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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Pretty much only for placeholders while new models are done.
  2. LODs are lower quality versions of the original model to aid in performance. You'll find them by looking for "_1", "_2" etc on the end of objects.
  3. Tempust85


    This version does everything that the SDK version of carcass does, just that there's no bone jitter present in the animations now.
  4. If you mean the original DF2 Mod, they never released anything. Their most completed level was level 1 Nar Shadda.
  5. Looking good. Did you keep my LODs & added some for the backpack?
  6. I'm going to suggest its a dark trooper, until I read otherwise.
  7. The demo is undergoing fixes/additions, so I wouldn't bother trying to run it right now. Stay tuned for a new demo, no ETA yet.
  8. So what's better: vertex lighting or lightmaps?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MaceMadunusus


      Even in newer game engines it often ends up looking like poop without doing some cleaver normal map, as well as making sure your binormals/tangents are correct in order to get them to work properly. Especially without high vertex count, the lighting quality suffers greatly where you don't have that problem with a lightmap.

    3. Tempust85


      Thanks guys for clearing it up :)

    4. z3filus


      Castel Black project on pause, studies and other irl stuff keep me so busy I can't focus on mapping right now.


  9. To be honest, we only need the sections that appear in the cutscenes to stay the same. I think we should just keep to the same structure while adding a lot more detail.
  10. Don't worry about textures just yet, the most important thing is getting the basic brushwork done.
  11. Shame, it's more useful in SP to the community. I only wish I could help somehow.
  12. What would make you want to work on this again, @@Xycaleth ? (Besides money of course lol). JK enhanced & DF2 mod would love to have this tech in SP.
  13. Sure. Be sure to keep to the look of the level in the DF2 game, while adding some extra detail.
  14. Yeah, anything of hapslash's besides the stormtrooper is to be used either as-is or edited.
  15. I'm wanting an "Angela Harry" Jan Ors, so it matches the cutscenes.
  16. Not using Haps Stormtrooper, it's not accurate for the period. We're using mine which is RotJ armor. Won't need Rahn as he's not seen in-game afaik.
  17. Sure, but have to wait until it's animated to see what can be safely deleted rather than guessing. @@AshuraDX Send me the viewmodel and I'll make the anims, then I'll delete some faces that can't be seen and send it back.
  18. If only we had the JK2 animation source is all I'll say :D :D :D

  19. But will this override the existing lightsaber stuff?
  20. Looking great! Yeah, guns like this have a lot of parts. I wouldn't worry too much about the world model, just be sure to add LODs. I have a few ideas where to reduce some quality, send me the file if you like and I'll show you which areas I'm thinking. The scope on the view model may need to be increased a bit so it looks more round, but only the piece on the grip end of the gun.
  21. I meant having the player bleed when hit.
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