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Posts posted by Almightygir

  1. I should probably mention, bearing in mind my other project, it's highly unlikely i'll come back to fix any issues with this one. I was just curious as to what people thought the problems were so i could address them in my other project.


    i'm curious as to whether you feel those problems still exist in the render i put on my portfolio (i'm aware of other issues in my portfolio version though, like the armour not matching the original):



  2. I will if someone wants to do the textures for it. Im not capable of that level of photoshop.


    so uh... get capable of it?


    nobody will do it for you, so push yourself to do it. 


    do not be afraid to fail! if you try your best and it sucks, no problem, it'll be better the next time, and the time after that. every time you try you'll have achieved something. so keep trying.


    but don't use lack of ability as an excuse not to try.

    ChalklYne, Tempust85 and Omicron like this
  3. Revan_Jedi_Council.jpg




    So, these are the only real images of Revan in his Jedi armour. Which leaves whatever he was wearing kind of ambiguous. It would make sense (in my mind) for him to have worn at the very least, similar armour, or a similar setup (greaves, vembraces etc.) to what he did as a sith lord, whether or not it's the same armour i can't really tell.


    So I'm not entirely sure whether to make two sets of armour or not, I suppose the jedi robe structure would change the way the armour looked enough to make it unique yet recognisable.



    Circa likes this
  4. yeah i know it Ashura, it's not too bad.


    I have a couple of anatomy statues and a bunch of books. this was more of like... because each timelapse was only an hours work, everything was fairly rushed. that's not an excuse to me though... i feel like i should have better "instant" knowledge of anatomy for doing blockouts, rather than having to take time to do an in-depth sculpt each time. so that's what i'm going to work on soon.


    for now i'll have my hands full with this, as i need to do both a jedi, and sith version.

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