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Everything posted by JediBantha

  1. @@eezstreet Sorry for being a dick earlier, had a lot going on. As of right now, I'm still using the "Conc-Paste" method: static void ForceDestructionMissile(gentity_t *ent) { vec3_t start; vec3_t dir; int radius = forceDestructionRadius[ent->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_DESTRUCTION]]; int damage = forceDestructionDamage[ent->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_DESTRUCTION]]; float vel = 2600; if (ent->s.number >= MAX_CLIENTS) { vec3_t angles; vectoangles(forwardVec, angles); angles[PITCH] += (crandom() * (CONC_NPC_SPREAD + (6 - ent->NPC->currentAim)*0.25f)); angles[YAW] += (crandom() * (CONC_NPC_SPREAD + (6 - ent->NPC->currentAim)*0.25f)); AngleVectors(angles, forwardVec, vrightVec, up); } if (ent->client->ps.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_RAGE)) { damage *= 2; } VectorCopy(ent->client->renderInfo.handLPoint, start); AngleVectors(ent->client->ps.viewangles, dir, NULL, NULL); WP_TraceSetStart(ent, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin); gentity_t *missile = CreateMissile(start, dir, vel, 10000, ent); WP_MissileTargetHint(ent, muzzle, forwardVec); missile->classname = "destruct_proj"; missile->s.weapon = WP_DESTRUCTION; missile->mass = 10; if (ent->s.number != 0) { if (g_spskill->integer == 0) { damage = ceil(forceDestructionDamage[ent->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_DESTRUCTION]] * 0.15f); } else if (g_spskill->integer == 1) { damage = ceil(forceDestructionDamage[ent->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_DESTRUCTION]] * 0.30f); } else { damage = ceil(forceDestructionDamage[ent->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_DESTRUCTION]] * 0.50f); } } VectorSet(missile->maxs, ROCKET_SIZE, ROCKET_SIZE, ROCKET_SIZE); VectorScale(missile->maxs, -1, missile->mins); missile->dflags = DAMAGE_EXTRA_KNOCKBACK | DAMAGE_HEAVY_WEAP_CLASS; missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_FORCE_DESTRUCTION; missile->splashMethodOfDeath = MOD_FORCE_DESTRUCTION; missile->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER; missile->damage = damage; missile->splashDamage = damage; missile->splashRadius = radius; missile->bounceCount = 0; } https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-AyZ8ErnUalo/VHk0LL41CkI/AAAAAAAAAFo/2Yk5GmrwYZo/w1024-h768-no/shot2014-11-28_20-33-50.gif Red flash = Under where the .efx is supposed to be.
  2. Since I am now comparing Destruction to a typical fireball, what lines of code in "WP_FireConcussion" and "WP_FireThermalDetonator" would be an ideal build for shooting off a fireball without it bouncing on the ground?
  3. I downloaded a fresh copy of OpenJK, and the vanilla renderer fails whenever I try to build it. I got these errors instead:
  4. Well... I'm trying to make the actual missile play it's specified effect (<weapon>/shot.efx), instead of just being invisible when fired.
  5. If you're going to play as a Jedi, you need to have actual Sith as your opposition, and not just an angry mob of zealots. Btw, that's just JKA by itself, not the whole Jedi Knight series.
  6. Probably, seeing as he was just (casually?) walking towards Jaden after the fight.
  7. Meh, edit their health, maybe even add an armor tag for NPC's, and he'll come out on top...
  8. Could I apply these lines to another weapon model, somehow? if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "bladeEffect" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber->bladeEffect = G_EffectIndex( (char *)value ); continue; } if ( !WP_SaberBladeUseSecondBladeStyle( &cent->gent->client->ps.saber[saberNum], bladeNum ) && cent->gent->client->ps.saber[saberNum].bladeEffect ) { CG_PlayEffectIDBolted( cent->gent->client->ps.saber[saberNum].bladeEffect, modelIndex, bolt, scent->currentState.clientNum, scent->lerpOrigin, -1, qfalse ); }
  9. Is this what you meant? (cg_ents) if ( weapon->missileTrailFunc ) weapon->missileTrailFunc( cent, weapon ); // add dynamic light if ( wData->missileDlight ) cgi_R_AddLightToScene(cent->lerpOrigin, wData->missileDlight, wData->missileDlightColor[0], wData->missileDlightColor[1], wData->missileDlightColor[2] ); // add missile sound if ( weapon->missileSound ) cgi_S_AddLoopingSound( cent->currentState.number, cent->lerpOrigin, vec3_origin, weapon->missileSound ); //Don't draw something without a model if ( weapon->missileModel == 0 ) return; } // create the render entity memset (&ent, 0, sizeof(ent)); VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.origin); VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.oldorigin); /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ CG_SetGhoul2Info(&ent, cent); /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ // flicker between two skins ent.skinNum = cg.clientFrame & 1; ent.renderfx = /*weapon->missileRenderfx | */RF_NOSHADOW; if ( cent->gent->alt_fire ) ent.hModel = weapon->alt_missileModel; else ent.hModel = weapon->missileModel;
  10. Made the event for it, and noticed no changes for the missile fx... However, when I change "missile->s.weapon" from WP_DESTRUCTION to WP_SABER, the missile itself actually used the weapon model for its visual effect, rather than it's .efx file. (Changed back to weapons)
  11. I've had that kind of damage mod at the start of the project if that's what you're asking. As far as I've read, there's nothing in cg_event.cpp that references the Concussion Rifle's main fire, only it's alt-fire.
  12. We'd also have grip-spamming out the ass, and even fewer Force powers.
  13. If he did, he most likely wouldn't be a cyborg; He was dying for sure in Outcast, but we didn't see any parts of his body cut off, and Kyle only checked Desann's grip on his lightsaber, so Desann would most likely have regained conciousness some time after the remnant forces are being rounded up, made his way to a shuttle, and further strengthened his connection to the Force.
  14. *Looks at my last 3 post* Rosh would be so proud... @@eezstreet I went ahead and removed all the lines referencing Destruction to [NUM_WEAPONS], as well as the weapons.dat entry, so I could develop it more into an actual Force power, rather than a mock-power, if you will. Could I edit the lines in the FX_<weapon> files and somehow make them fit into wp_saber.cpp?
  15. JediBantha


    Nice model, but these things must fuckin' REEK in real life (haha).
  16. I keep on playing the SP portion of the game because I like to work towards an objective with my chosen weapons/powers, rather than just kill/explode things aimlessly. I prefer SP to MP, because weapons & Force powers aren't as restricted in Singleplayer, and like I said above, I like working towards an objective, with all my choices taken into account. My favorite SP mod would have to be Eve of Redemption. It was unique in it's own right: Imperial Sewers (I think), the cantina, and the final map. Most other mods I've seen were mostly film re-enactments. I'd like to see the DF2 mod that's still in development; Playing through JK1 and MotS made me realize what I missed out on, and I'd also like to see how JK2 and JKA would play out if Kyle really DID choose the Dark Side at the end of JK1. (Late post lolol)
  17. @@eezstreet Is it possible to take the FX_Concussion code bits, and put them into forceDestructionMissile? I changed the weaponmodel parameter from noweap to saber_w, and the weaponmodel actually WAS the missile.
  18. Jingle bells, Batman bells, Robin got laid... The Bat-mobile lost an egg, and The Joker got a Wii.
  19. @@eezstreet Is there something I need to change/edit in the missile portion of the code?
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