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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. I didn't make this keep, the Judgement Keep was handled by Darth Zion, whom has been too busy in Real life to do really mod, if your referring to the one screen with blue candles lining the walkway, the light setting is tweated to a blue/white, but the ambient and minilight might be tossing it off, it was an older build as well

  2. Orginally this Version of the keep was going to be for Multiplayer. Castlevania Judgement's Keep, images are dark using realistic lighting. Between Darth Zion and Myself, several version of the Castlevania Keep were made, from several of the games, I planned to make a Curse of Darkness version as well with the dark energy swirling around since I mastered moving textures and skyboxes


    in JKA:









    Comparison in SSBB:







    ChalklYne likes this
  3. the primary goal of this mod is yes, to revist the "Super Star Wars" Saga, 99% of everything we need was already made at one point or another, flying levels are err to say the least simple, since they were just "shoot down X number of things" cept the death star in Return, as I remember on the SNES flying into and out of the core was a pain in the ass

  4. Ironicly I had looked into Co-op in the "Vampire Blood Chonicles" mod, we didn't get very far, but it would be nice to have a co-op mode that works, our idea worked more or less server side, the server determined if player 1 reaches goal, basicly load next map, it would force all players to next map, instead of multi mapping, it was a crude setup only suitable for linier style games

  5. I mean say a high quality hall way uses 2000 brushes, in 2.5D in theory it'd use only 1000 brushes, thus doubling the length of a level, although each level is limited in length via the editor distance, the "HOM" effect wouldn't be seen since only a small portion of the level is being rendered, roughly just what's beyond the camera's view, cut scenes could still use full 3D areas to give more illusion to the world is bigger then what it is.

    OR: you take your spare 1000 brushes from the side of the room you don't see, and reuse them for buffing up the detail more


    my plan is to use the 2.5D mod to probably make a "Super Star Wars" like game other modders could use this mod to do things like the following:


    Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles:



    Megaman maverick hunter X:


    New Super Mario Bros:



    All these games are classic side scrollers with 3D models,

  6. The One And Only was working on a hud which would give the sway effect of the original game, kinda like Metroid prime 3 did

    I plan on possibly making a "Surface" map from SP and make it a CTF gameplay map due to its large size or a "big team" style map, with prob updated effects giving it actual slow instead of just a fog


    Gun wise im working on the trip mines to be proxy mines

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