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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. so roughly 600 polys it should be when im done, I might even redo the barrel with less segments so its only a 12 sided cylinder instead of a 24 sided, the detail reduction wouldnt really be that noticable since its going to have a plastic look to it anyways the gun is currently 622 polys so it might be a little less then 600 when done, look at dreamcast models, its still rather high poly since most character models on that system were around 1k

  2. yeah I noticed that, its a cone, so i gotta either delete it and make a new one thats just 1 segment, or mod the existing one, the trigger loops? i have No idea what your talking about tbh, but im appreciating the feedback since how the hell else am I gunna learn? :P

  3. u gotta capture that awesome clanking sound it made when u shot it lol. looks like badassedness. specially for yer first


    got my original right here for that, that heavy trigger sound was classic, im also just mapping it in my mind, im just using 3d max as if it was GTK, so my mapping knowlage, is basicly 3D knowlage in general


    the actual firing sound will be the either the ship firing sound from defender, or the super smash bros 64 raygun sound sfx. both are retro sounding and powerful at the same time


    692 is the final polycount with more segments removed >.>; I should have seen each "box" as a "brush" per say

  4. a good example of what Crimson says is some of the mods around FF7, I can remember when shit hit the fan over szico's mods and I dont remember whos mod actually got shut down, I think it was almighty_gir's stuff at one time. but some companies will hold these IP's for a trump card, rule of thumb is just email anyways, only reason i have Konami, Nintendo, Sega, and capcom on my email list

  5. Christopher lee was the handler if the red bull in the movie if I recall, sure its before my time, but its a good animation movie.

    anyways back to the gun, if I remove the segments it'll lower the polycount, then I can start learning the UV map, at lease with this model its not much needed, so the learning process should be easy

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