for JA atm I'd say.
  17. JA++ adds amclip for admins.
  18. Changes the idle melee animation to have your hands by your side.
  19. The GUID is generated by the client and can be copied between installations. It's the same way XonStats does it. It's not meant to be super-secure, but it is very hard to guess another user's GUID. You can also regenerate your GUID. It looks a little like 3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301 The GUID is sent to the server upon connection, so any kills/etc you make in that session will be sent to the stats server. At the moment, the stats server only accepts trusted servers (i.e. Cat's)
  20. The ranks are ELO based, I believe. Not just a "who has the most kills". It's like QLRanks. Or will be.
  21. Sounds like QTracker, maxbrowse, ASE, or the countless web-based trackers. There's also a master server running as master.jkhub.org, and @@Cat wrote a browser for it
  22. JA++ was a project I started when I wanted to customise my HUD playing on JA+ servers. Eventually I added features from JA+ to play nicely (e.g. RGB sabers, grapple) and got far too carried away, adding probably hundreds of tiny features all over the place. Ideally, it's used as a replacement for JA+ to be used when playing on JA+ servers. There is also a JA++ server-side, but it hasn't recieved as much attention. As for your original question, Typing cjp_client into the console will tell you what version you have.
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