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File Comments posted by Gorc

  1. Made me think of that movie Night in the Museum, was a nice one to rewatch :D Neat effects, i just wish there were more possibilities for JKA, to make the flashlight 100% realistic and have some kind of pin-point directional lightning.

    Funny movie but couldn't bear to watch it for a third time. All of them, really.

    Langerd likes this
  2. Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't the bartender spawn in the t2_rancor level?

    I believe so, but if I remember correctly he doesn't move behind the bar at all. And if you spawn him anywhere, he just sort of runs in place.

  3. The Force Commander menu soundtrack doesn't seem to work for me. It's a shame too, it's the only one I came here for.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I redownloaded it and it worked. The memories are flooding back to me, I might need to dig in my closet to see if I can't find those two discs again.

    Rooxon's Rosh Penin

       457    9

    One thing that's always bothered me about Rosh, is his hairstyle. I dunno, it just looked kind of dumb. Not to mention how whiny he is in the story. The only time he ever sounded remotely "bareable", was when he joined the Dark Side, for a brief period.

    I thought he sounded pretty good when he was lying on the ground... dead

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