SoF2 made first person arms (one GLM per arm, but shares the same GLA), that were bolted to the weapon via the 'gun' bone. They have a different GLA than the weapons, and with slightly different names. I'm guessing the animations are told to run at the same time via code. The arms GLA contains a 'master list' of every weapon animation it has animations for. It's a clever method, but don't I think we need to do things this way. Their scene file must have been massive to have every weapon mesh, every weapon bone, and every weapon animation. Here's a sample of my idea: - e11_fp.GLA (E-11 first person weapon & arms GLA) - e11_fp.GLM (first person weapon mesh, runs off of e11_fp.GLA) - default_arms.GLM (first person arms mesh, runs off of E11_fp.GLA) Load the weapon GLM, then load the arms GLM similar to how the code looks for _hand.MD3 but in this case _arms.GLM. If we separate the arms and weapon mesh, we can set things up for later on if anyone decides on changing viewmodel arms depending on the player model chosen.