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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. First, that shark game looks awesome. 2nd, wut? Not everyone cares about immersion-like you seem to do. If I want to walk around as a lightsaber wielding shark, I'll darn well do that, and you can keep your whining about my personal fetishes to yourself. Furthermore, why do you even care? even if you are playing with me, I'll just look like Kyle.
  2. Hearing from good old rww wold be nice. Especially since a while back he said something like, "I'm going to do something with it at some point." (Referring to the JKA source code release), I'd be kind of interested to hear what he's done/planning on doing/wants to do with it. On that note, just discovered he has this thing called Noesis that seems like it might actually be a useful tool. Huh.
  3. Ah Tremulous, I miss thee. What I discovered: Nuhallis, does it ever happen with base jka maps?
  4. If you want to play as a joke model, nobody is going to stop you. If you want to request non-starwars models, your chances of that request being fulfilled decreases, but who knows you might find some cook who enjoys cooky models. Like that shark fellow: http://jkhub.org/topic/4054-some-model-requests/
  5. Wasn't being serious, just joking. We don't bother with translations at the moment, because it is too much work and development in just English takes long enough at is.
  6. And this is why there will never be a Polish translation for JKG.
  7. This is something some of the modelers might find more interesting than a Savage Opress model. (read: teaching you how to model). If I were you I'd politely pursue that route. On the side, I'll also point out that if anyone is wondering why the Maul game was cancelled, I shall provide the answer "Apparently it featured this weird time travel story allowing Darth Maul and Savage Oppress to interact with such characters as Darth Talon, Darth Krayt among other Sith that were prevalent in the EU." Because bringing Maul back to life was a terrible decision and just screams of desperation, especially since now they're trying to throw time travel in it. That's when you know a story has gone south and descended to practical fan fiction levels. This correlates as to why no one is taking you up on your request. We just aren't interested in the poor characters.
  8. Love that first one (republic cruiser) especially! Very detailed.
  9. I believe he looks best in a suit coat.
  10. Futuza

    avi instead roq

    Why not? I'm sure JA would be a great new movie pirating program. On the other hand if someone does take the time to add support for a bunch of different video codecs (begin operation merge vlc source code!), I'm not going to stop them. Kudos to them.
  11. Windows server is fine, the biggest issue as Raz0r pointed out is it requires a licence and is obviously more expensive than (free) linux.
  12. Yes, but there's no need to hook openjk, since it is all open source. Python probably won't work all that well, since openjk is in C (with a little bit of C++), but you I guess you could maybe make python work in a weird roundabout sort of way. Others could probably give you more advice about doing that sort of thing, as I'm not really all that familiar with this particular part of the source code. I'd recommend hopping on #jacoders on irc for advice after you download the code, compile it, and then read some of the console related bits.
  13. Ah. This explains a lot. I see why he decided to just go at a regular pace.
  14. I feel like I'm missing something. Did you do a bunch of fancy mods back in the day or something?
  15. Lol. Needs more Presidents. I want a Taft.
  16. Futuza


    Welcome back to the community oh ancient one.
  17. It's almost like you guys get inspiration from the same place...
  18. ^^What, you don't like it when Shark's use toothpaste and forget to rinse? And I wonder what they'll do on land. Flop around uselessly, or maybe they'll act more like swoops.
  19. If this bit is scaring you couldn't exec autoexec.cfg Don't let it, it's nothing to worry about.
  20. I believe there is a project idea floating around somewhere for a match making system for openjk, don't know where that is/what it was called/how it is doing, but that may interest you if is still a thing.
  21. y u no like me English? Powodzenia w polskim RPG nadzieję, że graczy!
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