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Untold Prophecy

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File Comments posted by Untold Prophecy

  1. This was great! While the story was a little cringey (understandable considering the age of this project), the level design for all 3 episodes was incredible!

    I don't know how likely this would be, but I would love to see this get incorporated into Movie Duels somehow. I think the level design and (most) of the combat encounters would be even more fun with advanced combat. 

    Thank you for a very fun Sunday experience. 🙂

    FFA Bespin City

       800    8

    It's sooooo good! Contender for one of the best Bespin maps!

    Though I ran into a few issues with the bot routes causing bots to get stuck on the geometry. 

    Would you be able to do an optional lite version that tones down some of the fog/smoke effects? Even on my higher end laptop, I run into some frame rate drops. 

    zidzabre likes this
  2. I've got a recurring bug that breaks the texture on Kyle's lightsaber. I've removed every other mod that would affect ether Kyle or his hilt, but it still shows the saber hilt as untextured.

    Would really like to get a version that doesn't edit the saber or a fix, if possible. 😞

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