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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Yeah just model the bone sticking out of the cap, but make it all part of the same texture sheet as Wonko said. What I would like to know is, does the game's code have set cap names or does it search the model's surfaces for words like "off" or "cap" ?
  2. Only Max & XSI have JKA rigs as far as I'm aware. I searched all over the net including using that webpage time machine thing and that code is gone. All that exists is a very old version of the plugin. But with Noesis, you should at least be able to get weapons & player models out from Maya. I personally have 0 experience with Maya so I can't test it.
  3. Yay, more work lol. @@Circa @@Caelum Quoting doesn't work properly for some reason.
  4. When is the next episode out after Lothal?
  5. Yeah in SP you can have models load their own GLA & CFG files, but can't do it in MP. That's all I know.
  6. Not that we can have reflection in JKA, but I'll put a mild env shader on it.
  7. Nah, I have the perfect guy - Anthony Ingruber. He played a young version of Harrison's character in Age of Adeline.
  8. You will need VERY simple collision. Using the displayed model as collision isn't wise in any game.
  9. Is there a way to make a misc_model solid in MP? I have a terrain mesh that will take ages to clip brush. I've tried adding the playerclip surfaceparam to the texture shader but does nothing.
  10. Have a look at JKA's yavin water shaders, pretty sure they did something you're after there. Also for the best visuals, you should use the misc_model entity to insert models (made in a 3d package such as 3ds Max, Blender) into your map. You can only do so much with brushwork.
  11. JKA needs moar completed rend2 :P

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Archangel35757


      @Circa - Blasphemer!!! Rend2 will breathe new life into this game engine! @Xycaleth, keep up the great work! It will be worth all of your effort! Thank you!

    3. Circa


      I feel bad because he's the only one working on it, and it's a ton of work. Sure it would be awesome to have, but is it even close to being finished?

    4. Archangel35757


      @Xycaleth - are there any methods/functions you could farm out to other coders?

  12. MB2 would need a new era to add it I would think.
  13. Plenty. Anakin came back to the light side before he died, so it should always be Shaw. Hopefully Disney realises this and will put him back in once a new box set comes out. That, and Hayden made Anakin look like a whiny bitch in EP3. They should have gotten a better actor for EP3. Heck, even the guy who voices Anakin in clone wars was better.
  14. Keep me updated on the progress. When you feel like it's at a stage to fix bugs, let me know as I have found a few.
  15. It looks good in JKA, but I'm still disappointed on the visuals. Needs moar rend2. @@Xycaleth, how are those ghoul2 bugs going?
  16. There was the crew from MB2 doing MB3 on UDK, but they decided to ditch it for an indie project. Would be great if the guy(s) behind this JKO film could make a playable game on UE4.
  17. Rend2 is only available on MP. That'd be great, thank you
  18. Sure, when Xycaleth says rend2 is done. MP only though.
  19. I think he has felt that signature, but doesn't know who it belongs to. All he knows is that the feeling of cold death is familar. I think Tarkin does know who Vader really is, as he tells Vader "you're all that's left of that religion" in EP4.
  20. He would know of Anakin Skywalker, but wouldn't have known he turned into Darth Vader. The only ones who knew that is Obi-wan Kenobi, Yoda, Sidious & possibly Tarkin.
  21. What I mean by "it's original form" is the original rend2 from ioquake3.
  22. Rend2 in it's original form I doubt could mimic even UDK. Still need dynamic shadows for lights for starters. I don't see why the EFX would need overhauling though. If it can't do something we want, we can just animate an MD3 with some decent shader usage.
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