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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Judging from the screens, you already are using it. Just need to swap the arms mesh with the muscle version.
  2. You chose the wrong arm meshes. There's another set of arms for the dagobah version.
  3. I'm officially an old man with a bad back lol

    1. Ramikad


      "I have no further use for you... old man!"

    2. Tempust85
    3. Dat Chinchilla

      Dat Chinchilla

      Part of me wonders how old you really are... Heh, well you can fit the part of Ben.


  4. I don't think it's Han that dies according to a certain scene in the trailer.
  5. The only way I can think of that Kylo Ren would know about Anakin's lightsaber is that he was told by Luke. I'm still thinking Kylo is Luke's failed apprentice, and possibly his son.
  6. Yes you can, but don't ask me how to do it though.
  7. Can now say "I'm seeing episode VII next month" :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tempust85


      Yeah I'm just one of those people where crunching noises and crowded cinemas really get to me. If I'm going to see an awesome movie like Star Wars, I want to have a good experience. Heck, we will be sitting there for a like 2 hours :P

    3. Circa


      I'm actually the same way but I just want to go all out for this one, because I never could when any of the others came out.

    4. Tempust85


      Lol the only character I could go as would be Porkins :P

  8. $20 AU would be $14 US atm, damn the exchange rates. Anyhow, I'll donate sometime before the end of the year.
  9. Say I want to donate $20 US, it will cost me $27 AU which is why I'm asking the currency.
  10. What's the currency?
  11. One of the modding legends has returned, welcome back! I see a few of your portfolio pieces that would be good for JKA. Rend2 needs moar SJC.
  12. I'd rather have a new, unknown story for the sequel trilogy than just have them tell the story directly from the EU. You wouldn't be able to be like "I wonder what's going to happen" while watching, which would suck horribly. Yeah it's quite sad they dumped the EU, but I understand why.
  13. Would need normal maps baked into the diffuse and the poly count lowered before even thinking of rigging it.
  14. I'll be capping these "holes" after I'm done, as twosided will double the triangles rendered if I remember correctly. Everything you see at the moment is part of a sculpt.
  15. Managed to fit the entire body (minus the robe) into a single 1024 sheet: Will be making 2 versions. Normal map version & no normal map version.
  16. No worries, just curious. De-stress, have some chocolate.
  17. Well the -smooth switch in Carcass unifies all normals, no matter if there's mesh breaks but no one wants their entire model smooth unless it's for rend2 lol. So this is what I see needs to happen: - The Max exporter needs to be fixed to allow custom normals, I've verified that carcass reads custom normals from the dotXSI files from Mod Tool. - Need a Maxscript to auto-break the mesh along UV seams so we can use custom normals to smooth out the appearance and hope to shit that carcass will apply the custom normals AFTER it wants to break the model at the UV seams.
  18. Well there's my lol for the morning. @@Xycaleth How's progress? I hear a certain large project for JKA might make good use of rend2 when it's stable and finished.
  19. Lol where is this "we" coming from? I have yet to see/hear that it is indeed Luke. The interview I watched just said about Luke not being in the trailiers.
  20. Rend2 has a feature where you can have an .mtr file (exact same as .shader, just different extension) that it will load first. For example: Vanilla renderer = kyle.shader Rend2 renderer = kyle.mtr
  21. Well he's obviously after Finn to get Anakin's lightsaber & to kill any Jedi.
  22. Leaving PC on to render cavity, AO & curvature maps for Luke's body

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tempust85


      Xnormal, 4x Antialising @ 1024x.

    3. Tempust85


      Maybe took 30 mins, but I didn't want to wait up that long. :P

    4. AshuraDX


      btw you can scrap cavity when baking curvature - the dark areas on the curvature map are pretty much what your cavity map will show

  23. I'd say Kylo is accompanied by the other Knights of Ren. Heck his last name is Ren, so they must be his knights.
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