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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Figured it out, the file was missing a comma :/ Jetpack problem I already knew about. Thanks for letting us know. Releases are hard.
  2. Do you know which armors crashed in the shop? I think I know what the jetpack problem is, but not sure about armor. EDIT: looks like gloves_stormtrooper breaks
  3. JKG's newest version should work on Mac if you want to test it (plus that would be hugely helpful to us).
  4. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Jedi+Knight+Galaxies+Scrimmage&iso=20171230T14&p1=704
  5. We don't know that for sure, he doesn't have yellow eyes though. Noodle corrected me, see below.
  6. To get you started: https://soundcloud.com/the-force-awakens/there-has-been-an-awakening https://soundcloud.com/the-force-awakens/the-dark-side Beyond that you'll probably have to rip sounds from the films, I don't know of any games that have included Snoke with dialogue/sounds yet (other than maybe Lego Star Wars).
  7. Okay cool thanks. By the way, is anyone still using XP or do I need to make a build for that?
  8. You should look at how JKG does most of our stuff, we haven't gotten to force powers yet, but we try to make things as "softwcoded" as possible so everything can be changed in json files on the server host's whim.
  9. Just an update for everyone. We've been working on a ton of stuff lately and fixed a bunch of bugs and added some new features too. We're getting very close to a release now and should have more news soonish. Looking forward to the scrimmage match with everyone!
  10. It's more of a matter of not caring for me. I don't see why it matters that what they did mattered. That's how real life is. Often your life's work is undone by others. This is a new era and we need to "let the past die, kill it if you have to".
  11. Corrected and clarified initial post.
  12. I'm pretty sure more will be forthcoming in 9, and other supplemental materials like comics and games etc, as much as people want to know where Snoke is coming it really doesn't affect the trilogy and would just be an info dump.
  13. 1. Yeah that's a good point. I think 5 is a good number, that's how many GTA is and it is simple enough. I'll see if I can simplify it a bit. I like the idea of making it a debuff though, that's a good way of thinking about this. 2. Hahahaha....I didn't even think about...okay yeahhhh new name. NP sounds good. 3. Yes. 4. That's where I'm a little unsure. The problem is there's potential for cheesy abuse depending on how we do it. (eg: Players equip some good items, but fill the rest of their equipped slots with worthless junk they don't mind losing. There's also the problem of them deliberately trying to die with cheap items after committing a bunch of crimes to reduce their "CP" back to manageable levels. I'm thinking the best way to do it is probably to increase the reduction from 100 "CP" for dying to 150 if the equipped item dropped is considered valuable (so 50 additional per valuable equipped item dropped). 5. Ah something I forgot to explain. If you are not the aggressor (ie: You are Greedo and the opponent is Han), it does not contribute to your "CP" score. Additionally there needs to be a tier for "active criminals". ie: People who have fired a weapon doing damage to another player (regardless of whether they have "CP" yet). The action of attacking someone should add some small "CP" to your total (I'm thinking somewhere around +25), but more importantly it will enable an aggressor debuff on the initiator. For the next 30 seconds, if you are killed with that debuff active an effect similar to having "CP" will occur (dropping additional inventory items/credits etc) that stacks with your current "CP" debuff. Anyone who kills or attacks someone with an aggressor debuff active, does not incur "CP". Will edit post with corrections.
  14. Star Wars sale on Steam and Gog again: http://store.steampowered.com/app/6020/STAR_WARS_Jedi_Knight__Jedi_Academy/ https://www.gog.com/game/star_wars_jedi_knight_jedi_academy
  15. I'll write a review later, but I liked it a lot. Lot better than The Force Awakens.
  16. Eventually you will be able to loot other player's corpses in Jedi Knight Galaxies. In Phase 1, this will likely either not occur or be very limited. In Phase 3 and onward however, this will be very important to the game's economy and cutthroat nature. Here's how it'll work: Scenario Let's say you, Joe, are a terrible player and have let eezstreet kill you. You have done nothing wrong, he is just a blood thirsty raider looking for loot. After killing you eezstreet walks up to your corpse and presses +use, it will then open up your loot container. Inside he finds a 100 credits, 5 clips of ammo, and a class e thermal detonator. All things you were carrying before dying. You respawn and no longer have these items. However, most of your money and inventory has gone untouched thankfully. This is because you had not committed any crimes. Back to eezstreet. He's feeling a little sad the best thing you dropped was a thermal detonator. However, he sighs and loots the corpse taking everything. Not even worth the notoriety points he thinks as he jogs through the small backwater town of Tatooine. Unfortunately he comes too close to a pair of stormtroopers and they notice him. "Halt!" one of them cries. "Stop right there criminal scum!" the other echoes. eezstreet begins sprinting, ignoring the pair of stormtroopers tasked with keeping the small town safe. After a few seconds, the stormtroopers realize he is not listening and decide to use deadly force. Blaster bolts from an E-11 begin spraying the side of a small farmhouse as eezstreet ducks and weaves between durasteel containers and old junk. Unfortunately, the stormtrooper's are not being tasked with letting the rogue criminal get away and their precise aim strikes eezstreet in the rear bringing him to the ground with an echo of blaster fire sounding in the terrified village. The stormtroopers inspect the body ensuring they've done their job and then walk back to their post, grumbling about the paperwork they'll have to do. Unnoticed to the stormtroopers another player begins looting eezstreet's corpse. A significant bounty indeed. Not only does it contain the thermal detonator and clips of ammo stolen from before, but a large portion of credits (2432 to be exact), and 15 other clips of ammo, three guns, and a number of grenades. The scavenger quickly snatches the items and then lumbers off with his haul. Outline Looting in JKG has three main parts to it: 1) killing other players 2) being killed with a criminal status (a notoriety debuff) 3) being killed without a criminal status In order to loot another player you must first kill them (duh). A cooldown will begin preventing other player's from looting their corpse. The system will consider the killer to be the person who did 80% of the damage or if no one has reached that percentage, the person to last hit the player. During the cooldown you can loot the corpse to your content without worrying about other player's stealing your loot. After the cooldown expires the corpse will first open to anyone in your faction and then after fifteen seconds to everyone, regardless of team. Anyone can loot the corpse at this point. The cooldowns will work slightly different if you are part of a team (shares first with team before globally sharing loot). When looting a corpse you'll see a menu similar to the following: Double clicking on an item will take the item. Hovering over an item with the mouse curso will bring up a detailed tooltip description. Pressing space will take all the loot provided you have sufficient room in your inventory, otherwise it will take loot until inventory is full, leaving the remaining in the corpse's remains. Pressing esc or the x closes out the menu. There will also be tooltips: When you kill other player's in zones where such an activity is illegal (most towns, some other places). You will gain criminal points notoriety points. NPC guards, such as stormtroopers, if they notice you will stop you and ask you to pay a fine depending on your notorietypoint total. High enough totals will result in them simply attacking you on the spot. Murder is considered especially heinous and will gain you a lot of notoriety points. Other activities in JKG can also earn you notoriety points such as pitpocketing, certain quest options, simply being on an opposing faction as the current zones, etc. Looting corpses will also add a very small amount of notoriety points if done in the sight of npc guards (considered very uncouth and disrespectful). Comparatively looting itself is worth only a few points, while murder is at least 100 depending on the target. If you kill another criminal, if their own notoriety point total exceeds 100 you may attack and kill them without repercussion (you're basically doing the guards job for them). If you gain enough notoriety points (say...500), bounties may also be placed on you by NPCs and anyone who kills you and turns in your datapad will be awarded the bounty money. Player's can place bounties on any other player at any time for any reason (notoriety points have nothing to do with player awarded bounties, somebody might just want you dead), but that's a topic for a different time. Many zones are lawless and do not affect your notoriety point total (such as the Dunesea on Tatooine) and you can commit any crimes there to your heart's content (but so can other player's so watch out!). When you kill someone they are guaranteed to drop the following: Their datapad data (helps you complete some quests or collect bounties, cannot be sold or exchanged except to certain npcs). This is equivalent to their autopsy report as generated by your datapad and used in the Star Wars universe to prove deaths. This does not need to be looted and is automatically collected. 150 credits or 10% of their on hand credits whatever is highest (if carrying 5000 credits == 500 credits dropped). Their 3 least valuable items (some items are excluded from dropping such as quest items) in their inventory. If they have less than three, the remaining items are dropped. Equipped items are not included in this! Any unique items with legendary tier (more on this in another topic). Relevant quest items (any items you would need to complete a quest by killing the player). For example a flag in CTF mode.Additionally, when you initiate an attack on someone (do damage with a weapon or attack), as long as they also do not have the Aggressor Debuff or notoriety points exceeding 100, you will gain an Aggressor Debuff and +25 notoriety points (NP). The debuff lasts for 30 seconds (this is configurable). This debuff has the following effects: When killed, instead of dropping 10% of on hand credits, you drop 25% or 300 whichever is higher.When killed, you have a 50% chance of randomly dropping any item in your inventory. Equipped items are not included in this!When killed the debuff is removed.People who attack you do not gain this debuffYou are marked as an aggressor and depending on the NPC behavior settings, most will attack you or flee from you. In some areas, fights are so common though that most people have stopped reacting unless they are attacked.However, if the person you kill has notoriety points they are a whole different story. People with NP have increasing odds of dropping something valuable in addition to the above stated. The following effects stack with the Agressor Debuff's effects. Here's a table: 1-99 NP = +3 additional item (of least value), +300 credits.100-300 NP= +5 additional items(of least value), +500 credits, +2 "valuable" items (any inventory item, not part of "least value" has chance to drop). 301-600 NP= +5 additional items(of least value), +1000 credits or 25% of credits whichever is greater, +4 valuable items, +1 equipped item (any equipped item has a chance of dropping). Note: At this point most NPCs will attack you on sight. Rather than trying to fine you.601-999 NP= All inventory items that are not equipped, +2500 credits or 50% of credits whichever is greater, +1 equipped item (random chance of any equipped item being the one to drop)1000+ NP= All items in inventory, all credits, +2 equipped items, the remaining equipped items each have a 50% chance of dropping. You can reduce your NP, by doing any of the following: Each time you die reduces your NP by 100.Killing another player who's own NP exceeds 100 will reduce your own NP by 50.Paying your fine through a government agency or guards that contact you (if you run away they won't initiate the conversation and will start shooting).For each valuable, equipped item dropped upon death, your NP decreases by an additional 50. What is considered "valuable" will be set by a cvar.Waiting. Over time (while in game) your NP will gradually decrease. This resets if you commit any new crimes.Player's that have high NP, but nothing equipped or in their inventory, don't drop what they don't have. Corpses that are not looted within 12 hours disappear if they do not contain any loot exceeding 1000 credits. After 72 hours those that do will also disappear.
  17. 1. Thanks. Missed that. 2. Spice is basically PCP+Heroin and Death Sticks are cigarettes. So yes, while both are deadly and addictive, Spice is far worse. 3. Yeah, that's just an example. It is whatever +moveleft, +forward, +moveright, and +back are bound to.
  18. I like that idea Noodle. Yes, enemies can shoot it/throw nades at it to break it before its run out of charge. Could probably have different variants one that damages friendly forces, and one that doesn't. Personally I'd lean more toward having it affect both teams, but not actually do damage to friendlies (acts as a barrier to both). More Crazy Ideas: Note - Unless specified otherwise, buffs last for the stated time, except when removed/reduced by another buff/debuff or upon death. Note - See below section for details on specific debuffs. Should probably make one for generic buffs too. Oh well. Bacta Canister (Small) - Instantly heals 15 hp and then places a healing buff on the user that lasts for 10 seconds and heals 2 hp per second over time. 200 credits. Bacta Canister (Medium) - Instantly heals 25 hp and then places a healing buff on the user that lasts for 20 seconds and heals 2 hp per second over time. 275 credits. Bacta Canister (Large) - Instantly heals 35 hp and then places a healing buff on the user that lasts for 30 seconds and heals 2 hp per second over time. 375 credits. Hyper Bacta Injection- Instantly heals 20 hp and then places a healing buff on the user that lasts for 15 seconds and heals 3 hp per second over time. Also places a buff on the user making them resistant to further harm (damage). This lasts for 10 seconds and reduces all damage received by 1. 300 credits. Antidote Kit (Minor) - Instantly heals 10 hp and places a buff on the user that lasts for 30 seconds. The buff has a 25% chance of removing toxins (removes poison debuff), this occurs each tick. The buff also reduces all poison damage by 1. 200 credits. Antidote Kit (Major) - Instantly heals 15 hp and places a buff on the user that lasts for 60 seconds. The buff has a 45% chance of removing toxins each tick, also reduces all poison damage by half (reduces 1 damage to 0). 400 credits. Master Sabla-Mandibu's Vaccine - Makes the user immune to poison damage for 120 seconds, or until death. Very rare. 600 credits. Canister of bacta with a broken seal - Has a 50% chance of healing 20 hp instantly, a 30% chance of doing nothing (merely consuming the item), and a 20% chance of inflicting the poison debuff on the user. 90 credits. Fire Retardant Serum - Places a buff on the user that lasts 45 seconds, reduces fire damage taken by the user by half. (Cannot be reduced to 0, rounding down limited to 1). 115 credits. Medkit - After using starts a medkit animation that takes a few seconds to activate, if interrupted (shot or if you attack someone) it cancels the use of the item, heals 25 hp. Alternatively it can be dropped on the ground to be instantly used by other players, after playing the activation animation. All other "medkit" items behave this way as well. 120 credits. Professional Medkit - Heals 50 hp. Alternatively it can be dropped on the ground to be instantly used by other players. 315 credits. Blackmarket Medkit - Has a 50% chance of instantly healing half of the player's max hp value, has a 35% chance of healing 25 hp, 15% chance of doing 10 dmg and applying a poison debuff to the user. Alternatively it can be dropped on the ground to be instantly used by other players. 350 credits. Superb Medkit - Heals 75 hp. Alternatively it can be dropped on the ground to be instantly used by other players. 600 credits. Medkit Trap - When used places the 'medkit' on the ground making it appear to be a normal medkit. However, if an enemy player walks over it or picks it up - it will explode doing 15 dmg and apply a bleed debuff. Your teammates can pick it up and move it once it has been placed, but cannot use it to do damage to themselves. It will also appear with a toxic logo to friendly players, but as a normal medkit to enemy players. Thanks to Noddle for the idea. 100 credits. Adrenal Stimulant Injection - When used provides a buff that lasts 45 seconds. The buff increases the player's max stamina by 40%, reduces stamina usage by 40%, and increases the regen rate of stamina by 20%. 300 credits. Hyper Adrenal Stimulant Injection - When used provides a buff that lasts 75 seconds. The buff doubles the player's max stamina, reduces stamina usage by 50%, and increases the regen rate of stamina by 50%. Has a 10% chance that when used will place a poison debuff on the user. 500 credits. Wookiee Battle Stimulant - When used provides a buff that lasts for 60 seconds. The buff doubles the damage done with melee, increases the regen rate of stamina by 40% and increases movement speed by 25%. If you are inflicted with the bleed debuff while this buff is active, damage done with melee is doubled again (quadrupled) for the duration of the bleed debuff. 400 credits. Dewback Adrenal Stimulant - May be used by player's or used on living vehicles (such as Tauntaun's). Places a buff that lasts for 120 seconds on the target. The buff increases movement speed by 10%, increases max stamina by 25%, and reduces all weight carried by half. 200 credits. Echani Battle Stimulant - When used provides a buff that lasts for 60 seconds. The buff reduces recoil by 50%, increases the regen rate of stamina by 30%, and decreases received direct damage by 40% (does not reduce debuff damage). If you are inflicted with the poison debuff while this buff is active, there is a 50% chance that both the poison and battle stim debuffs will be removed on the first tick of poison damage and a Hallucinogen Debuff will replace it. See below for details. 350 credits. Spice - A highly addictive drug that includes some performance enhancement. Applies the Hallucionogen Debuff (Spice) debuff to the user if used. 500 credits. Deathsticks - An addictive deadly drug. When used applies both the Hallucinogen Debuff debuff and Poison debuff to the user. 75 credits. Alcohol - A midly addictive drug. When used applies the Hallucinogen Debuff debuff to the user. More expensive versions make the debuff last longer. Also reduces all direct damage by 1 (doesn't effect debuff damage), while the hallucinogen debuff is active. 10-25 credits. Bacta Grenade - When thrown, heals 20 hp to the area and applies a buff that heals those hit for 20 seconds, doing 2 hp per second. 400 credits. Toxic Debuff Types Each of the following count as a toxin/toxic for the purposes of receiving antidotes. Poison - Lasts for 7 seconds. Does 5% of user's current health each second, does not round down past 1. Deadly Poison - Lasts for 10 seconds. Does 10% of the user's current health each second, does not round down past 1. Toxic Disease - Lasts for 18 seconds. Causes extreme blur for user and does 1 points of dmg per second. If other player's or npcs (friendly or enemy) are within 5 feet of the player they will also receive the debuff if they do not already have it. Appears to be a dark green cloud to inflicted player's. NPCs will treat spreading this debuff as hostile. Hallucinogen Debuff (standard) - Lasts for 10 seconds. The user will experience hallucinations that cause reality to be perceived in a very distorted manner (crazy post-processing effects, like inverted colors, blur, etc.) and makes the user very unbalanced (left and right movement binds are temporarily switched). The user is also unable to sprint while inflicted. If inflicted on npcs they will usually run in circles while laughing for the duration of the debuff. Hallucionogen Debuff (Spice) - Lasts for 60 seconds. The user experiences extreme hallucinations and vision is obscured and blurred. Movement speed is increased to 300%, but the movement binds (W, A, S, D) are all randomly shuffled and assigned after 30 seconds of the debuff (w may become d, d may become s, etc.). During the last 10 seconds of the debuff, the user will receive the poison debuff. If used by npcs they will usually run in circles while laughing for the duration of the debuff, while occasionally jumping and taunting.
  19. Darth Futuza: Mountain Standard UTC -7Whenever should be good, except the 31st evening.WindowsWill try to get friends+cousins to participateCan record video, but not able to stream live without better internet.
  20. Summons for people who may have been interested in the past. If this annoys you, send me a PM and I'll be sure not to bother you in the future with JKG events @@Seven @ @@Stoiss @@swegmaster @@Noodle @@nyarl @@MagSul @@SeTh @@1NaCsTeR @@MagSul @@Silverfang @@ooxavenue @@DT85 @@ensiform @@Onysfx @@ensiform @@UniqueOne @@Bek @@Pande @@therfiles @@Xycaleth @@Ramikad @@Beans @@Searchy @@Dalo Lorn @@ranhcase
  21. Well other than what you already mentioned, here's a few ideas: Pacnorval Defense Systems: Howler - Upon use, places a sonic generator on the ground that will affect a large radius around it inflicting sonic damage and rendering movement into the field next to impossible. This will use a similar effect to the howlers from Yavin and cause players that approach the field to cover their ears and be unable to advance forward, while taking a small amount of damage while they remain in the sonic field. Acts as a temporary barricade until it runs out of charge. Lasts 45-75 seconds. Category: Other Kystallio RMD-20 Probe Droid - When launched, ascends vertically and begins surveying the battlefield below reporting enemy positions that pass through the area. Covers a large ground surface, but can only detect what is immediately beneath it (an underground passageway would not be detected). Small, hard to see and cheap these droids help turn the tide of battle by providing valuable information to their owners. Because of their cheap construction and lightweight design, they are extremely easy to destroy and have a self destruction mechanism built in to prevent others from extracting data from them if discovered. This item makes enemy players show up on the radar/map as well as an outline appear through walls to those who have a helmet or headgear with radar HUD tech. eg: Stormtrooper helmets. Category: Other ChandriTech PX-7 Heat Sensor - When placed on a surface, will detect any passing enemy players passing nearby and give a warning ping to the user and their team. Also warns if destroyed. Has two modes, beam and proximity. Similar to trip mines, but more informational than a weapon. Category: Other/Deployable
  22. What new project are you guys referring to in the video? You mention Unreal engine? Is this just a hypothetical jk4 or what?
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