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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. But 236 bones? Geez! Use its current bones to repose the model to fit the JKA skeleton.
  2. Phase I trooper is just a helmet change tbh, so easy enough to slap on the phase II body.
  3. Would need a slight code change to make that new pistol stance work properly. Basically switching the pistol stand from BOTH_STAND1 to BOTH_ATTACK1 (or w/e the pistol stance is). All because the new pistol pose relies on utilizing the lower body for having the pistol pointing forwards instead of just the upper body like the base JKA stance anims. If JK Enhanced allows GLA overrides in the future, that would help small animation requests such as a new pistol pose or jumping without the need for doing a full GLA recompile.
  4. So basically, Rax Joris with a different torso & goggles? Also an FYI - Noesis exports correct normals for MD3 models (from Max, smoothgroups & explicit), so no need to have PoS blocky looking brushwork or poorly exported MD3 models.
  5. See if you can find another format exporter written in Python for soft image. Could be a good starting point.
  6. I would suggest having a go at converting Wonko's plugins from Blender to Softimage, seems the easier route.
  7. Also, that code snippet from the MD3 exporter doesn't even give proper normals when looking at it in modview (after conversion to GLM) or imported back into Max (using Noesis to export to FBX). Seems pretty broken. I've put your snippet in and it does compile, just crashes the plugin. Open up the Max 6-8 project and search for "Archangel Code - START". The original normals code is just above it.
  8. @@Archangel35757 I think I've found the code for working out normals. So any idea how to stuff your snippet into this? Point3 un_n = allNorms[j]; Point3 & n = _tm.PointTransform( un_n ); Point3 _elv_t = n; _elv_t.y = 0; Point3 _rot_t = n; _rot_t.z = 0; Point3 _elv_n = _elv_t.Normalize(); Point3 _rot_n = _rot_t.Normalize(); float _elv = DotProd( z_axis, _elv_n ); float _rot = DotProd( x_axis, _rot_n ); _elevation = (unsigned char)( acos(_elv) / (2*PI) * 255 ); if( n.y >= 0 ) _rotation = (unsigned char)( acos(_rot) / (2*PI) * 255 ); else _rotation = (unsigned char)( (1.0f - (acos(_rot)/(2*PI))) * 255 ); putc( _elevation, file ); // normal elevation angle: 0 up, 63 sideways and 80 down. putc( _rotation, file ); // normal rotation: 0 straight along X, 40 straight along Y, 7f opposite X, c0 opposite Y
  9. Or you could do it for me. Would probably be faster for the both of us. Do it for one, and I'll transfer it to other Max versions.
  10. I'd suggest any potential animators have a look at games like TFU and how they force jump for ideas on replacing the base JKA jump.
  11. Stress tested the plugin by exporting a 100 frame cloth sim flag which turned out great in MD3view.
  12. Updated the plugins with a cleaner UI and dumping a not-so-useful feature (picking which objects & tags you want to export instead of all in the scene) which didn't compile with unicode. Plugin operation should be self explanatory now with better wording and an example of how to use frames.
  13. Maybe have them undying except on Jedi Master difficulty and give them the health the base game does on padawan.
  14. Removed the link. If anyone desperately needs the source again for a valid reason, let me know.
  15. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16660487/Cloth%20Test.avi Hand animated, with the exception of the left and right nulls at the bottom being spring constraints to give a flow effect.
  16. Added the 64bit versions missing: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y6rm3ppgdmxo1cy/AADaBRmXswJjRC8VEFTUopuna?dl=0
  17. Come get your plugins! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y6rm3ppgdmxo1cy/AADaBRmXswJjRC8VEFTUopuna?dl=0 Multiple Max versions now supported.
    1. Archangel35757


      It's the appropriate thread to resurrect given the subject.

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