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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Excellent. Impressive. Accuracy. Holy shit.
  2. Oh, right, it's CentOS. Perhaps: yum install libreadline6
  3. I personally hate the vanilla glow. Definitely not smooth. It's a box blur, and the displacement is annoying to tweak to look good =[ It looks especially bad when you look at a light in the distance and move toward it. The way it converges is ugly.
  4. I think just add cvars to tweak some parameters. I liked being able to do that in QtZ for glow + bloom.
  5. Upon release, there will be a "standalone" version, which just sets fs_homepath to "." aka current directory. You can do this manually as well. That should not occur at all, especially on a release build. It's using a more modern compiler with higher optimisation settings, and we've made changes specifically to improve performance, especially on newer mods. I'm not entirely sure if the buildbot builds are using the release configuration. Or more specifically, /bind x "minimize; messageMode" to also activate chat and avoid being lamed. That was Link's concern.
  6. $ sudo apt-get install libreadline6I may have to release a version without Lua or something, because readline is a dependency on linux =[
  7. Awesome job guise. Do you mind if I also use these in JA++ as it has the same rewards? I would have it as a separate download and give full credits =]
  8. Two ways to solve this: Use Visual Studio 2013Get inttypes.h from here (main page here) and copy it to e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include
  9. What error specifically? Sounds like a pretty major issue I'd like to solve.
  10. "I saw a sound, well-reasoned argument in an internet comment, and it made me reconsider my position." -- Nobody, ever

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ping
    3. Onysfx


      I've seen a sound, well-reasoned counter response in an internet comment...followed by dozens of hate and troll comments...

    4. Cerez


      I've seen… well, no one cares what I've seen… XD

  11. Windows could be a pain to set up with things like restart scripts, external communication scripts, etc. Linux is generally cheap because the provider doesn't have to worry about any licensing costs (e.g. RamNode have $2.50/month VPSes with enough resources to run a small site, JKHub master server and a few other services without coming close to its limit. I'd keep looking. Paying per slot is also a pretty flawed business model. If they provide a tonne of games, you can bet their actual technical support and knowledge is limited.
  12. Raz0r

    avi instead roq

    I think OJK fixed some widescreen ROQ issues.
  13. You can run OpenJK dedi server with JA++ mod for MAXIMUM BENEFITS. Awesome to see you're interested in it, if there are any issues at all you run in to, let me know and I'll fix it ASAP. As for VPSes, you don't need a crazy amount of RAM (128mb or 256mb should be fine) or disk space (10gb), but you should look for reviews about how many VPSes that provider runs per physical machine. that will matter more than the processor speed. Keep in mind not all VPS providers will allow running a game server on there.
  14. Raz0r

    avi instead roq

    Not me. JKG had theora+vorbis codecs in ogg containers. It's possible, but I don't know anyone specifically who plans on adding it.
  15. Oh, the new chatbox also requires /bind y messageModeAll and /bind t messageModeTeam
  16. JPLua ChatStyle plugin As for media player, I recommend foobar2000 and setting up keyboard shortcuts (e.g. I use Ctrl+Alt+Right for next song) OpenJK allows minimising/alt-tab etc, not sure what else is missing because I've never properly used UU =p
  17. Well, what are you using UU for? You might not need it.
  18. And make sure you're overwriting bytes, not inserting. Everything must remain aligned. At the end of your string, if it's shorter than the original string, overwrite the next byte with 0x00
  19. Lol. I almost stopped reading at 'mod idea' - we all have them But really, my honest advice is ditch this idea before you waste time making yet another failed "sequel" You'll be far more productive and feel more rewarded by completing smaller projects.
  20. But that is kind of complex in the context of source code. That's why the error messages it produces from syntax errors are not particularly verbose. It's totally different to actual spelling errors in a body of text, especially considering it can use a dictionary and compare e.g. the levenshtein distance or hamming distance on each dictionary element. Not quite the same when much of the text is not found in a dictionary. If you wanted it to replace e.g. itn with int, it would first have to deduce the context in which the token exists - i.e. building a syntax tree and deciding whether it's an operator, identifier, keyword, etc. I'm no expert on the subject, but I can see why it's omitted from every IDE I've seen so far. Source code isn't a story.
  21. Raz0r


    Massively breaks compatibility. People can attempt to do it in their fork, but the engine really isn't designed for it.
  22. Hi. Jedi Master difficulty. Bye.
  23. Raz0r


    Not really. Most of the changes are in the engine. I had JA++ client compiling on Linux years ago with minimal effort, and would have run on OpenJK executable.
  24. Though I personally liked having to use weapons in JK2 for half the game.
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