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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Just discovered this: Left is the Max scene, Right is modview. So right now, the normals are borked.
  2. I guess you might get an fps improvement due to models being done on the GPU rather than CPU, but pretty sure it still comes down to the map format. Plus, you can only go so big with current format.
  3. Hmmm well he wants to go with UE4 so good luck to him.
  4. They wouldn't be the only Star Wars project on UE4, Battlecry is doing a "true Battlefront game" on UE4. They have been around for ages now, and haven't received a C&D. Anyways, I sent that mountain guy a PM saying he should come here and help bring modern graphics to OpenJK instead.
  5. Lol there looks to be a team forming to remake JKA on UE4.
  6. Doesn't even look like the same hand from RotJ, so who knows how long he's been there and away from tech to get a better hand. @@AshuraDX I've got the cloth detail on a layer so I can turn it off if need be. I wasn't too sure about adding it when I could overlay a crazybump normal map for the extra detail.
  7. "Old, but not obsolete"

    1. Clan FJA

      Clan FJA

      Yeah, R2D2 has still a lot of surprises.

  8. It's official, I'm old! 30th Bday :P

    1. Bek



    2. Archangel35757


      Hah... I can't remember my 30th!

    3. katanamaru


      Happy belated Birthday!

  9. Small update: Did the boots and added fabric detail.
  10. But will we be able to still export custom normals with your exporter (once you fix it) if we have collapsed the modifier stack?
  11. Chewie

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dat Chinchilla
    3. Tempust85


      I was referring to a scene in the trailer, not just blindly saying "CHEWIE" haha :P

    4. Clan FJA

      Clan FJA

      WOOKIE POWER !!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Has that issue been added to the issues tracker?
  13. Not sure if your exporter does it already, but can you please add the ability to export normals as well? This would be very helpful for custom normals to reduce shading issues.
  14. I feel they are hiding him for plot twist or something.
  15. I'm getting a bit freaked out that we haven't seen Luke Skywalker yet. I sure hope the trailer shows him...
  16. Small update: Refined a few bits, added color.
  17. Well yeah, but I'd rather see it from the movie than a toy just to be sure. It's not a major overhaul I'd have to do to add it later on.
  18. Yeah but still I need to be 100% sure it's Luke's hand. Until I see Luke attached to that hand, I'll keep his right hand skinned.
  19. Lol I mis-read that. Yeah, you cannot move the bones at all. You must always model around the bones. Now the triangle count isn't too bad, but it would need to be reduced somewhat. What 3d package are you using?
  20. That's what you'd do to get a model into JKA, but what minilogoguy said is something that's not JKA-specific but more general practice (at least for me). What's the triangle count on that model? You may need to reduce the overall triangle count to something more suitable for JKA. Definately a decent attempt so far, don't give up now. There's piles of tutorials on youtube for every 3d package.
  21. I wasn't including the thought of wind in what I said, but still what I said is an option though surfacemodel sounds easier.
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