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Everything posted by Apprentice

  1. Nope, Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. Take a look at my Asteroid Base II map, which contains some odd-dimentioned images . . .
  2. Not my experience. I could use images sized 715x309 or 570x288. With JA & JO, they always have to 128, 256, 512 or 1024 in any direction. Anything in between (such as 384) simply doesn't work . . .
  3. I don't know if that is exactly the case. I used to map for Elite Force (also idTech3 based game) and despite their size, I never had any issues loading them and I've mapped on various 3Dfx Voodoo and older Geforce cards (e.g: Geforce 256) . . .
  4. Will we be able to use images of all sizes, e.g: 300 x 750 ??
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1slq_FwRN8o Classic yelling after 7:42 . . . B) B)
  6. I vote for an option where there is no background . . .
  7. How 'big' would 'too big' be then ??
  8. Config thing ?? :/
  9. No, thank you. It's not the $1.95 but the $0,99 that comes around everytime I want to change the colour of my lightsaber or whenever I can change something (amongst other things) . . .
  10. I reckon you wait until you have a more stable version either for both JA and JO or one that works for both games . . .
  11. Certainly looks good . . .
  12. I would go for #2 but then in a black & white image. Backgrounds shouldn't protrude itself over the foreground . . .
  13. Why a water brush ?? You can use a trigger_multiple with a target_gravity entity (or something, it's been a while since I last used them) . . .
  14. Apprentice

    New Background

    I see some good images but I don't think they are all good for a background. In my opinion, background images should remain dark rather then very bright images which makes the main text hard to read . . .
  15. Apprentice

    New Background

    Precisely. My website is just a bunch of HTML pages with some Java scripting which I use to "rotate" images, especially on my Download page, which features a slideshow of my released maps . . . Instead of an entire background, a portion of an image can be used as in a banner of something . . .
  16. That worked ... sort of. Now everything is in one big ZIP file without folders . . . :wacko: :blink: * I really miss the hammer on the head smily *
  17. Apprentice

    New Background

    I don't see why not. Someone made a screenshot of one of my maps with NPC's in them and it works . . .
  18. Is there a *.ZIP available ??
  19. It might. In certain situations it's better to make a portion an MD3 or an ASE model instead of brushwork . . .
  20. Are those cylinder brushes detail or structural ??
  21. Did you try Google ??
  22. I'm going to explain this with a screenshot: The LCARS texture on the far left of the image is a patchmesh which is situated 0.25 units in front of the brush behind. Polygonoffset doesn't work on all occasions.
  23. I would definitely use patch meshes for this and keep them .25 from the main brush . . .
  24. Do you have custom maps installed in your Jedi Academy\Base folder ??
  25. Another cause would be that the editor image has a different dimension than the actual texture itself . . .
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