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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. That error is due to the scene filename if everything else checks out. Rename it with no spaces but you can use _ instead. Just had this issue last night.
  2. SunExt is the vanilla renderer sun IF you plan on having both renderer compatibility. It also only works if it's a .shader. Having gl2_sun & tone map doesn't break anything in vanilla on all of my tests. Rend2 manual mentions this, have a look.
  3. @@Boothand It will do the same thing, yes. I compiled my test map with -light. Here's my other test map sky shader which is rend2 ready: textures/skies/testsky { qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm sky // vanilla-compatible sun q3map_sunExt 240 238 200 100 195 75 3 16 //q3gl2_sun <red> <green> <blue> <intensity> <degrees> <mapLightScale> <ambientLightScale> q3gl2_sun 240 238 200 50 195 75 3 0.5 0.2 //q3gl2_tonemap <toneMapMin> <toneMapAvg> <toneMapMax <autoExposureMin> <autoExposureMax> q3gl2_tonemap -5 -1.5 0 -2.0 2.0 q3map_skylight 50 16 q3map_lightimage $whiteimage skyParms textures/skies/desert 512 - }
  4. The sky I used is hevil (base JKA shader), using r_forcesun 1 (r_forcesun 2 is a moving light source). r_forcesun should only be used for testing, you should always make a proper rend2 compatible sky shader. @@Archangel35757 I think so. Won't really know for sure if it's 100% working until someone like @@Almightygir puts a model ingame. My test subjects suck because they are either really basic or are model ports.
  5. Upload the file, I'll have a look. If nothing else, it can be a model.
  6. Update: Found a free to use eyeball texture. I think it looks loads better.
  7. Ugh.....no. Turning DF2's videos into cutscenes looks like absolute shit

    1. eezstreet


      needs more rend2

    2. Tempust85


      found I can call any facial animation via script but would need a bunch of talk animations & SET_ANIM_HEAD added along side SET_ANIM_UPPER & LOWER

    3. eezstreet


      Adding new SET_ functions is really easy, check out Q3_Interface, or just search for "SET_ANIM_" and it'll give you some idea.

      For the facial animations, that's where mocap comes into play. ;) That's a pretty primitive and SLOW approach. But until a definitive approach is ironed out, there's not much that can be done.

  8. That kyle is a normal map test which I painted an X on his back, ignore it. I had a good muck around and rend2's specular is broken. The problem doesn't lie with an incorrect shader, because that exact shader shows specular in ioquake3 rend2.
  9. It would require coding, and I'm not really a coder. It would be cool to have if we ever get a coder.
  10. The level that has it is being worked on, but that model won't be needed just yet so you have time.
  11. @@Boothand This is what I get with your normal map + parallax + white diffuse + r_forcesun 1: I had to modify your shader a bit: textures/bricks/bricks3 { qer_editorimage textures/bricks/bricks3 { map textures/bricks/bricks3 rgbGen vertexLit } { stage normalparallaxmap map textures/bricks/bricks3_nmap } }
  12. I hate it when I think a model is good enough to post a pic of, but find out 5 mins before posting that its got something wrong with it lol

    1. Archangel35757


      Same here with uploading plugins for approval -- only to find something is wrong with them. ;)

    2. ent


      Lucky you! I find mistakes just after releasing :(

    3. Archangel35757
  13. Yeah that's one of my old models that Plasma helped texture. I now go by DT these days. I don't have it on my PC anymore, but I know it was used in MB2 so I'm sure someone has it.
  14. The parallax texture is now showing up in the thread, i'll muck around with this tomorrow and see what if I can't find what's going on.
  15. Ok, put the normal map back how you had it originally and invert the green channel of your normal map. I can't test this myself as the parallax image isn't showing up in this thread anymore.
  16. Yeah it is broken. I'll have a browse in the code to see if I can find the area where it does specular. About that parallax thing, the normal map itself could be too strong. I suggest playing around with the levels.
  17. How does the normal + parallax maps look in a 3d program?
  18. I'd love a face tutorial from you, those are awesome.
  19. - convert the brushes, including an origin brush into a func_static - create ref_tags as points for the func_static to move along - set up a targetname for each ref_tag so you can call them via script - set up a script_targetname for the func_static - create your script like so (this is a very basic script that just operates the func_static and has an infinite loop): - create a trigger brush that is targeted to a target_scriptrunner - add usescript to your target_scriptrunner with the path and file name (minus the extension) of your script
  20. Update: Still trying to get it to look like Jason Court, but not quite there yet.
  21. It must be something to do with SDK changes from 8 onwards as it works perfectly in Max 8.
  22. I just used a func_static and a bunch of ref_tags in Nar Shaddaa.
  23. Ghoul2 viewmodels are now able to be used by the game, so I request ALL of the DF2 weapons be made. Will need new kyle arms first though which I'm working on.
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