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Everything posted by Apprentice

  1. Those tutorials don't get me anywhere . . . Anyway, I was under the impression that this thread was also a suggestion thread, so I made a suggestion to have a func_door_rotating as an additional mapping entity so that we mappers have an easier way to implementing rotatable doors . . .
  2. If you can make a tutorial with an example map, I may be able to use Icarus scripting otherwise I'm not having the faintest idea what you are talking about. I'm a mapper, not a programmer . . . Though, since portions of rotatable doors were present in the Elite Force source. Since Raven developed both EF and JA, isn't there something of it present in the JA source ??
  3. Link doesn't work . . . :/
  4. Wasn't Icarus for SP only then ?? :?
  5. Don't know if it's already suggested but how about some rotatable doors, such as demonstrated here ?? I could sure use them in my Aurelia map . . .
  6. Rather then this, I would recommend making everything detail except for the box surrounding the ASE model plus putting one player start entity in. Otherwise you'll get a leak . . .
  7. No, they haven't. They simply don't want to do anything though. For years people (including myself) have made various comments regarding the issues that have plagued the former Filesnetwork sites but unfortunately those comments have all fallen to deaf ears. Today's staffmembers are only on the spot because "it is cool" but refuse to take any real responsibility regarding their duties and the moment you out some criticism regarding the current status, they will go to great lengths to shut you up! An example can be found here and the deleted comment can be found here. For those who are interested, this is what an administrator had to say regarding my comment . . . I for one don't miss it and hopefully Break Media come to their senses and decide to axe the network just like Ziff Davis have done four years ago and I would defintly encourage everyone NOT to use any of the Gamefront sites anymore, since you are nothing more then download and click advertisement cattle and no human being should ever be degraded to that level . . .
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