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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Yay. I really look forward to those neat looking shaders. But life carries on doesn't it?
  2. Maybe because you can't install dreams?
  3. Huh. I always thought you had to select one brush, and then invert your selection and reselect the original brush. This is neat.
  4. It's not that it didn't fit, it's more like, we just didn't have time to work on it in light of more important things. Wouldn't a scrolling list of npcs work better/fit better on the screen then just a massive list spanning multiple columns?
  5. I'd rather just see a new story, with a gamestyle similar to JKA/JK2. No remakes please.
  6. I require inspiration, where is this site of yours?
  7. Part of this project is making a massive army of ugly people for me to have fun with.
  8. You would need a completely new BSP for that since it would contain different brushes and the difference is not just textures/shaders etc... So basically that wouldn't work, unless everyone on the server has the map.
  9. Nothing is stopping you/someone else from implementing it yourself in a separate branch though.
  10. Yeah I'm not really understanding why you want to move things around/what you want to accomplish?
  11. Doing this is legal grey area mind you and most of us frown upon it.
  12. I usually only see people on the official dev server, usually weekday evenings get a little bit more exciting. (
  13. Yes. Please give credit where credit is due though.
  14. RoTJ Vader vs Luke is also my favorite, though in terms of sheer awesome fight Anakin vs Obiwan is pretty cool. Dramatically though the RotJ is much more impressive.
  15. As far as props go the Kolto tank in this pack might come in handy. This collection of screenshots might come in handy: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1578-map-models-image-reference-library-for-jk2jka/ Basically you need one of these:
  16. You might have to explain that one, I just don't see it.
  17. Return of the Jedi has always been my favorite. Yes, it has terribad Ewoks, but if you can get over that it is amazing. Plus the Emperor really shows his stuff. So awesome.
  18. It is because they're too perfect, in real life movement, wind, bad seamstresses, etc...would make them all slightly off set and have creases and folds, etc...breaking up the perfect straight lines.
  19. You going to add some accessories for him? (Kind of like how the base jka jawa's come loaded with stuff?)
  20. delete [] data; //I don't get it, y u crash here?

    1. Xycaleth


      Lots of reasons :P Corrupt memory, pointer not allocated using new[], mismatching C++ runtimes (library compiled with a different version of Visual Studio from what you're using to compile your program)... etc etc

    2. Futuza


      Ahaha, apparently I had duplicate pointers. They didn't like being choked off.

  21. Dang. I'm surprised no one has ever done a Degobah map. I am disappoint jka modders.
  22. Guess it depends on what you want to know? Right now we're running a beta test of the new launcher, to make sure I didn't break anything with it before I move on to the game itself. Pande is finishing up another map that will be released (and hopefully he'll have time to bug fix some of the old ones that have a few minor errors) soon-ish, this will likely also be released as a regular jka map as well. As far as game content? No, not much has changed, especially since eezstreet retired, no one has really worked much on the game code itself since March 25, 2014. However, depending on how long you've been away, there may be some interesting tidbits of news that you may not have heard yet: -We switched over to using openjk as the engine (lots of work, also lots of things are somewhat broken, due to the fact that when we used jamp we used a lot of engine hooks to do things) -Lightsabers were added (fair warning they're a little broken in the current build) -More UI work was done, very little of the jka ui remains (what is still left is temporary) -NPC AI is more fancy (still a little retarded though, especially with sabers, but hey it is a lot better than base jka) -A bounty system was also put in place (needs more work though) -We went opensource so everyone can easily contribute and help us make the game better Assuming I get the last of the launcher bugs worked out in the next week or two, I hope to be able to start fixing a few of the bugs in the current build: -Broken weapon ammo counters (formerly used an engine hook, so it needs to be rewritten) -Correct the way JKG Server's show up in the server list (we currently show ALL jka servers, oops) -Fix lightsabers (the block system isn't quite working as intended and animations are a bit derpy) -Add a new ammo system (basically if you run out ammo, you can buy new ammo), along with this I also need to bring back the "sell" button in the shop allowing you to resell weapons back -ReMerge JKG to be back on track with latest OpenJK builds (read: fix a lot of things that will probably break when this happens) -Other things I'm forgetting about like Derpy Roll/Crouching, Sprint Stuttering, Invisible Saber bug, vid_restart drops client data etc... Long Term Goals from my perspective: -Work with Pande to get a sample hub world implemented (possibly with a simple quest and some talking npcs that do stuff, etc...) -Implement some new gametypes, eg: Protect the VIP, Assassin, CTF etc... -Get the account system working and some basic character data storing eg: server remembers how many credits you had when you last logged out, what your position was, what team you were on etc... Probably more than you wanted to know, but hey there you go. The best way to keep up with us, is just ask how things are going on our IRC channel. Easy link here: http://jkgalaxies.com/irc/
  23. So basically you just want a texture upgrade to FFA3? Maybe this?
  24. I wasn't aware there was any "programmation" involved in skinning, but I'm sure he could use some skinning help.
  25. Please Mon Mothma never looked this sexy.
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