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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. actually i find 1.4 a clusterfuck compared to 1.5, I maybe able to work in clutter, but only clutter I create and its easy to use if you were trained on 1.5, same motto could be said for tne 1.4 users or 1.3 users, its all preference though so, try all 3 or 4 whatvever and see which one suits you best, thats the only way you can do it

  2. well im determined to learn how to get this in game, why eh, I gotta finish my goldeneye project sometime, it would be awsome with guns, that and I have some original ideas of my own for weapons, wait... i have something original for a change, dammm

  3. well this is the first model ive actually completed, so im technicly wrong, and the ones i did in high school dont count, a frying pan....but yeah making the model is one thing, actually getting it in game, errr thats a whole different game


    so yeah, i could have worded it better, lol I never said I passed english, i bribed the teacher for that class >.>

  4. Bingo Chalk! except if I get it ingame, id use the ship laser sound effect from defender as its firing sound, I got inspired partially from the "throwback pistol" in transformers fall of cybertron, which is a generation model of megatron, anyways.... it needs some work, but its starting to shape up to the Zapper






    Red version with a few fixes, surprisingly its 1156 polygons


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