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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. From the looks of it the throwable stuff are custom npcs that you'd have to manually spawn into the maps.
  2. and here I was thinking you're talking about Quake 2... Should be quite possible, might involve some work but in general they should be in one of the pk3 files of that mod, in the models/players/* folders. I don't quite know how SP support for models works, I think you may have to edit the menus...
  3. Oh, MP. Should've said that, might make a difference, I don't think I've ever tried animated MD3 in MP.
  4. Then your exporter's shite.
  5. MD3s cab have per-vertex animations, they'll do nicely. Unless you exceed their maximum dimensions of [-512, 512) units on each axis, but GLM has some similar limits. You'll probably have to do some scripting to make them play it though. Of course you mustn't use misc_model, since that gets baked by Q3Map2. misc_model_static might do, and a func_* with a model2 key will certainly do. Take a look at the switches in SP for some reference on animated MD3s. (e.g. used in the Rancor level, I believe.)
  6. I don't think anybody's created a tool for it (although that would probably be possible, with enough work); have you checked out Sith-j-Culley's Mustafar map for JKA?
  7. Though you have to keep in mind that the impact of normal maps is fairly limited without dynamic lights.
  8. What shaders are you using?
  9. Okay, after some German PMs I understand the question. The goal is creating movies in multiplayer, the problem is getting lip-synced voices. It's possible by changing taunt sounds, but that leaves you with unwanted taunt animations. Sadly, I can't think of anything short of coding something yourself... Though it does sound like a feature that could fit into jaMME, maybe ask for it to be added there? Anybody know who was behind that again so we can ping him? Maybe I'm missing something though... Are there some chatwheel-like soundbites for siege or something?
  10. Sorry, what?
  11. Is that a newly created map on Radiant 1.4? There's a save bug in 1.4 from Vista onwards, either change the save dialog to the GTK version in the preferences, in which case you'll have to manually add .map to the filenames, or preferrably upgrade to 1.6.
  12. You saved them as progressive jpegs. Those are not supported. Check the image save settings.
  13. So what do you even mean by that? A nice model? Or a full mod that changes gameplay so you can fly around, repulsorblast people and shoot lasers? I'd like a full Marvel Mod, please.
  14. Here's your quick tutorial: 1. paint picture. Make sure it's width and heights are powers of two, e.g. 128, 256, 512 or 1024. 2. save as jpg (not progressive!), tga (uncompressed) or png into textures/subfolder_for_tidiness in base or your mod's folder 3. remember to add textures to pk3 when shipping, ideally test pk3 in clean base folder
  15. I'm fairly sure you can also link a misc_model to a func_*** to have Q3Map2 attach it to it.
  16. Dad*Mad made a JK2 remake of Canyon Oasis that should also work in JKA, though you might need to extract some JK2 textures that are missing in JKA. Google says you can get it here.
  17. Of course using the model2 key, which loads a model at runtime, will only work with model formats that jka supports, i.e. only md3. But by using a misc_model instead you can make Q3Map2 take care of it, as far as I remember.
  18. I believe you can link a misc_model to a func_*** and q3map2 will attach it to the entity. As for the collision brushes, they should use physics_clip, not caulk.
  19. It's something along the lines of -convert ase -patchmeta -subdivision N, where N increases for more details. See here.
  20. What parts are you talking about? It appears quite correct to me. You can check by enabling Backface Culling in the Shading settings and enabling face normals in the Mesh Display settings when in editing mode.
  21. I agree, a model is in order. You don't even need to scale it, as far as I remember you can set the patch level of detail with a q3map2 switch when creating an ase.
  22. No chance without a script.
  23. I've never used the goodie key thing, but from the description it sounds like you'd have to set the message to "goodie" specifically - not "blue" or anything else - which will make them drop a key that works on all doors with the "goodie" flag. What you're actually looking for is probably the misc_security_panel, which can have an arbitrary "message", which you can match on the npc. As for the staying open while your nearby: Use a trigger_multiple with target and target2 both set to the door, which is set to toggle - that way it will only fire its target once (and thereby open the door) until its condition (i.e. somebody is in there) is no longer met, at which point it will fire target2, closing the door. There's no dynamic lighting and I can't think of a nice way to emulate it. I believe you can make a func_usable toggle a oneshotanimmap, and you could move it via script, but even then it'd be an absurd amount of work that achieves little. Or, if you'd like to get even more complicated: There are animated lightmaps in jka - you can toggle lights, after all - and in theory that technology could be used to swap lightmaps when the door is opened. There are no tools for creating that though, you'd have to change Q3Map2 to make it possible. My advice: Just don't. You can choose which way you'd like the door to be lit since you can move it to its open position and make it start_open, but beyond that just accept it.
  24. Looks like 3h was a terrible underestimation of the time required, since I've now roughly spent that much time and I'm nowhere near done... But I actually want to finish this model in a good quality, so I'll keep at it until I'm satisfied. It will be a couple more days since I'm only spending a couple of hours each day... Hofstadter's Law strikes again. So I'll have to turn the modelling into a time lapse, having multiple silent hours in the video is not going to be of much use. (I've turned off the mic after the initial explanations since there's not much to say about the modelling.)
  25. Just wanted to say I haven't forgotten you, I had meant to have this done already but I'm bedridden with a cold at the moment, it'll be a while.
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